I am very sorry, but at that time I didn't have logging set to record back that far...Since then I have also added the TyD blacklist to all of my servers...>Hopefully that will help in the future...As for this instance, the guy IS clearly utilizing a headshot hack of some kind...
In the future, !whois cn works on my servers in addition to /whois cn....I will keep my eye out and extend the log data for future events.... Sorry to see this guy making a mockery in the server....Sorry you had to deal with it, but thank you for taking the time to do something about it...Sorry I failed you on this one...
In the future, !whois cn works on my servers in addition to /whois cn....I will keep my eye out and extend the log data for future events.... Sorry to see this guy making a mockery in the server....Sorry you had to deal with it, but thank you for taking the time to do something about it...Sorry I failed you on this one...