How do I enable this for my server?
Put the options in servercmdline.txt
You really should know all this before hosting a server though.
To find servercmdline.txt, go to your AC app, right click (control click) and click "Show Package Contents" Then go to contents>gamedata>config>servercmdline.txt
If that doesn't make sense, then I'd seriously reconsider hosting a server. In that file, it is very well documented on the different switches, spend your time and set them up. Then go to serverpwd.cfg and add the passwords there. -x is outdated and really -X should be the only switch used (it points to a pwd file) although you dont need to set it if your using the default file.
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RE: How do I enable this for my server? - by Ronald_Reagan - 25 Nov 10, 03:18AM