04 Oct 10, 01:04PM
Well, I don’t completely agree with others view of how this game has developed with regard to player input.
Certainly, it is the developer’s game; more particularly makke and drians game I suggest.
Certainly the players have never had any rights with regard to the direction the game takes.
But, in the past at least both makke and drian sought the opinions and suggestions of the core players and encouraged their participation in the development process.
There has always been the issue of whether the game is better off primarily catering to the casual player or the core players; quantity or quality if you like.
In the past, from what I remember from my talks with those involved, makke and drian certainly tended to take the view that those who had been playing and supporting the game (not developing) and community from the earliest days would have their views taken into consideration. Like it or not, this tended to mean the established clans had more influence than the casual player.
The reason for this is quite simple, it was the established clans that had the supportive players who made the majority of the games custom content, provided the servers and policed the game. This is the way of the world and all the wishful egalitarian thinking isn’t going to change this.
At that time it was felt that the quality of the game was of primary importance.
At the moment, on the public servers in the latest issue the quality of the game is pretty low imo.
The reason for this is partly because a number of the more experienced players won’t make the transition from 1.04 to 1.1.
I have heard and read the complaints from those who say they prefer 1.04 to 1.1 and having played every issue since the games release, imo the change from 1.04 to 1.1 for example are a lot less radical than those from 0.93 to 1.04. I believe these players reluctance to transfer to the new issue has more to do with politics than gameplay, or at best a combination of both.
Now whether I agree with the following or not, doesn’t make it any less of an issue. It seems to me that a great number of established players do not like the approach Brahma in particular has to certain clans and players, nor do they like Brahma’s populist vision of the game.
The thing is, nobody seems prepared to state this in blunt terms; the addition of Brahma to the dev team and subsequent events concerning cheat detection are and have been an issue for a number of the veteran players.
Yes, there have always been divisions within the community.
Yes, there have always been divisions about the direction the game should take.
Yes, there have always been clashes of personality.
It would be great if everyone was reasonable and all worked towards some compromise but it just isn’t happening is it?
What we have is two issues running side by side and a real risk that the game will lose a large chunk of its veteran players when the inevitable closure of the 1.04 servers happens.
The most likely scenario is that someone will start a pirate 1.04 master server and a large proportion of the experienced players will go there.
I personally don’t have any major problems with 1.1 although I accept many of the comments about map and armor suitability made by stef and others.
I don’t have any major problems with Brahma either believe it or not.
However, I would really like to see the 1.04 players playing 1.1 and at the moment there seems to be no constructive dialogue between the two camps.
So, I ask the 1.04 supporters, what changes to 1.1 would get you playing on the public servers again?
If it’s not about changes to the game then what is it about
Certainly, it is the developer’s game; more particularly makke and drians game I suggest.
Certainly the players have never had any rights with regard to the direction the game takes.
But, in the past at least both makke and drian sought the opinions and suggestions of the core players and encouraged their participation in the development process.
There has always been the issue of whether the game is better off primarily catering to the casual player or the core players; quantity or quality if you like.
In the past, from what I remember from my talks with those involved, makke and drian certainly tended to take the view that those who had been playing and supporting the game (not developing) and community from the earliest days would have their views taken into consideration. Like it or not, this tended to mean the established clans had more influence than the casual player.
The reason for this is quite simple, it was the established clans that had the supportive players who made the majority of the games custom content, provided the servers and policed the game. This is the way of the world and all the wishful egalitarian thinking isn’t going to change this.
At that time it was felt that the quality of the game was of primary importance.
At the moment, on the public servers in the latest issue the quality of the game is pretty low imo.
The reason for this is partly because a number of the more experienced players won’t make the transition from 1.04 to 1.1.
I have heard and read the complaints from those who say they prefer 1.04 to 1.1 and having played every issue since the games release, imo the change from 1.04 to 1.1 for example are a lot less radical than those from 0.93 to 1.04. I believe these players reluctance to transfer to the new issue has more to do with politics than gameplay, or at best a combination of both.
Now whether I agree with the following or not, doesn’t make it any less of an issue. It seems to me that a great number of established players do not like the approach Brahma in particular has to certain clans and players, nor do they like Brahma’s populist vision of the game.
The thing is, nobody seems prepared to state this in blunt terms; the addition of Brahma to the dev team and subsequent events concerning cheat detection are and have been an issue for a number of the veteran players.
Yes, there have always been divisions within the community.
Yes, there have always been divisions about the direction the game should take.
Yes, there have always been clashes of personality.
It would be great if everyone was reasonable and all worked towards some compromise but it just isn’t happening is it?
What we have is two issues running side by side and a real risk that the game will lose a large chunk of its veteran players when the inevitable closure of the 1.04 servers happens.
The most likely scenario is that someone will start a pirate 1.04 master server and a large proportion of the experienced players will go there.
I personally don’t have any major problems with 1.1 although I accept many of the comments about map and armor suitability made by stef and others.
I don’t have any major problems with Brahma either believe it or not.
However, I would really like to see the 1.04 players playing 1.1 and at the moment there seems to be no constructive dialogue between the two camps.
So, I ask the 1.04 supporters, what changes to 1.1 would get you playing on the public servers again?
If it’s not about changes to the game then what is it about