13 Feb 14, 04:29PM
(13 Feb 14, 03:03PM)MykeGregory Wrote:
Weapon Balancing is better.
I have no problems with lag.
Auto team still annoys me.
Pretty balanced for me..
This is my exact feeling, I did not play a competitive game, only pubs and I never saw those "constant high pings" or IDK how you described it, only a few lags-pikes that are not annoying and were probably coming from the "shitty" (and only) server that offered a decent map in a decent mode.
I'd add the fact there are far less players in publics, because of this, there is only and constantly a single server that offers an interesting map/mode combo, apparently, more devs add maps to the official packages, less are played, 90% of the maps are ac_power and ac_shine.
The public scene is much more enjoyable for two main reasons.
-The first one is the weapon balance that is far more balanced than any other AC version, the sniper and the smg are both the two more powerfull weapons but they need to be mastered a bit before the user is able to make some decent kill strikes, plus those two weapons are offering a more interesting gameplay and possibilities than the previous OP weapon wich was the AR. Because of this, I can see a carabine or two, and also a few snipers and smg's in all games so the new balance is clearly a success in public games.
-The second one is about the hit-drops issues, I have apparently a way better accuracy with the SMG, out of the fact there is probably less spread, I see my targets are not mapmodels for once, and it's very enjoyable, I feel a serious difference.
The auto-team system is still an issue because it almost always force the best player in the other team, but this player made his previous team won, why does he deserve to be in the worst team always? The autoteam should allow 6 vs 8 games as long as it's the best way to make teams fairs without forcing a player. Forcing a player that has a lot of points should be the last option for the server, but somewhere I understand that it must be hard to code something like this because there are a lot of conditions to put in the code, and the actual autoteam does not really count what we can see from the scoreboard IIRC, it's about the 5 last minutes or something.