05 Nov 14, 09:48AM
(04 Nov 14, 11:49PM)Mr.Floppy Wrote: @G1gantuan:
Actually, I don't quite get what's your point, to be honest.
If you really consider AC at horrible graphic settings a worthwile experience, well good for you, but there are quite a few people that do care about graphics in 3D games, no matter it's AC or any other game.
Secondly, I did not say he should cap it at 60 FPS, did I? I said he may just cap it at a value at which he doesn't recognize any difference anymore and the actual important advice here is, to cap it by all means. If you want a stable rate, read no spikes and no drops, you have to cap that refresh rate first.
See, some peole can't even recognize that < 30 FPS run choppy, yet some claim to feel the difference between 1000 and 1001 FPS. That's about everyone else to find out. I run AC at 120 FPS capped, graphics at 'insane'. However, maxing out on the CPU isn't going to help either way.
Finally, I tried to give helpful advice. If you do know better, you're all free to correct me. I guess someone with 25 FPS can tell me a whole lot about performance. Jesus Christ... why I even reply to this troll.
i actually misunderstood a statement of yours. but its k
my system can actually run this game at 60 fps consistently at most maps that aren't effin huge. but i started recording videos and since i'm paranoid and i want to play at a consistent framerate at all times and i have ocd, i started to play at 25 fps.