Looking for Bosko.
If anyone can help me contact a former AssaultCube player |40+|Bosko it would be appreciated. Basically he was a friend who had some unfortunate things happen in his life and I would like to find out how he is. All I can tell you in hope it will help you to help me is that he had a web address bosko.dyn-o-saur.com before it mysteriously went down for good, that he used to be in a clan called Dogs of War, that he also played Warsow and he worked near Schipol airport. I don't know how that information would be of use to anyone but it's what I've got unless someone can add more in which case please do.
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Messages In This Thread
Looking for Bosko. - by Hellspell - 01 Sep 16, 10:50PM
RE: Looking for Bosko. - by BaDMonkey - 02 Sep 16, 01:40AM
RE: Looking for Bosko. - by Hellspell - 02 Sep 16, 02:33AM
RE: Looking for Bosko. - by hure - 02 Sep 16, 10:16AM
RE: Looking for Bosko. - by Hellspell - 02 Sep 16, 03:50PM
RE: Looking for Bosko. - by Marti - 02 Sep 16, 05:22PM
RE: Looking for Bosko. - by Hellspell - 04 Sep 16, 02:35PM