(19 Nov 12, 06:24PM)888 Wrote: Auto respaw (no need bind )Added menu checkbox
alias mapstartalways [sleep 100 [spaw]]
alias spaw [
if (= 1 (alive) ) [sleep 500 [spaw] ] [ echo [mort];sleep 5000 [attack;sleep 500 [spaw]] ]
alias respawx
alias mapstartalways [sleep 100 [spaw]]
alias spaw [
if (= 1 (respawx) ) [ if (= 1 (alive) ) [sleep 500 [spaw]] [sleep 5000 [attack;sleep 500 [spaw]] ] ] [sleep 2000 [spaw] ]
((This goes to autoexec.cfg))
[cubescript]menuitemcheckbox [Auto respawn: ] "$respawx" [ respawx = $arg1 ][/cubescript]
((This goes to whatever menu you would like to put this (I put in misc settings)))
the afk script is by "TheKiller" (basic script).
I added the menu and the back online message
The system has
Menu (By me, Which allows the following: )
Enable/disable afk system
Enable/disable afk message
Enable/disable back online message
Set Suffix for your nick when AFK
Set time to AFK (in seconds, from 10 to 180)
Now, to install:
1) Add the following line under any menu you would like (my fav is under "gameplay")
[cubescript]menuitem [AFK settings...] [ showmenu [AFK settings] ] [/cubescript]
2) Add this anywhere on menu config files (I added under gampley menu in menus_settings.cfg)
[cubescript]newmenu [AFK settings]
menuitemcheckbox [Enable afk: ] "$afkenable" [ afkenable = $arg1 ]
menuitemcheckbox [Show afk message: ] "$afkshowmessage" [ afkshowmessage = $arg1 ]
menuitemcheckbox [Show online message: ] "$afkshowback" [ afkshowback = $arg1 ]
menuitemtextinput [Set afk name caption: ] "result $afkstr" [ afkstr = $arg1 ]
menuitemtextinput [Set afk message: ] "result $afkmessage" [ afkmessage = $arg1 ]
menuitemtextinput [Set online message: ] "result $backmessage" [ backmessage = $arg1 ]
menuitemslider [Set seconds until afk: ] 10 180 "$timeuntilafk" 10 [] [ timeuntilafk = $arg1 ][/cubescript]
3) Add this on the file "defaults.cfg"
[cubescript]afkstr = "|afk"
afkshowmessage = 0
afkshowback = 0
backmessage = "is available again."
afkmessage = "is no longer avilable."
timeuntilafk = 30
afkenable = 0[/cubescript]
4) Add this on autoexec.cfg file
//AFK Script by TheKiller edited and menued by _DucK_
curafk = 0
afktime = 0
alias afk [
if (= ($afkenable) 1 ) [
if $arg1 [
if (= $curafk 0) [
oldname = $curname
name (concatword $oldname $afkstr)
curafk = 1
echo "You are now set to: AFK"
if $afkshowmessage [say (concat "AFK Message:" $oldname $afkmessage )]
] [
if $curafk [
name $oldname
curafk = 0
echo "You are now set to: ONLINE"
if $afkshowback [say (concat "AFK Message:" $oldname $backmessage )]
alias notafk [
if (= $afktime 0) [afkcheck]
afktime = 0
if (= $curafk 1) [afk 0]
alias afkcheck [
afktime = (+ $afktime 5)
if (= 2 (+ (> $afktime (* $timeuntilafk 1000)) (= $curafk 0))) [afk 1]
sleep 5 afkcheck
bind w [forward;notafk]
bind a [left;notafk]
bind s [backward;notafk]
bind d [right;notafk]
bind MOUSE4 [universaldelta 1;notafk] // this line was added by me
bind MOUSE5 [universaldelta -1;notafk] // this line was added by me
bind MOUSE1 [attack;notafk] // this was added by me
bind MOUSE2 [altaction;notafk] // by me
bind MOUSE3 [weapon;notafk] // by me[/cubescript]
*I am not quite sure if Thekiller is actually the author. if not, my apologies and credit goes to the original author