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Upcoming Release Balance Discussion (SVN)
Something has to change in this new version

It is not possible play agains noob's with shotty
giving splarted all the time. =S distanced some good players. :/
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Have you tried the SVN?
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(23 Jan 11, 04:15AM)Theo_RJ* Wrote: Something has to change in this new version

That's kind of the idea haha :)

(23 Jan 11, 04:15AM)Theo_RJ* Wrote: distanced some good players. :/
This isn't the place or time.

Lastly, bold should be used to emphasize text, not posts.
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Please keep out of the discussion as long as you don't understand the finer points of AC gameplay. It seems that you haven't noticed yet that the sniper damage we are discussing here is only relevant for torso shots. In AC a shot to the head with the sniper always kills, regardless of the target's health/armour or the bullet's damage...
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I would bring the Carbines damage up slightly, because as it is, it takes 2 shots to kill, and if someone gets 1 healthpack in between shots then you need 2 more shots, making it pritty much useless in real 'competitive' games..
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What about new officials maps?
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(23 Jan 11, 05:58PM)CicloN Wrote: What about new officials maps?

I agree :)

btw when will be officially released?
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I agree that it would be nice to see the carbine beefed up a little, but I don't know anything about the stats code-wise. It's just a gut feeling. Is that a possibility?
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I agree that the carbine is a little on the weak side. i don't think that increasing the damage is the way to go for it tho; it's already at 60 per shot. As it currently stands, the carbine's effective range is only slightly more than the assault rifles, but i think if you added ironsights to the carbine it might make it a better choice in these situations.
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(23 Jan 11, 09:54PM)Lantry Wrote: but i think if you added ironsights to the carbine it might make it a better choice in these situations.
Give carbine a zoom capability just like the sniper that removes all spread, though the carbine atm has next to none. Ironsights are disgusting in a game like AC.

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Carbine is pretty strong already. If you use it on the right map, it can be devastating.
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No ironsights ew xD
Carbine does get overwhelmed on a lot of maps.

when will be released, and will there be more maps or is it strictly balance?
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how are iron sights disgusting?

I like ac as is right now...but I don't see the harm in irons...someone want to explain it to me?
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It's a matter of opinion. If you don't see it their way, don't worry.
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I've played with the carbine for few hours on the svn, and still say it needs a boost in some way.. just to be a 'handy' weapon.. rather then a useless one
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The big question (aside from whether that's correct) is, in what way does it need a boost? Faster firing rate? Higher damage? Some special ability like armor piercing?
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There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the carbine. It is a wonderful weapon, for someone who has great aim. Xu|Cactus is a "prime" example of an expert Carbine user. He will irritate the hell out of you with that damn thing. POW POW!

On another note, if you find yourself missing with it a lot, stick to servers where your ping is the lowest and try carbine there. You may be surprised how NOT "useless" it is.

BTW: Love the new sound effects for the armor, and the sniper is awesome again...
No complaints whatsoever about
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(23 Jan 11, 05:58PM)CicloN Wrote: What about new officials maps?
ac_stellar is already included, check it out ;)
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(24 Jan 11, 04:50PM)Robtics Wrote:
(23 Jan 11, 05:58PM)CicloN Wrote: What about new officials maps?
ac_stellar is already included, check it out ;)

Stellar might as well be the new rattrap. I personally think it's horrible, but before someone goes I couldn't do better - yes you're right, I couldn't. It's just an opinion.
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RAT TRAP!? more like rats arse! whenever that gets voted for i change server.
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(24 Jan 11, 03:52PM)Boomhauer Wrote: BTW: Love the new sound effects for the armor, and the sniper is awesome again...

I think the helmet sound is pretty annoying and most importantly too loud. You can hear the helmet pickups almost across the whole map and you gain only 25 armor. The armor is much more quiet, almost unnoticable. I wouldn't mind if they were either switched or the volumes adjusted so that armor is louder than helmets. Overall helmets are too loud atm I think. If you can find a better sound for helmets go for it :)

One suggestion: Use the armor sound for helmets and use the armor sound looped twice for armor, slightly louder.

Edit: Sh... why are we posting this in the balance discussion? Well guess loudness is kind of a balance thing.

Another balance thing is that rattrap is highly unbalanced and needs to be fixed to have equal pickups.
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The helmet sound is not final, dw.
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(24 Jan 11, 09:09PM)Panda Wrote: Another balance thing is that rattrap is highly unbalanced and needs to be fixed to have equal pickups.
Can you list specifics?
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All the health is on one side, only 1 health pickup in RVSF, the big armor is also better accessible for CLA and in HTF they can easily camp their base.
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Personally I think rattrap sux.... but thats just IMO. I completely agree with Panda that the pickups are easier for CLA..... (new armor sounds are still awesome though ;) )

In the end though, the best solution for rattrap is just to delete it and deny it ever existed, because the map ITSELF is unfairly balanced towards CLA.
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Again, the AR seems too weak.
Undead likes the sniper.

And ac_outpost needs to be updated for the server, since no one can spawn on it now.
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(25 Jan 11, 01:12AM)Gibstick Wrote: And ac_outpost needs to be updated for the server, since no one can spawn on it now.

I can do without outpost............... but I am sure there are plenty that disagree.

But it is AT LEAST a balanced map, I'll give it that..

And I didn't notice anything wrong with the AR. IDK... I am tired of getting noob-fragged by someone just kinda standing there and blasting away. I say leave the AR as it is now....
I hope certain members of ~TgS~ survive the change.... :p

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Geez, with all of those "..."s you look like RK!
I rather outpost than douze.
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I'd play on Outpost over Douze any friggin' day. It's a great map with plenty of room for strategy.
Probably the best thing for Douze
Boomhauer Wrote:is just to delete it and deny it ever existed
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(25 Jan 11, 03:53AM)DES|V-Man Wrote: Probably the best thing for Douze
Boomhauer Wrote:is just to delete it and deny it ever existed

Heh. I have to lean in that direction.
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