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Back clan =By3=
Please for for God's sake leave AC alone, its better without u. Ty in advance.
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I agree with Atrimos' post except for banning clan leaders. The hacker has already been banned for four months. Odds are he or she has learned there lesson (doubt it) and they want another shot. A clan leader who takes the risk of accepting a former hacker maybe off his marbles for sure, but they don't deserve to be banned taking that chance. They're either trying to help a shimmy turn good and or help their clan out by bringing in someone who's hopefully got a good head on their shoulders and could serve as a role model to others who want to hack but shouldn't. Let's say a hacker breaks a third and goes back to hacking, just ban them to kingdom come and let that be that. The clan leader will be chastened by the simple fact that their clan is now temporarily associated with a hacker. That is more than enough punishment in my opinion.
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Here is thing Shimmy, my brother. Let former cheaters come back to the game like never ever happened do us any good but to encourage ppl to try their cheats and see if they can get away with it, a wannabe cheater would problaly think:
"Ahh hell, why not? Worst case scenario I'll get caught, kicked from my clan and in a few months I come back to other cool clan... You Know what? Me is gonna give it a try, at least I'm gonna look pro for while!

Atri might have a good sugestion here (and god knows they don't come often). Not let cheaters come back waltzing into the game after a 3 month ban and outcast the lamers may be a pretty good thing.
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welcome back guys
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Quote:Enquanto eu domino duas línguas, você domina um jogo com cheats :) Redefina suas prioridades de antes de virar um pedreiro.


I can sooo feel the hate for this clan

btw, I remember this clan...even though for me it's been so long...and enty was funny, because he got so mad when people banned him for hacking xD or even threatened him for that matter. Either way, I've hardly ever seen a hacker stop hacking on AC. I'd say give a second chance, but they seem to already have that. of course there is the saying "3 strikes and your out" but sadly....i dont like taking chances the third time cause of the other saying "fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me"....yeah id stop at x2.

Now im just rambling, but you all get the point
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want another chance I'm giving you my word we will play fair and show everyone that we can thank you!
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I was speaking in general. Ban the cheaters longer if that's what it takes. Entry I am sorry but I didn't mean we should free you. You hackzored and you should accept your ban like a man. No offense chica. :). What I am truly interested in protecting is a clan leader's right to decide who and what joins our clans. Recruiting for KH is something I take very seriously despite all evidence to the contrary and I will never allow anyone to interfere with that right. It might sound silly to everyone else but it's extremely important to me. Of I decide that someone has truly turned around if they have proven their worth then I and I alone will make the decision to allow them into my clan. No one else. KH is the Land of Awesomeness and I am it's Grandmaster.
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I'm sorry but who the fuck are you? Was I even talking to you? Hmm don't think so. I was answering my shimmy Crema. You got something to say why don't you extrapolate that shit and say it. If you don't then find yourself a hole to crawl into and chill for a couple of decades. Use the Tri-Force and spank it where the sun don't shine. Now if you weren't taking to me I apologize.
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MorganKell I suggest you go find your shimmy Harry Potter's wand of magician magic and shove it up your well-explored tomb of rotten shit while listening to the fine tones of Beethoven and massaging your unused stick of destruction which at the moment is no more than a stick of nothingness and pure shitty shimmy shit mixed with a little soda and an ounce of cola and a little skin on top. While doing this I suggest you stfu. Hope you understand my try on speaking your language.
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RealViking that was well said. I am glad were making a man out of you. Not many people can act like a bigger idiot and still come off sounding like they know what they're talking about. I will cede you the point and leave this topic be. Personally I hope you burn in the fiery pits of you're a fking gomerland but we'll save that for another day. Well said shimmy. :).
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Morgan, I'm not saying EnTy can't have whoever he likes in his clan, but saying that Plenas is kicked from the clan, then introducing SkiiL as someone else is outright deception. If Plenas is adamant that he's not cheating, why hide behind one new name after another? Let people make up their own mind instead of tricking them.
His new name is .Pum@ :)
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lol jamz sir you should know me better than that by now. I could care less what happens to that fking hacker and his bitch ass crew. I was questioning Atrimos' idea about banning clan leaders who accept second chance hackers. Forgive me but i wasn't exactly staying on Enty and his whores specifically but I was branching the discussion off into another thoughtwave. What I really need to do is reintroduce myself to the 'rums. I appear intermittently, sober and drunk, an many new shimmies don't truly know my style. That ignorance, no ones fault, leads to a massive misinterpretation not only how I roll but of what I believe. Personally I think banning the shit out of hackers is fucking fine. Do that shit till our face turn blue. I just wante to question the idea of interfering with Clan Leader's rights. I mean shit. We lead Clans. We live and breath our clans, or at least I do, and it should go to show how seriously I take hacking, this topic, and shimmies like Atri's opinion. I am sorry if I am rarely understandable but that is my shimmy. I live and breath old school throwdown in AC. Never let anyone mistake that. I may not get there in the most understandable way, but AC is my lifeblood. I don't play other games. Surprising as that may seem. All I've ever needed was AC. Love boat that shit all you want I don't care. AC is MY game of choice. And all I want to do is leave my mark on it, for better or worse. Preferably better, but I've long ago accepted the fact that I'd have to earn every inch of epic I gained in and for the AC. I am to stay and I will never leave. AC4LIFE!!!
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(28 Mar 12, 04:39AM)EnTy Wrote: I'm giving you my word

About that. . .
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Why don't we just ban cheaters and remove their bans after... well never? A cheater on a video game is the same like a bodybuilder taking roids or dat guy who cheats on all tests in school. They've got cheating in their souls. It's in their DNA to cheat. They think its OK to cheat. Their brains are under-developed and they're, honestly, dumb as ****. A cheater doesn't belong anywhere. I can't force cheaters to commit suicide but I can atleast ban them from my small noob clan and give them such a bad rep they get tired of this game (or atleast I try). Trying out cheats in private is bad but using them in public... How stupid could one get? I suggest we let uncle Jamz handle the BL's on his own without the "help" or "tips on what to do" from other people since that ends up with some filthy double moral and crappy decisions. Cheater = ban. Hosting a cheater in your clan = Who cares, give the clan a bad rep if that makes you feel better but suggesting banning them all is rather ignorant.
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Best clan ever is back
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(28 Mar 12, 04:18AM)Undead Wrote: welcome back guys

[Image: herax.jpg]
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Best clan ever is back ! Let's apply by3
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Yea man! Viva la hackers! Ya filthy pieces of misapplied asscream. ^ better be a healthy dose of sarcasm up there.

End of transmission

Thank you for tuning into MorganKell Nightly. Please follow up your interest by tuning into the AC Radio Comeback Tour coming to an FPS near you!
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blocki By3 //Clan cheaters! all servers xD
DATE: 29-03-2012
say no to cheating ...
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piton podemos faser o que? se samos os melhores clan do brasil entao fica no seu clan e nao juga sem saber noob estamos jogando normal plenas errou mais agora esta jogando como ele sabe espero que parem de pertubar nao vai adiantar nada estamos de volta e somos o terror do ac xauzinho!!!

Mod edit: corrected, thanks to Misty, I'm too lazy!

PiToN, o que podemos fazer? Se somos o melhor clã do Brasil, então fique no seu clã e não julgue sem se informar melhor, novato. Estamos jogando seriamente. Plenas errou, mas agora está jogando limpo. Espero que parem de perturbar-nos, pois não ajudará em nada. Estamos de volta e somos o terror do Assaultcube. Adeus!

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That's it. Due to HORRIBLE portuguese grammar, this thread is now closed!

EnTy, larga essa vida de jogo e cheat e vai estudar, maluco.
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