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Assault Cube Chat
I have made a chatting server in a program called GSC. It is a relatively an easy program to use and has great help features for people that are not to computer smart (like myself).
I have made a chatting server for assault cube. It is a 200 slot talking room along with chat. It has emotions for chat and mute features with many other. It is the best program I believe that could fit ac. It also it is easy for clans to make their own servers, which I can do for you all. You then also can add friends like in Skype and make your own private chat rooms for clan matches. This is for pc only the Mac version is coming out soon. Cross fingers :). Enjoy
Getting Started:
Go the link to the right http://getgsc.com/
On the left under GSC click create account. Follow the process then on making an account. DO NOT TYPE IN ASSAULT CUBE CHAT IN FREE VOICE SERVER!!!
After registered click under GSC downloads. Pick the version that best fits your computer. Then download
How to Find Assault Cube Chat:
Once you are logged into GSC Click the tab labeled Voice.
At the bottom left click the tab that says Add then proceed to click By Searching
In the search Criteria from left to right starting at the top it should say Name, contains. In the third box type Assault Cube Chat. (type it as is)
Click search
Click server.
Should say Assault Cube Clan Chat. Owner darealrocky. Then click join selected.
Then enjoy. You can have this room open at start up by clicking voice server make sure you save the server. Please ask me about any questions you have in IRC or in the room I will be looking for other admins to help control the room and such. I hope this is the key for Assault Cube unity. Please take a try at this and do not flame it was hard enough for a guy liek me to do this. Also you have no idea how to make this work . I am not the best typer so this little bit took me forever. Hope to see you on.
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I think the AC community has already settled with their own forms of voice (TeamSpeak, Skype) and text (forums, IRC, Skype) communication, but I wish you good luck with this, even tho I have never heard of this XFire competitor before.
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It has a form of text like irc along with emotions. The reason it is better than skype is cause the general ac room has 200 slots so then you know who is on and such. Skype can not hold that many people in a general room
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Team Speak 3/TS3

for Mumble and TS3 server Connect:
TS3: loki.woop.us 9987
Mumble: loki.woop.us
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woop servers are cool but it seems to be of run with many languages and such this is a fresh new start ac needs to adopt an offical server. If this isnt good enough then fine but I believe that this is a huge part of ac that is missing
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i think irc gives enough access to the community, for what ever you need to talk about, anything else is just extra fun

it is a idea, just depends on how many people are going to be in with it
is there separate rooms? or the possibility to make them?

because with around 100 people in 1 room, i doubt many people will get anything to say in
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* Orynge imagines 200 people in a GSC server while playing AC
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Yes there are areas to create seperate rooms like for clans or just clan matches . They can be password protected as well. I really think this would work if enough of you would say let's give it a shot
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I'm happy with IRC. GL though ;)
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I wont use another chat client, sorry. IRC is the way for me.
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No one wants to try and form a voice client for ac? Are you mad. I used ventrillo awhile ago with some ac guys and nothing is more fun then hearing a guy yell at his computer because he just got head shot. If anyone wants to try making a voice client that will be a seperate program with ac please pm or contact me. thanks
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Reminds me to the former requests of XFire support. Doesn't work either...
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dont know about u guys, but xfire works fine for SK. i like one of the feature from xfire is that you dont need to press-a-key to talk. it's all automactially. (it detects your voice) the only problem with xfire is that it updates a lot.
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(16 Aug 10, 08:46PM)pwned Wrote: dont know about u guys, but xfire works fine for SK. i like one of the feature from xfire is that you dont need to press-a-key to talk. it's all automactially. (it detects your voice) the only problem with xfire is that it updates a lot.

You got me wrong. I don't meant that xFire isn't functioning. The discussions about it in the past failed.
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It doesn't even run on Linux, let alone be open source...
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I go on this GSC server ;)
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O good give it a try I'll be on you must. Need a hot key cause some peoples back ground noise sucks
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...Windows only? Anyway, I appreciate your contribution but I'm not sure if there's a need for it. I'll have to echo Panda's comment, that there's already TeamSpeak and IRC for this.
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Never heard of you before I am quite awAre of irc and woop speak. However it is not offical and is poorly moderated. The point is ac should make s
program like combat arms and such
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yes :))))))))))
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thank you drakas 1+ for rocky :)
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Hmm. Im a IRC fan. I have skype and xFire. I think having this as well would bbe overkill since im downloading teamspeak later.
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And this Why people Who Dont have Windows.

(18 Aug 10, 07:08AM)Syntax Wrote: ...Windows only? Anyway, I appreciate your contribution but I'm not sure if there's a need for it.
there's already TeamSpeak and IRC for this.

TS3 is for Windows, linux, and Mac.
so why GSC is only for windows?

Get Team Speak 3
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The difference is that on GSC it's free to run a server ;)
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