28 Sep 10, 01:13AM
(This post was last modified: 28 Sep 10, 01:14AM by MusicMan10.)
(28 Sep 10, 12:11AM)Apollo{TyD} Wrote: Btw. the nick was clarglass and not one of the many play of words which has been published by some trolls in the past days.
carl_glass was my favorite, but carlglass_nascimento comes in at a close second.
(28 Sep 10, 12:40AM)TheCrema Wrote: I can only speak for myself, I usually don't close threads, unless is shit like this: http://forum.cubers.net/thread-1020.html (We don't need a spamming lesson, people are proving to be already very good at that ;)
lol that was the one halfway relevant post ive made in my entire time on this forum