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New Gui Server [ADVANCED]
Old Gui Server

I am now working on Gui_Server by learning how commands works and adding new commands.

It will have all of functions from old Gui Server

  • Ability to Pass / Fail the vote which is just happened
  • Ability to give/take admin And in-game Admin fix
  • Ability to privmsg people ingame
  • Auto-time announcement ( I will try )
  • AntiCheat for all MODDED server (and open closed-source)
  • Public,Private, or Match feature

I will NOT add anything that will modify game-playing feature ( No gema feature )...... yet
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A GEMA timer :D and can i have the source, because i want to :D and u trust me
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Maybe i'm wrong but..
Are you using the Toca's GUIserver source code? I mean did you have in mind the GuiServer's license? I can't find what kind of license does it has but i guess it's GPL (GNU). And as far as i know you can't make a closed-source using his work...
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You go bugboy!
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Can't wait to try it out. Will it show the mini map with all the players as well?
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(22 Mar 12, 07:02PM)VallDiGna Wrote: Maybe i'm wrong but..
Are you using the Toca's GUIserver source code? I mean did you have in mind the GuiServer's license? I can't find what kind of license does it has but i guess it's GPL (GNU). And as far as i know you can't make a closed-source using his work...

UrT is closed-source, yet ioquake3 is GPL.
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(23 Mar 12, 04:41AM)Cemer Wrote: UrT is closed-source, yet ioquake3 is GPL.
License Stuff
Quote:Urban Terror does not use any Quake 3 data, only its engine (on windows: quake3.exe) to run on. It therefor can also run on other executables created from the GPL'ed Quake 3 code. ioUrbanTerror.exe is such an executable and is distributed together with Urban Terror, but is a seperate product.
The don´t modify any ioquake3 source, they just use it as a separate product
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I agree with VallDiGna. I was going to ask you before, bugboy, but I didn't see the licensing terms in Toca's post or source.
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It seems to be based on the Cube/AC source (judging by file names), so it seems plausible that it would be under the same license (I don't know much about AC license).
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(23 Mar 12, 02:31AM)ikljo Wrote: Can't wait to try it out. Will it show the mini map with all the players as well?

Bugboy1028 Wrote:It will have all of functions from old Gui Server

(22 Mar 12, 07:02PM)VallDiGna Wrote: Maybe i'm wrong but..
Are you using the Toca's GUIserver source code? I mean did you have in mind the GuiServer's license? I can't find what kind of license does it has but i guess it's GPL (GNU). And as far as i know you can't make a closed-source using his work...

I'm trying to contact Toca so he can directly tell us facts and you're right, I shouldn't make it closed-source ...
I also didnt developed my programming skills need for this Gui Server yet so it will takes time...
OH, I forget to mention that I dont know how exactly Linux or Mac computer is run yet, so it will takes longer time to do it.
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good job, good luck
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(22 Mar 12, 08:05AM)Bugboy1028 Wrote:
  • AntiCheat for all MODDED server (and open closed-source)

I´m curious, how? :D
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(23 Mar 12, 12:28PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: I also didnt developed my programming skills need for this Gui Server yet so it will takes time...
I think that might be how. But I haven't read through AC's source at all, so I don't really know.
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Well, at least make it be a simple window (like not a full screen needed one) and have the current map's preview be the background to it, and custom maps would have CUSTOM written on it. :D That would be awesome.
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*Nods at Link like he's crazy*
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Seriously, I will post preview of Windows 7 on Wed/Thurs
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One quick question....

Where did you get the anticheat?
Or have you made your own anticheat?
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(25 Mar 12, 03:19AM)DES|OpenSource Wrote: Or have you made your own anticheat?
BugBoy for Dev!
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(23 Mar 12, 12:28PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: I also didnt developed my programming skills need for this Gui Server yet so it will takes time...

perhaps you should start threads after you've completed something
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Undead, i want people to be aware that I am starting something
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Take ur time Buggy. 10yr olds are always in a rush ;)
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Weewooweewooo Grammar Police Reporting for Duty!
(23 Mar 12, 12:28PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: ...Gui Server yet so it will [strike]takes[/strike] take time...
...so it will [strike]takes[/strike] take longer time to do it.
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I wouldn't even start this till the next version. It is coming out soon and it will probably throw off a lot of your work.
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^.^ exactly my point!
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(26 Mar 12, 11:04PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote:
(26 Mar 12, 09:39PM)bballn45 Wrote: I wouldn't even start this till the next version. It is coming out soon and it will probably throw off a lot of your work.
^.^ exactly my point!

Huh? That doesn't seem to be your point at all. . . unless you have a point so blunt that it encompasses both that and this:

(24 Mar 12, 09:15PM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: Seriously, I will post preview of Windows 7 on Wed/Thurs

If this is the case, I suggest you spend some time crafting your point into a more pointy point.
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quit being grammar nazi, that's ShadowFlamez job!
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