07 Nov 10, 07:03AM
May I suggest that the shotty is a tad bit overpowered? The 2 hit kill at medium distance is really bugging me. A while ago, the admins banned headshot city and ezjemville as they were "no skill crap maps" where any cross eyed noob could click and get a kill. They wanted assault cube to be fast paced and full of decently skilled players. Now not to discriminate or insult shotty players but it requires the least skill out of all the weapons and is arguably the most common weapon. Any player can click and "splatter" someone without taking a single bullet. But you must see that pubs are ruined because 50% of the players run around with splatter guns mindlessly. I feel that this overpowerment of the shotgun has damaged the gameplay more than buffed it. I realize you want to make it a competitive weapon but I think it should spread more but do the same damage as in 1.0 so you can still hit from far away, but less damage. Also, the low power of the sniper is a large downfall, but I cannot complain. I can use the AR and SMG pretty well in 1.1. However, I must note that few maps allow for long sniping and sniper usage. Small maps such as mines or gothic are shottyfests. Only shine and depot are semi ideal for a sniper so I would suggest bring in a bit longer distances. My 2 cents, KN!F3