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I think there is a bit of confusion here. Using the existing flag entities would not work for king of the hill as there would only be 1 control point, preferably in the center of the map where it is fair for both sides. This way we could reuse team spawns and only have to add a control point entity.

Could you possibly be confusing it with a capture the base mode?

All this talk of control points makes me want an actual control points mode also. Basically the same idea as king of the kill except there are multiple control points on the map, first team to control every point on the map wins. Probably not a very match-friendly gamemode, since it could potentially last for hours.

The way I see it is both king of the kill and control points are team based modes. Using FFA spawns would not work.
However, it may not be necessary to add multiple control point entities to a map to make it compatible with a control points mode, as we could use the existing CLA/RVSF flag entities as control points, as well as the king of the hill control point in the middle = 3 control points that a team must capture to win the match.

king of the hill = 1 control point that teams fight over
control points = multiple (3+) control points that teams fight over

If implementing a king of the hill mode is a possibility, I put together some things to keep in mind:

Team Fortress 2 uses those ideas in their king of the hill mode and it works wonderfully. It's always fast paced, always chaotic, always a lot of teamwork. Of course, if we do it in AC, we can do it differently depending on whether or not the above ideas work well in AC - it's hard to say without being able to try it ahead of time.

I think it is worth the effort, as king of the hill is one of my favorite FPS modes of all time. I'm sure I'm not alone. :3
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Indeed, got confuzzled there, sorry. Yes, that would work, although on some maps it may be difficult to find a fair center point where there's enough space and sufficient accessibility. But who says every map has to support every game mode.
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(05 Apr 12, 10:55AM)tempest Wrote: I guess it would make most sense to use the flag as control points and let people spawn at the FFA spawnpoints. Using team spawns wouldn't work well obviously, since everyone would spawn on top of their control point.
IIRC Lucas used the flag entities in his capture mod.

I did, but i'd also added another flag type for a gamemode which had 1 common control point for both teams ;)

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(05 Apr 12, 09:34PM)Luc@s Wrote: I did, but i'd also added another flag type for a gamemode which had 1 common control point for both teams ;)

so ktf will have a cousin mode?
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The fact that AC is pickup-based might make it difficult to last long in KOTH, unless the "hill" is relatively large and/or has pickups accessible within it (like the "arenas" for bot survival)
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If there's only one or two small entries it might work with light pickups just outside the hill.
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Time/date on the scoreboard for screenshots.
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nothing new, but i've decided what i think would make assaultcube more fun in my opinion is less recoil on the smg and ar. I think it's what drives so many people to use shotguns, because the smg and ar are just so damn irritating to use.
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(09 Apr 12, 12:33AM)Hellspell Wrote: nothing new, but i've decided what i think would make assaultcube more fun in my opinion is less recoil on the smg and ar. I think it's what drives so many people to use shotguns, because the smg and ar are just so damn irritating to use.

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In the /findsens command, change the "(TRYED)" to "(TRIED)".
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(07 Apr 12, 03:23AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Time/date on the scoreboard for screenshots.

(09 Apr 12, 01:45AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: In the /findsens command, change the "(TRYED)" to "(TRIED)".
Fixed, thanks.
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Ever considered changing 'ban' to 'temporary kick' or something similar?
It might just stop various newbs from getting confused.
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I think it's been mentioned before somewhere here that the message in the console after getting banned should be clearer stating that in 20 minutes time their ban will get lifted. It definitely should be taken into consideration.
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Hm. Change the message to "disconnected (vote-tempbanned from the server)" or something like that? Someone will have to find a better wording though, that sounds just weird.
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The time a autoban last is default 20 minutes, this dont mean they get 20 minutes ban on all servers.
So a msg staying that the temp-ban only last 20 minutes would be wrong to add - if its not possible for server to read what server owner has set as temp-ban time and then post this time.
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There are rumors about modded servers that ban you from the internetz... and they also steal your piggy bank !
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(16 Apr 12, 12:42AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: There are rumors about modded servers that ban you from the internetz... and they also steal your piggy bank !

* X-Ray_Dog slowly backs away...

Anyways guys funny thing happened to me that should maybe be resolved? I was playing a CTF match on team CLA. I was going offense towards an RVSF player and chucked a grenade at him. Well just a second before it popped, I was forced to team RVSF by the lovely server and managed to then gib my teammate. Can I have my kill back please? And Idk how you would go about fixing that problem :|
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/autoteam 0 ? XD
Bad luck BTW!
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It's been suggested before, the server's force team system really needs to be retouched. For example, it would make my day if in the next version once and for all the server didn't force players when they have a flag.
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How about wait to force players who are alive?
e.g. when the server decides that Player X needs to be moved to the other team, it waits until Player X's next death before moving him, and doesn't move him while he is alive.
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* When switching weapons, skip weapons that don't have any ammo (I'm sure this can be scripted)
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(21 Apr 12, 07:36PM)VenteX Wrote: * When switching weapons, skip weapons that don't have any ammo (I'm sure this can be scripted)

That's a good idea also let add a zoom feature on the sniper rifle.
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Can't you only carry 1 weapon at a time plus your sidearms and nades?
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Well, your sidearm and nades are a weapon, too.

The idea is to prevent switching to empty weapons, like how you can't switch to grenade if you don't have any grenades.
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Don't kick for inactivity, if you are shooting still. -.-
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VenteX, what happens if your sniper has no ammo, your pistol has some but you can't switch back to your sniper because it has no ammo rofl.
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Xenon: Why would you want to switch to your sniper if it has no ammunition?

VenteX, it's definitely scriptable, I'll throw something together soon. I can't promise perfect 1104 compatibility though, might be a SVN + only thing.


Something like this possibly?

[cubescript]// SVN + version:

tryswitch = [
weap = (toupper $arg1)

if (&& (checkmag $AKIMBO) (strcmp $weap PISTOL)) [ weap = AKIMBO ]

if (checkmag (getalias $weap)) [
weapon (getalias $weap)
] [ echo (red) error: no ammunition for weapon: $weap ]

// bind KEY [ tryswitch pistol ] // attempt a switch to secondary
// bind KEY [ tryswitch (at $WEAPONS (currentprimary)) ] // attempt a switch to primary
// bind KEY [ tryswitch grenades ] // attempt a switch to grenades

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// 1104 compatible version:

tryswitch = [
weap = $arg1

if (&& (= $weap 1) (|| (magcontent 9) (magreserve 9))) [ weap = 9 ]

if (|| (magcontent $weap) (magreserve $weap)) [
weapon $weap
] [ echo (c 3) error: no ammunition for weapon: $weap ]

// bind KEY [ tryswitch 1 ] // attempt a switch to secondary
// bind KEY [ tryswitch (currentprimary) ] // attempt a switch to primary
// bind KEY [ tryswitch 8 ] // attempt a switch to grenades[/cubescript]
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(21 Apr 12, 07:36PM)VenteX Wrote: * When switching weapons, skip weapons that don't have any ammo (I'm sure this can be scripted)

No please don't. Or let us disable it. I do not want it to skip weapons that do not have ammo.
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I agree with Mael on this one.
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No worries, it will be a non-default option in the settings menus at worst, and it will likely just remain an optional script that you can install.

I realized now that I misunderstood the request a bit, I'm modifying the script to work with mouse wheel weapon cycling ATM.
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