(16 Oct 10, 12:19PM)tipper|DES| Wrote: Lotsa chat about the sniper. Want to know what I think(?)…..didn’t think so, but I’m going to tell you anyway. It doesn’t belong in ac.
Just about every beginner picks up the sniper and sits in some main traffic spot getting in everyone’s way, slowing the game down and generally pissing everyone off.
I cant count the number of sniper “players” I have to stumble over leaving or returning to base. Ac should have a “kick the sniper in the arse” key bind option.
Lol, nice pic. First newbie question in public servers: "How do you crouch?" :-)
Well, sniper-user and camper are not always synonyms. I was playing on a public server a few days ago and made a joke about a guy (nickname something like Army-Forces) who had an insane ratio and was basically sitting in red base in ac_depot and sniping every blue coming in. King of all campers, I said, but next map was ac_shine, and I soon saw that the guy was not just a good camper, he was also pretty darn good at moving around and using his sniper at any range. So irritatingly good that I wondered if he hadn't already found a way around the anti-cheat system.
Anyway, I think the new armour values are a good thing, and I like the fact that there aren't as many sniper-pistol users now as there were in 1.0.4 (and they are a bit less accurate too). It leaves more room to diversity... 1.0.4 was generally down to sniper-pistol vs SMG on public servers, now you find about every weapon in a game, a bit too many shotters sometimes, but good AR players and carbine players too.
Talking about carbine, couldn't anyone find a decent sound for that one? It just doesn't sound like a firearm at all. Sounds like playing drums with brushes, if you see what I mean.