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The script requests/brainstorming thread!
What the title says. :>
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Script to change the maprot for more than one game if not already done which im sure it has.
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looplist from Sauer
@ prefix from Sauer
listclients from Sauer

eihrul could whip it out in a weekend.
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That'd have to be a hard-coded option AFAIK, Viper. The server decides which maprotation file to attempt to use upon start, after reading the command line arguments.
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(02 Feb 11, 04:57AM)Gibstick Wrote: eihrul could whip it out in a weekend.

Woah there gibstick lets keep the script thread PG.

edit: [ontopic] Solution = Script to randomly select given map votes and loop at intermission, could even be given a switch to only use on certain servers and/or while possessing admin. [/ontopic]
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http://draul.pastebin.com/hxEdDDw0 ?
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Lastly i was brainstorming trying to convert IP from whois into a number list and i couldn't xD. It's hard cuz you can't get 'substrings' from a string. I tryed to get it with a compartision loop, for example, if ip is, i started with this: > -> Yes.
But > -> I get an epic NO, and the same with or
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It isn't really a script, but probably could be done using CS:


Sounds neat, doesn't it? The idea is to pre-script a routine for each complex (offical) model, which will add required clips automatically when the model is placed into the map. This could be added to the executed command at the mapmodels-menu. I'm not sure whether it is possible like that with CubeScript, though.
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DrauL: I realize the whole reason you're using a custom alias to list out maps in that script is probably to allow support for custom maps, but if you wanted to go the convenient/efficient/compatibility route you could use something along these lines to load a random official map (and since it uses listlen, will probably be compatible with future versions of AC for the foreseeable future):

map (at $defaultmaps (rnd (listlen $defaultmaps)))

You'll ditch a rather lengthy alias, and have future compatibility for your script all at the same time. :D

VallDiGna: The reason you're getting the epic no is because is not a integer mathematically speaking. Therefore comparison operators such as >, will not work in this case, also you are correct, CS does not currently have a way of "sub-stringing" but the idea has already been suggested multiple times, cross your fingers with me and hope. :P

Mr.Floppy: That sounds do-able, but unfortunately, unless hardcoded, would not work when clients use /newent rather than the menus. Still worth trying though. Not all official mapmodels need to be clipped with clip entities IIRC, so it wouldn't be quite as much work anyways. I'll mess around with some things and see what I come up with. :D

Btw, automatically clipping the metal stairs mapmodel will be impossible, until the devs implement the move/shiftselection feature I already suggested. :>
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an auto kick script for if you TK 3 times or more.
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-k-3 ?
That's for server owners, of course, but I think they should decide on that.
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(02 Feb 11, 05:27AM)DrauL Wrote: http://draul.pastebin.com/hxEdDDw0 ?

Same idea but repeatable, being looped at start_intermission with switches. Ill mess around w/ it but i cant promise anything. Maybe ill look around to V-mans quotes script for help and try to make a reasonable and practicable script.
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Update about the auto-clip idea:

It is entirely possible to get this idea working on some of the models that we need it for with what commands we currently have in AC, there are some exceptions though:

* Any model that is not entirely centered over the selection when placed (I imagine this is a model fault rather than AC's), may be problematic because based on which direction you're currently looking, the clip will fit the model differently and would need to be moved ahead of time.
* Any model that is usually elevated from the ground will probably be omitted because there is no way to have the clip easily be moved up with it (in singleplayer edit, yes it's easy, in coop, might as well not even be using the menus for those kinda models ;).
* This whole thing only works if the models are placed at 90 degree angles, anything in between will cause the model to rotate but because of the way that clips currently work, the clip will NOT rotate with it.

Because of the way the (editaxis) command works (return 11 if on the x-axis, return 12 on the y-axis, and return 13 on the z-axis), there is no way to currently fix problem #1, AFAIK.

If we had a new command similar to (editaxis) but rather than working in axises it would work in basic (NSEW) directions, we could alleviate that problem.

Anyways, if you want to see it working on a model in-game for yourself now (I'll be working on doing all the models that I possibly can ASAP), you must edit line 307 of menus_edit.cfg to:

menuitem "Wire fence"            [newent mapmodel 13; if $autoclip [if (= $editaxis 11) [newent clip 0 0 4 8] [if (= $editaxis 12) [newent clip 0 4 0 8] []]] []]

You must type the following command in before any of it will work:

/autoclip = 1

Then go into the editing > mapmodels menu, select Fencing, and select "Wire fence" to place the model. If you did everything correctly you will notice that it was auto-clipped as well! :D

So, although this does have a lot of downfalls *now*, I think with a bit of dev help we could make this a reality rather easily. I'm willing to put in the effort beefing up menus_edit.cfg if that is the case! :)
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DESIBUKZ >= Finish the Achievement Script and release it, ya nub /:p;

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achievement script?!?! DO IT!!! That would be epic.
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* Any model that is not entirely centered over the selection when placed (I imagine this is a model fault rather than AC's), may be problematic because based on which direction you're currently looking, the clip will fit the model differently and would need to be moved ahead of time.

I see. Well, models should be fully centered in general, though sometimes you may not want to do it. For instance, models which consist of several parts, which need to be linked together...

* Any model that is usually elevated from the ground will probably be omitted because there is no way to have the clip easily be moved up with it (in singleplayer edit, yes it's easy, in coop, might as well not even be using the menus for those kinda models ;).

You'd need to "ask" for elevation using a dialog or so and use the elevation for both, the model and the clips. In the end, if you need to change the elevation later you could just delete the model + clips and then replace it using the proper elevation value.

* This whole thing only works if the models are placed at 90 degree angles, anything in between will cause the model to rotate but because of the way that clips currently work, the clip will NOT rotate with it.

That's no problem at all in my opinion. You're not supposed to place models in weird angles anyway. ;)
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(05 Feb 11, 12:56PM)Mr.Floppy Wrote: -snip-
I see. Well, models should be fully centered in general, though sometimes you may not want to do it. For instance, models which consist of several parts, which need to be linked together...

A good example of a very off center default model would be the gastank. Trying to auto-clip these kind of models without a "editdirection" type command won't be possible AFAIK.
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Three scripts I've lost and would like someone to remake:

1) Ronald_Reagan's takeadminhaha script
2) The takeadmin / voidadmin script (It takes admin and drops it, sort of like deop for IRC)
3) Robtics' ragequit script :D

(The last two are fairly easy for a good cubescripter)
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(05 Feb 11, 01:19PM)Bukz Wrote: A good example of a very off center default model would be the gastank. Trying to auto-clip these kind of models without a "editdirection" type command won't be possible AFAIK.

Probably there is a reason for it's being off center, I don't know. However, in the end the whole idea is more targeting at complex models. Though, of course it would be nice to find an overall solution.
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(05 Feb 11, 01:21PM)Lightning Wrote: -snip
2) The takeadmin / voidadmin script (It takes admin and drops it, sort of like deop for IRC)

Here ya go Lightning! :D
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takeadminhaha = [if (= (currole) 1) [] [setadmin 1 $adpass]; sleep 200 [takeadminhaha]]
note: not tested.
I lost it in the form I gave you. It was meshed into my own scripts
Tools.cfg format (again not tested)
takeadmin = [if (= (currole) 1) [] [setadmin 1 $adpass]];
add2conloop takeadmin;
I'm not good at using tools.cfg yet, so I may of done it wrong from memory.
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A few ideas I had:
  • Server autopilot. (like quakenet's Q, but for AC servers) V-Man's tools.cfg would definitely come in handy.
  • A basic map layout generator; would be awesome for getting some inspiration, especially for people that frequently get mapper's block (like me!). Might have to look into some maze algorithms, but I think it could be done.
  • Double tapping/clicking to do a function different from single tapping/clicking (This is probably very easy to do)
  • Audio/visual grenade timer, to assist in cooking.
  • Campaign mode; Might be really cheap, but would still be pretty cool. (Now if only there was a way to return the players location...)
  • Custom game modes. Obviously, everyone playing would need the same script, and it wouldn't look very professional, but even doing simple restrictions like limiting how many bullets everyone is allowed to shoot or limiting which weapon you are allowed to use could be interesting.
  • Something like the music in this, in realtime with /sleep and /sound. Obviously, you couldn't do the added instruments, but a little gun-shot drum solo would be EPIC.
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Need names for each achievement.

Current achievements:

-Head shots without dying
-Knife kills consecutive
-Frags without dying or team killing
-Kills with Akimbo without dying
-Splatters without dying or team killing
-Total AR kills overtime
-Total SMG kills overtime
-Total Carbine kills overtime
-Total pistol kills overtime
-Total Grenade kills overtime

"Sharp Shooter" for the head shot achievement.
"Unstoppable" for the frag achievement.
"Akimbo Madman" for the akimbo achievement.

*Please feel free to suggest new achievements.* [Flag achievements are already on the drawing board]

Currently there are three stages of achievements. Level 1, 2 and 3. Please help with determining the value of each level. Keep in mind, all level 1 achievements must be unlocked before advancing to level 2.

Level 1, Level 2, Level 3
head shots = 2, 4, 6
knife kills = 3, 6, 10
frag kills = 5, 8, 15
akimbo kills = 2, 4, 8
splatter kills = 2, 4, 8
AR kills = 20, 50, 100
SMG kills = 20, 50, 100
carbine kills = 15, 30, 60
pistol kills = 15, 30, 60
grenade kills = 10, 25, 50

Our goal is to keep the achievements simple enough for a new player, but also challenging enough for the seasoned pro.

Bukz has a hidden achievement. But achieving will be VERY difficult. Only after you unlock it, will you know what it is. o_0

I don't see a teabag achievement being a possibility. Although it would be epic. :p

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Concerning the achievements scripts, just a few suggestions:
  • Consecutive kills in a round-based mode. (e.g.: "Get 4 kills in a round of Team Survivor")
  • Ratio achievements (e.g.: "Get a 2.0 or higher ratio; minimum of 8 kills")
  • Grenade Multi-kills!
  • Kills without using the scope on the sniper rifle
  • Kills with the pistol/knife when your primary is out of ammo
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Grenade Multi-kills would be awesome, but unfortunately it is impossible.

Bukz: You should consider adding kill streaks to the achievement script.

I can't wait to try this script. :):):):):):):):):)
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There needs to be a thread like this for maps...

Okay, offtopic comment is over xD
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(06 Feb 11, 10:39AM)vern Wrote: Bukz has a hidden achievement. But achieving will be VERY difficult. Only after you unlock it, will you know what it is. o_0
It should be pretty easy to scan the code. :P

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(13 Feb 11, 02:04AM)Orynge Wrote:
(06 Feb 11, 10:39AM)vern Wrote: Bukz has a hidden achievement. But achieving will be VERY difficult. Only after you unlock it, will you know what it is. o_0
It should be pretty easy to scan the code. :P

yeah, i accidentally stumbled over it when looking for the achievements menu keybind.

Anyway, it would be great to have a script that saves you current accuracy (with the /accuracy thing) when you close the game, and then load it when you start /accuracy again. I would be willing to have a crack at it if someone could point me towards a good cubescript tutorial that includes how to read/write files.
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Lantry Wrote:Anyway, it would be great to have a script that saves you current accuracy (with the /accuracy thing) when you close the game, and then load it when you start /accuracy again. I would be willing to have a crack at it if someone could point me towards a good cubescript tutorial that includes how to read/write files.

Not possible. Can't write over read-only variable, and (I think) you can't read the accuracy stats in a script.
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(13 Feb 11, 02:58AM)VenteX Wrote:
Lantry Wrote:Anyway, it would be great to have a script that saves you current accuracy (with the /accuracy thing) when you close the game, and then load it when you start /accuracy again. I would be willing to have a crack at it if someone could point me towards a good cubescript tutorial that includes how to read/write files.

Not possible. Can't write over read-only variable, and (I think) you can't read the accuracy stats in a script.

darn. well, if you can read the accuracy, it would be neat to have a script that totals up your accuracy over time.
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