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i tried to make a skin for my M16 but when i went to uvmap, this happened!
[Image: picture1hh.png]
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upload that model.
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WOW, look at all those faces :X
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that's happen, maybe save as .obj, and open it in UVmap program, makke use a very good one i forget the name of the program, but it make very good UV (automaticaly)
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@jakedisaster: You need to make seams.

select some verts and press ctrl+e then there appears a dropdown menu and you press "mark seam". After you made enough seams, not random seams, you gotta think about it [!!!!!] you press u -> unrwrap


Or you take the easy way and choose "auto unwrap", but then you need to textuise it in a harder way
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Hey, that one looks nice, is it for project real assault? ^^
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Sorry, but you may learn to model properly before even trying to unwrap.

This model consists of more than 9000 polys (!), while you can already see that at least 95% are effectively useless.

It's not that easy, actually.
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(17 Oct 10, 03:55PM)bestcat Wrote: Hey, that one looks nice, is it for project real assault? ^^

yes yes it is :)

@mr floppy: thats the only way i know how to model....ya got a better way then tell me instead of insulting my work! xD
im actually remaking the model because it didnt work when i converted it to AC... it was there but 1:the model was backwards(like the stock was in front and it shot bullets out of it) 2: half of it wasnt there(most likely because i took out the faces on the barrels to make an opening[BIG mistake on my part])
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Jakedisaster, Mr.Floppy knows that he is talkin about. From what I hear, there is a limit, that when AC reaches, means that it will no longer accept the model. Meaning bombing if there are too many polys.
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god damnit! so thats why my model screwed up when i put it in AC!? Someone plz teach me how model dofferently!
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(17 Oct 10, 08:25PM)jakedisaster Wrote: [quote='bestcat' pid='19732' dateline='1287327302']
@mr floppy: thats the only way i know how to model....ya got a better way then tell me instead of insulting my work! xD

First off, a work can't be insulted.

Secondly, it's not my job to learn you modelling. If you can't stand honest critics from people who may know a little more about modelling then those guys who keep throwing in their questionable "nice, nice, wanna have!"-feedback, then do not release your works like that.

In fact, you may just have a look at the tons of blender tutorials and make some tryouts to figure out how things really work. And once again, learning takes time....

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NVM i fixed the problem but thnx anyway! :D
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