Banning Long Time Members
Looks like a message is being sent lately. Banning long-time players because they have opinions that you don't like? Really mature. In the interest of not getting banned i.e. having admin abused on me, I took the liberty of not going ballistic and ranting like no other. Instead I am simply warning the people who deserve to know. Long-time players, your experience and the hard work / play you have put into this game does not matter. The devs, in particular one New Zealander, do not care about you. It is no longer important how long you've played or how much pure awesomeness you put into it. They have already sent quite a message to the players already, given their choice of Police State Mods, and are now in the process of sending yet another. Emoposer, a former member of MD, and TyD, was recently banned for no reason other than a certain dev thinking he was being disrespectful. When the truth is quite simply that he was trying to help, keyword here, HELP, the moderation of this forum by offering a place where trolls can rant and rage and go berserk without worrying about censure. In effect taking them off the AC Forums. Wouldn't you agree that is a noble goal?

What they are saying here is that there is no need to offer your services to help improve AssaultCube. There is no need to try and make these forums a better place, because they have more than enough bans, specifically for those long-time players who wish to help, to go around. Threatened by anything anyone says that is contrary to this certain devs opinion, he almost always responds in the most vicious manner, abusing the power he has been granted, and banning anyone who tries to help in a manner that doesn't agree with his rigid, disgusting routine of conformism or die.

I am not calling for a revolution, however fun and refreshing that would be, I am simply calling for an ANSWER to this amazingly sick and filthy abuse of power. Not one from the perpetrator either. An answer must be impartial and free of bias. I ask now, as we all would, that someone tell us why Long Time Players get banned for trying to help clean up the forums.
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Messages In This Thread
Banning Long Time Members - by MorganKell - 03 Oct 10, 07:25AM
RE: Banning Long Time Members - by JMM - 03 Oct 10, 07:48AM
RE: Banning Long Time Members - by MorganKell - 03 Oct 10, 07:57AM
RE: Banning Long Time Members - by RandumKiwi - 03 Oct 10, 08:27AM