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Reload animations..
This is probibly the number 1 thing i mention in terms of ACs development and i would to take a moment to discuss it.

Having this implemented would make the weapons look alot more polished! Obviously a /reloadanim 1 option should be added for lower end machines.

But its also HOW the weapons would be reloaded that i'v been thinking about.

First, the SMG.
I always looked at this weapon and thought it to look like an MP5.
so I would imagine the best type of animation for this would look like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEl7qsV7cXg]THIS (Or similar)

Assault Rifle.
Now the handle that can be seen on the top of the AR i have only seen on full sized machine guns.
But, these weapons (AFAIK) Are not based on actual weapons in real life so you could have any type of generic rifle reload animation. You could even have something fancy like the FAL for the CoD series.

The sniper to me always seems bolt action. Much like the Intervention from CoD.
BUT, this would mean 2 different animations. 1 for the full reload and another for reloving the spent shell.

Something like this..

I think the carbine would a similar reload. Or should it have its own seperate animation?

Obviously pump action..(You can even see the hand loading it) BUT is it under loaded or side loaded.
Something like this would look good

The main thing to consider with this one is the reload will have to take the same amount of time everytime
So it would not make sense that it takes the same amount of time to reload 1 shell than it does 4. Suggestions/ideas would be helpfull on this one..

Looking at it now, you can see it has a clip in game. So reload time should not be an issue.
Something like an AA12 reload would suffice

Pistol is pretty basic.. Clip loaded.

Now bare in mind. The links I have posted would not reflect quality of animations if they were added. Its just to give you an idea of what they might look like.
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This could be an excelent idea for AC, most of the FPS games (First Person Shooter) have this animation when you reaload, like COD, Halo, etc.

However, Devs need to discuss this innovating option for AC gaming, most of us are bored watching our weapons dissapearing when we reaload.... hahahaha

I would like to participate in this project "if it's going to be approved". Also, it can have many problems, like sound bugs... in AKIMBO's website we can found many nade and sniper animations, but these weapons have custom skins, not the official skins.

Also, adding animations to players when we spect, it could be nice if we can see how they can reaload and when we see mates and enemies doing this.

Finally! Somebody begins this awesome idea, cheers Myke!
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This is obviously something that would refresh the game, however, from a good to a bad animation, the gap isn't that big so the animations must be particulary well done. The reload animation takes a huge part in the POV a player has to a game, take the difference between CS:S and CF as exemple, you see a game is cheap, the other one is well made.
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As Skinny-Dog and ExodusS said: yeah, would be great... but... as Cleaner said here http://forum.cubers.net/thread-7085-post...#pid138105
will require to remake the whole animations (not just adding the reload animation) and erase the kick animation, which is not used. idk. I think is time to bring it and see if is posible.
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who actually plays with hudguns?
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(23 May 14, 06:17AM)Waffles Wrote: who actually plays with hudguns?
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Personally I don't understand the whole concept of disabling anything and EVERYTHING that is remotely aesthetically pleasing in a game to get a small competitive edge -_-

I would enjoy reload animations, if that ever happens. I can do without but it is definitely welcome.
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(23 May 14, 06:17AM)Waffles Wrote: who actually plays with hudguns?

(23 May 14, 06:28AM)Vanquish Wrote:
(23 May 14, 06:17AM)Waffles Wrote: who actually plays with hudguns?

ITT: "Pro's"
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I play with HUD guns..
I dont like seeing bullets shooting out of what would be my neck!
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(23 May 14, 02:21PM)MykeGregory Wrote: I play with HUD guns..
I dont like seeing bullets shooting out of what would be my neck!

fer real. its not like with AC it's going to make a big difference anyway. I turn my graphics all the way down, disable this and that.... but I gotta have my gib gore and my weapon in the hud... just silly to go that far.. :P
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IMO it's more important to see other players reloading their weapons, than to see myself reloading it. Seeing another player reloading could mean life or death, seeing myself reloading could mean a yawn or not.

Even if it's as crappy as seeing a player with a lowered weapon, it would still be enough to know the enemy is reloading.
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(24 May 14, 08:34AM)RKTnoob Wrote: IMO it's more important to see other players reloading their weapons, than to see myself reloading it. Seeing another player reloading could mean life or death, seeing myself reloading could mean a yawn or not.

Even if it's as crappy as seeing a player with a lowered weapon, it would still be enough to know the enemy is reloading.

Hell yeah, i never even thought about that!
Class idea.
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(24 May 14, 08:34AM)RKTnoob Wrote: IMO it's more important to see other players reloading their weapons...Seeing another player reloading could mean life or death, seeing myself reloading could mean a yawn or not.
You're right mate, like i said "adding animations to enemies would be nice"... But i'm gonna tell ya something, how we can know when a enemy is realoading? Most of the experienced/good players of AC community are accostumed to settting the sound volume to the max, as me.

It could be difficult to see the reload animation in enemies, since players use this strategy/tactic of the A & D buttons when they are shooting or moving as a way to avoid bullets... So we need to discuss this more... We need the devs.
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Good point..
If the gun was held up it would be fairly noticeable..

I cant remember who but someone suggested a while ago that there could be an animation to show a player looking through the sniper scope when they scope in. seemed like a good idea.
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I think it would be noticeable if a player had their weapon lowered or raised (as opposed to having it horizontal when shooting), and the scoping idea is very nice too. Why, one could also see the benefit of seeing a player holding an armed grenade.
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