Bears repeating
Below are parts of Masterkaen's parting FU to the community. I feel his points were well made and as a gesture of my disdain for the actions within this pitiful little group of self serving succubi please enjoy his best comments as well as a few of my own. Some will say Noobicus seemed like a nice guy. Well, I was and look what happened. [Image: F7Sht.gif]

* Noobicus lights proverbial match and watches bridge burn.

[Image: F7Sht.gif] [Image: F7Sht.gif] [Image: F7Sht.gif] [Image: F7Sht.gif] [Image: F7Sht.gif] [Image: F7Sht.gif][Image: F7Sht.gif][Image: F7Sht.gif][Image: F7Sht.gif][Image: F7Sht.gif][Image: F7Sht.gif][Image: F7Sht.gif][Image: F7Sht.gif][Image: F7Sht.gif]
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Lol man, things are mostly what you make out of them, but I see what you are trying to say!
I hope you (and him, and lots of others) come back eventually!
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The best statement i've seen, plus it is so true, sadly the game is a drug that develops fake personalities, RL personalities and In game personalities. These personalities just develop and now its caused what the community is today, hopefully one day it will be restored.

Enjoy life Noobicus, hope you'll pop around IRC some days
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I agree on some levels.
But i do not dont entirley agree.
MasterKaen Wrote:"...Narcissistic personality disorder afflicted self-imports, compensating for their ineptitude at real life by basing their ego on their ability to play a video game..."
A true poet, shame he left.
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Dayum, I need some serious help, coz I still enjoy playing this shit.
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I love AC for myself. I love it for the game. I came up during a time before the trolls and even did some heavy heavy trolling of my own once upon a time but it was all in good fun. Honor needed defending and I threwdown te only I knew how, with mega-style awesomeness. As for leaving AC... well I've felt the desire to because of the stupid bullshit on the forums at times. However I quickly realized that it's just a forum... A FORUM. The real fun is in the game! It's not even all the little super clan bitches in there. There will always be a server open to play some real AC. Fuck em. In fact when I first got back on the forums, I had too because I still don't have Internet yet just an iPhone, an old friend of mine said the forums had become a breeding ground of super hyper clan whoring 14 yr olds and so I had a mission. Turn this bitch back onto the awesomeness it was pre 1.1. I'd like to think I've managed that pretty damn well. AC isn't about what other people think, unless that other person is me ;), it's about the free fragging fuck y'all beat down style headshots boom bitch shotty slam piranha smg bullets ripping asscheek crunching OH YEAH!! NAPALM. OH YEAH!! NAPALM.

True AC is out there, you just gotta stick around long enough to find it. You said 13-14 months? Try 4-5 years. AC till I die!!
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It was pretty apparent from the moment you left B} that you were looking for something that, sadly, just doesn't exist in AC any more. Really, very sad to see you go. :(
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I find the community to be very nice. :o
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Just find yourself some KH. It's hard finding true love but were out there.
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You can't expect a perfect community in the internet, I'd say. We are so many players from very different cultures and customs that you can't presume that everyone will be thinking what you're thinking. Though, you covered some very true points that I don't think have ever been thrown around here on the forums.

Quote:By and large it is permeated with either clueless noobs who provide no interesting competition, or obsessed ego-maniacs whose sense of personal worth is grossly inflated.

Quote:I was introduced to a cesspool of hyper-competitive trolls. Narcissistic personality disorder afflicted self-imports, compensating for their ineptitude at real life by basing their ego on their ability to play a video game.

But really, Paul nailed it. Things are what you make of them.

Noobicus, I didn't quite understand who was leaving, is it Master or you or both of you? Whatever's the answer, I wish you the best in your life/lives and hopefully you can give us a visit some day. Cheers.
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IMO AC is fine. I like it just the way it is, and I'll like it still in its other transitional states.
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Goodbye Noobicus. :(

(01 May 12, 08:13PM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: Noobicus, I didn't quite understand who was leaving, is it Master or you or both of you?

(01 May 12, 04:01PM)Noobicus Wrote: Below are parts of Masterkaen's parting FU to the community.

If you still don't understand, Master already left and Noobicus is leaving now.
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@Noobicus: I don't think you are really burning any bridges. Many worse than you have been welcomed back.
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Good then screw them. If they are willing to leave because of some noob bitches and ultra clan whores then they don't really don't love the game. It's the Internet girls. Goodbye and dont let the door hit you on the way out.

I don't disagree with the points y'all made I just feel that they're a fucking stupid reason to leave AC.
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I hope you read my PM (through PB Forum)
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Forum community has been a tad sketchy = game loses all its redeeming qualities

Dafuq did I just read? The two of you should try playing on a good pub (IMO, this is a server with a good maprot that doesn't allow map voting) with /ignore 1-20 enabled. Pure AC bliss.
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You know how to get a hold of me if ya have to Noobicus. Maybe I catch ya in another game as well ;) You and I have one of those new fangled concrete bridges :P.
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(01 May 12, 11:49PM)Lantry Wrote: ...Many worse than you have been welcomed back.
Time and time and time again. RealViking
Yeah, its not worth leaving over some clan bullsh**. The pubs is where its at! :D
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Imo there hasn't been a good public server since 1.0, i enjoyed pubs back then, but i share Masterkaen's opinion about what the game has become,to me pubs feel depressing, i can't find a good maprot anywhere with decent ping, THE HUB @ HI-SKILL was where i fell in love with the game back in early 1.0, as it was usually a full server with decent ping from anywhere in the world with a very nice maprot and this was way back when people didn't complain about lag every kill, now some bright sparks have decided to block people with what they deem high ping from connecting to their servers I have no problem with this but I began playing AC because it was advertised as a game where 400-500 ping was acceptable, Also there has been an extremely sharp decline in skilled ctf players since 1.1 was released, this might be the weapon balance or the lack of decent pub servers my bet is on the latter, personally I would be interested to see whether more people are playing the game today then they did at the peak of 1.0, smg taught skill and smart player movement, AR teaches you to camp til the enemy is close range then spray him with 5 bullets.

If i were one of those trolls i'm sorry, there are some good people who play this game, maybe you were looking in the wrong places
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I dont agree with everything you posted and have heard most of it said before Icus. And I dont think it's all true. I enjoy AC very much and I've felt what you've felt before! I also dont think that 1.1 ruined AC and it was a better game before - I've seen plenty of enjoyable pubs (maybe not as competitive but I think thats not only the server owners fault too) and the weapon balance doesnt make the game unplayble ... could be better :P

As paulmuaddibKA said. "things are mostly what you make out of them"
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why take so seriously a simple game?
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I liked pubs at the end of 1.0 since games in those were pretty much like inters
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As long as I still have some friends to hs, slash and make fun of afterwards, I'll stick around.


Too bad you going mate, you are one of the good peeps, whenever you fell like being slashed and made fun of, let me know, I'll be here...
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Wow what an asswipe. ---> (me) I apologize to the community for my public display of infantile rage. My therapist says that it good to share my feelings, but it must be done in a constructive way. My parole officer still insists that I should join a knitting club instead of online gaming. ;)

I am sorry if I offended anyone who still enjoys the game. There is plenty to be enjoyed and plenty of good people here. I let bad people and some personal disagreements cloud my judgement.

I am truly embarrassed about my behavior and again very sorry for any offense.

I am still going to stay away from the game until I can be the 'nice' player I used to be. I hope the best for all my friends out there.


(sometimes very angry) Noobicus
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Everything you said is right.
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(03 May 12, 03:50PM)Noobicus Wrote: I am still going to stay away from the game until I can be the 'nice' player I used to be.

@ quote: <3

@ in general: We all go crazy sometimes. Hopefully with the upcoming new release, and the expected activity boom of Summer Time, we can get AC back up and running, and get Noobi back. :D
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Just take some time off and come back bitchin as hell taking no prisoners along the way.
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inb4 Woolly

3 weeks

oh wait he already posted.

but wait no not his line :P
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[Image: 3gD7v.jpg]

Bears Repeating

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