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Beta-Test for Mac SVN build
It should be between the shotgun and the sniper rifle in terms of speed, and take 3 shots to kill
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what are you talking about? it should be faster than the shotgun! Carbines are semi-automatic so it should shoot as fast as you can click the mouse. But with that fast of a fire rate, it should kill in 4 maybe 5 hits.
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this is the mac beta thread, not the balance thread ...
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well, the new carbine is part of said Beta...
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In the multiplayer where i used it the carbine can take 3 to 4 shots on people with armor and also if its you against someone with an assault rifle you will die no matter how far away. Thats why i think the carbine is underpowered, and it definitely should fire as fast as you can click the mouse.
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Carbine is fine, as long as you keep your distance. I don't think every weapon should be good at every range.
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(29 Jun 10, 09:06PM)GreaterBeing Wrote: In the multiplayer where i used it the carbine can take 3 to 4 shots on people with armor and also if its you against someone with an assault rifle you will die no matter how far away. Thats why i think the carbine is underpowered, and it definitely should fire as fast as you can click the mouse.

but not fire when you hold the mouse down
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The carbine fires a little bit faster but if you do more than 105 damage with the shotgun its an automatic gib. Carbines are a long range version of the shotgun so I don't really see whats this is all about, if you don't like the carbine then don't use it and if you dont really care keep on not caring. I don't think the carbine is under powered its just how you use it and how good you are at dodging the shots because if you were to verse a person using a sniper to say and they were okay with there accuracy and not to bad with there movement (e.g.dodging) and you were good at accuracy and okay with movement and you were using the carbine there is still a chance of beating the opponent.

If you think the carbine is under powered use a different weapon because some people may think that the carbine isn't under powered and some will think that it is under powered so for now we should just leave weather its under powered of not its up to the Dev's because they created it and they can change it if they want.
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Cr0w, a tip for the future. Use way more semicolons, commas, and periods. It's hard to follow what you're saying and feels like an non-ending line.

Back to topic: I actually like the carbine and it may be overpowered IMO in some situations, but if someone that's good with the AR or Sniper; or even perhaps shotgun encounters you, they may still have a chance.
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I agree with Wolf, and that's what I'm trying to say.

2 shots to kill and a fast firing speed is a little over the top.

I'm excellent with the assault rifle, so I can do with or without the carbine
If you look at US soldiers, they don't just hold down the triggers on their "automatic rifles". They just repeatedly tap the trigger with their fingers. They don't even hold it for bursts.

Same rules apply to the AC assault rifle.
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lol sorry about not putting enough commas and stuff its only because i was tiered and i was trying to stay awake next time i will pre-read it and put some more stuff in if i need to. One trick is to fire small bursts of bullets and not keep firing because otherwise you will run out of ammo faster and there is more accuracy when firing small bursts.
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You didn't put commas again xD Forget it don't worry ;)
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I hope you make it for mac os x 10.4
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(30 Jun 10, 11:37PM)Canadianspwn Wrote: If you look at US soldiers, they don't just hold down the triggers on their "automatic rifles". They just repeatedly tap the trigger with their fingers. They don't even hold it for bursts.

The M4s issued to US soldiers by default fire in 3-round burst. So they can't do fully automatic fire, it's not a matter of 'tapping' the trigger or anything else.
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can we keep this on the mac svn build please..

and err, when can we expect an updated build.. works fine for me on snow leopard so far.

and for mac users: http://www.usboverdrive.com/
because osx has a fuck ton of mouse accel built in
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Lol i have tried that but with no luck. No matter how much I modify the mouse in there, nothing changes. It's weird. Like if I do Speed to max, it stays the same.
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The carbine is a very specialized weapon. On douze it rapes and on every other map it leaves something to be desired.
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Try carbine on depot. OMG
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This thread is not for discussing your opinions of the state of the development branch - the SVN:trunk - this is just for the Mac beta-testers.
Please use the Development Branch thread for these kinds of comments.
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When I download it and start playing it, it works fine but then when i go back to 1.04 it stuffs up my scope on my sniper saying unknown command: scopsensscale, and then I have to go into settings and fix my scope sensitivity everytime i log into Assault cube 1.04???
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well as actually said dozens of times: you have to ensure you use a different "home"
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What do you mean?
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(22 Jun 10, 09:06AM)flowtron Wrote: Regarding all you people with issues - this is exactly why I tried to warn you before downloading - you need to be in command of your system if you're willing to try beta stuff!
It may be a simple issue of adapting the HOME variable - AFAIK the Mac-Launcher has some fields where you can pass options - add something like "--home=/path/to/AC-1.1b-user-data" to the run-parameters.
You might want to check the menu-item "open user directory" to check out this actually is the issue - if they both point to the same directory then you should move that to somewhere else (as backup) and (re)create seperate directories for each instance of AC - they can be empty to begin with, but will fill with shadow.dat files on first run and config/saved.cfg-and-friends on first quit. Keep your downloaded maps, scripts and models in there!
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Ty man
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I don't understand any of that, but it's OK because I don't have any issues that I can't fix.
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carbine should definitly be as fast as you can click, but keep the recoil how it is so spamming is tricky. maybe lower damage also, but i have yet to find a server with anyone in it to test it out. there should be an announcement on 1.0.4 servers about svn.
didn't read that, disregard other comment
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anyone want to build a new mac .dmg? :)
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at least not me :P
the xcode project file has been updated, so why don´t you try your luck?
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this is now out of date. You will not be able to connect to servers. someone that would like to make a new dmg would be nice. :)
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You are able to connect to servers (if they are the same version as the mac build). So why no mac server up? :)

New dmg should be up soon. Be patient for a while ;)
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