Maps You've always wanted to see be made official
water settings aren't controlled by the mapper but by the player aye, well, except the waterlevel and watercolor.
I would suggest all setting like this should be controlled by the mapper, as an optional command in the cfg, so if there is a command that sets the water-refraction level the map will use the settings in the cfg. If there is no such command, the map will use the settings defined by the client, and there should be a check box or something in the gfx options menu to alwas use the client settings, even if there is such a command in the cfg.
Thus the mappers can have more control of how their map looks like, the old maps retain compatibility, and the user can still force his options on the map if he wishes to do so.
As for the amount of control, the more the merrier, not just including water, but fog and anything else the engine is capable of.
Just as an example, if a mapper wanted to make a dirty muddy swamp water, he could then turn off the reflections in the water to achieve a better effect.
It's not just water, but fog and shadows too. I'm not sure how many such commands are there in the engine, nor how many are directly applicable to mapping, but I would like to have any commands that affect mapping in the cfg, configured as stated above. I'm sure other mappers can add more opinions to this and the developers can help out by listing the things the engine can do or can be configured to do.

Even if it's just being able to resize the water generated area, so some parts below the waterlevel are affectesd by water mechanics, yet some other parts of the map aren't, or better yet, removing the unecessary generated water areas, like the map in question here, could maybe use to help it's fps problems.
Ofcourse, implying that generated not rendered water affects the fps at all.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: Maps You've always wanted to see be made official - by RKTnoob - 07 May 15, 05:23PM