(29 Jun 14, 02:17AM)stef Wrote: Dear Roflcopter,
"Let me balance this game"
the last one, who said that, nearly ruined the game by trying that, but go on...
"This is unlikely to get anywhere,"
yep, obviously
"but frankly the balance is rubbish"
"I know how to balance this game properly."
but you can't tell how, right now?
"Currently time to kill is massive and this allows players with bad reaction time and awareness to do better. Some weapon are completely useless."
I bet, SrPER$IAN facepalmed, when he realised, that he totally forgot to include a 'Missing team (weapon balance)'. How could he miss that...
"That's what I would like to do if the devs are willing for fairly radical changes."
the game barely survived the last several years of messing with the weapon balance, so, sure, we'll throw that all away in a heartbeat
"The problem I can see is that everyone has an opinion"
no shit, really?
"and frankly most come from a biased position."
it's good, that you noticed that, because with that argument, you can silence anyone who's not agreeing with you
"I need to be able to do the whole thing instead of balancing by arguing and then making some compromise."
great: so, there will be no need for testing - we can release it immediately? since it would of course work as promised?
"Sure fun is particularly important, but also so is the learning curve, fairness and competition."
Sounds great! But I'm not sure, what this thread is supposed to be. Do you expect, that we blindly agree to switch out the core of the game to whatever you can come up with?
Go ahead. Post your solution. But, I'm afraid, there /will/ be a discussion...