(26 Aug 10, 08:33PM)Kirin Wrote: probably you enabled the old sniper script in scripts.cfg, that no longer works,
now sniper has got this options:
scopesensscale [x] (multiplier for sensitivity when zooming)
autoscopesens [0:1] (when set to 1 the sensitivity of the zoomed sniper will get adjusted to the zoom applied for a perfect sniper feeling, it bypasses scopesensscale, i personally recommend it ON)
setscope [0:1] (when using sniper, setting this to 1 enables the zoom)
there is no more aliases for sniper it's all hardcoded.
if you didnt get what i mean show me your script and i'll try to fix it for you.
EDIT. Remake of the zoom-script, no longer need to wait for bukz :P
works for AC (/me doesnt want to make it for older patches)[SELECT ALL] Code://ZoomWheel-Script by Kirin
if (checkalias dscopefov) [] [
dscopefov = $scopefov;
echo (c 0) Zoom Script by (c X) Kirin (c 0) successfully injected!
autoscopesens 1
scopefov $dscopefov
alias delta_game_zoomwh [-= scopefov (* 10 $arg1)]
alias altaction_5 [ domodifier zoomwh; scopefov $dscopefov; setscope 1; onrelease [ setscope 0 ] ] // Sniper
Thanks, above script works in AC, but it has some disadvantages:
- zooming isn't smooth - scopefov delta should be bigger
for large scopefov values and getting smaller
near scopefov mininimum value
- "autoscopesens" is a little bit crappy - the sensitivity isn't constans
while zooming and generally I prefer to have control over it
So, I still want to write my own scope-zoom-script
and I have some questions about yours -
- ac scripts documentation is very poor.
What is it / what does it do:
checkalias xxx - check if there is "xxx" entry in saved.cfg?
[-= scopefov (..)] - is it just [scopefov = scopefov - (..)]?