I can say that those brightskins are quite handy only on my dad's old PC. The PC's CRT monitor directly faces the window which welcomes lots of sunlight. In some parts of the day it is very hard even to surf the net. In AC, mines was mostly like a creepy horror movie. So I put the gamma 180 or something and tried the brightskins. I can play AC now with about 60 fps.
In usual, on my own PC, I don't think there is need for them. Full color skins are quite enough for spotting enemies and better than some red or blue shadowy people running around.
Edit: @Brahma: I wrote that 60 fps to mention how shitty my dad's PC is, I don't think brightskins improve fps, too.
In usual, on my own PC, I don't think there is need for them. Full color skins are quite enough for spotting enemies and better than some red or blue shadowy people running around.
Edit: @Brahma: I wrote that 60 fps to mention how shitty my dad's PC is, I don't think brightskins improve fps, too.