Best guitar solos of all time
I think some one came up with this idea, I'm going to make it then. I think there's not just one " best " guitar solo. Here's some of my favorites: - Buckethead & Praxis - Interworld and the New Innocence - Joe Satriani - Cortez the Killer Pantera - Floods

EDIT: Links fixed.
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Messages In This Thread
Best guitar solos of all time - by pweaks - 04 Oct 10, 07:32PM
RE: Best guitar solos of all time - by Bukz - 04 Oct 10, 08:39PM
RE: Best guitar solos of all time - by pweaks - 05 Oct 10, 05:01PM
RE: Best guitar solos of all time - by adam - 07 Oct 10, 08:42PM