13 Oct 10, 02:23AM
(10 Oct 10, 10:39PM)KN!F3 Wrote: Weapon balance of Shotty and Sniper pl0x
It's not even funny anymore. Shotty Tanks can eat Snipers for breakfast in every map except maybe shine mid and depot mid.
The first map I played on v1.1.0.3 was ac_mines on CTF. I had a shotty and ran all over the n00bs and snipers. Good for me, but not really fair for them. Also, the SMG spread is insane. Plus the MG has a 20 round clip, which could possibly kill 3 or 4 people. These things are what has angered me about v3. I did however LOVE that the AFK'ers will no longer take up server space, and that I now have 2 nades in LSS. The previous (was a paid advertisement for Fake Company Inc. Terms and Conditions may apply, see store for details) is my opinion. --End of transmission Captain Kirk.