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(05 Mar 12, 04:34AM)#M|A#Wolf Wrote: Edit: I'm not sure if you actually meant picking up ammo or the weapon itself, if you were talking about the weapon then how would it work?

Yes, i meant picking up opponent's weapon.

in a second thought i believe picking up opponent's weapon might have a problem but it can be solved, you should be able to get his weapon (by dropping yours ofc) but only get the ammo that currently is loaded in, so if your opponent got an SMG and had 27/60 ammo, then killing him and grabbing his weapon, you may only get a SMG 27/0.

considering map sizes and the amount players in, i find it can work properly, you won't see players missing ammo boxes and only picking up opponent weapons endlessly, they may get one clip with ammo or even an empty gun, but by taking opponent weapon you are at your own, so it may be a good or bad idea.

as for giving a random factor to the game, i don't think so, its only a guess that if your opponent last long enough before dying, it'd be foolish to take his weapon (unless none is there and you have time to find some ammo boxes) and if he is shooting you and then suddenly stops for a little span and shoots you a bit again, and then dies, it wouldn't be a bad idea to pick it up.

there may be a lot of strategy for clan matches behind it too but i leave it for wonder.

it's clearly easy to say rather than make, but is the ideas thread so i guess i can give it a shoot.
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Can the cube engine even do that? Even if it can, it can be practical to implement those kinds of things? It may even lag more the servers assuming that the ammo count in every weapon is being followed by the server.
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Add a weather feature which adds a rain/snow affect on maps that would be great.
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Oh, my poor poor old CPU and shitty GPU gonna die. :(
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(08 Mar 12, 10:45PM)DES|OpenSource Wrote: Oh, my poor poor old CPU and shitty GPU gonna die. :(

There should be a away to disable it the same way as fog ex. /Fog 1024
/Rain 0 or /Snow 0.
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I don't see how someone could use it other than for maybe a montage to make it look nice or I don't know, other than that it would just make it harder to see the enemy.
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That would be a bit much imo, huge frame rate killer.

inb4 MC

When it rains in Minecraft, my frame rate drops down to nothing and laaaags compared to the previous sexiness so weather in AC could be ridiculous.

Changing the topic a hair:

(29 Jan 12, 07:54PM)DES|OpenSource Wrote: To get full IP you need admin...

This. Always annoyed me, always will. Why give only a partial? Afraid of 1337 h4x? BS!

NZ servers I think are the ones that give full ip's without admin, and this is the smartest server owner/owners of them all. What are the side effects? Well as of now we range ban what we don't see so 12.34.56.x is now 12.34.56/24 or /16. Well whad'ya know, 5 other people are affected? "Sorry I didn't know the last number of the ip, you fit the range and idk if your aliased and really are the cheater or not, so good bye." <-- Not ignorance, just precautionary :s
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Privacy. But now that you can see three octets instead of two, it's almost useless. Either revert to just two, or show the full IP already.
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I don't think full ips should be available to non-admins for all servers. The fact that only three octets are available now means if some idiot wants to blacklist someone for a bullshit reason, someone else has to look at logs or get admin to get the ip. I can slap someone else's ip address on a genuine report with a demo of another player cheating and I guarantee not all server owners check the demos carefully. In other words, someone with some level of competence/responsibility/sense has to step in to finish the work.
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after spending some time with RR on ac platformers. I thought it might be a good idea to implement a 180 function. Basically, with a key press you could rotate the yaw by 180 degrees and maybe add something so it wasn't instantaneous but quicker and more efficient than a full wrist rotations. I know that this is not other fps, but this function exists in other games and can be a vital asset.
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(11 Mar 12, 12:03PM)Waffles Wrote: after spending some time with RR on ac platformers. I thought it might be a good idea to implement a 180 function. Basically, with a key press you could rotate the yaw by 180 degrees and maybe add something so it wasn't instantaneous but quicker and more efficient than a full wrist rotations. I know that this is not other fps, but this function exists in other games and can be a vital asset.

I remember this same feature was implemented in Mirror's Edge, which was an FPS. It was mostly used for jumping wall to wall and grabbing ledges up top, but occasionally you could use it to face your enemy when they try to sneak up from behind.

Can't say I used it often for that purpose though.
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(11 Mar 12, 12:18PM)Aekom Wrote: ... Mirror's Edge, which was an FPS.
FPS = First-Person Shooter
Mirror's Edge was more of a First-Person Parkour.

like minecraft
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so that I think that the new ac could coop simply gave fashion advice to think about the story boards, namely For instance on the floor that would be done as a normal base maps and sometimes not all of which deal with the maps, bugging these platforms, etc.
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Okay, hoping this post will not be neglected (granted this is some random post on the 51st bloody page of a topic)...


I was looking in the SVN reference for the function to hide the edit mode grid and didn't find it (I thought something like it now exists for cleanshot) I'd love to know how to do this (or it should be added if it's not already and seems easy to add)

People that use Photoshop like to disable the grid/other extra visuals temporarily while adjusting finer details to see exactly what the output looks like. Just like this, I'd love to be able to see what my changes in texture or geometry look like while changing it (I.E. not toggling out of edit mode for every texture you scroll through looking for an appropriate one)


Another thing I feel (at least for me) would make editing/creating maps easier -- if the edit grid could also be displayed on solids. I would like to be able to fill areas in with solids and "hollow out" areas with non-solid geometry. You can technically already do this, albeit with horrible accuracy because of the lack of the cube grid on solids.

I know solids still have the floor and ceiling values, but are merely rendered as a single unit; the information is already there to draw the grid on solids, but instead of drawing a unique color (or any) it is simply not drawn.

Similarly to how heightfields have a different colored grid (green instead of white/gray) these solids could have a defining unique color, like indigo (green -> blue -> indigo). Less important, I guess it'd be a good idea for these colors to be user editable.
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Something I just quickly made for my AC_Platformer vid (probably not the "proper" way to do it). Replace cursorupdate() with this:


void cursorupdate()                                     // called every frame from hud
    flrceil = ((int)(camera1->pitch>=0))*2;
    int cyaw = ((int) camera1->yaw) % 180;
    editaxis = editmode ? (fabs(camera1->pitch) > 65 ? 13 : (cyaw < 45 || cyaw > 135 ? 12 : 11)) : 0;

    volatile float x = worldpos.x;                      // volatile needed to prevent msvc7 optimizer bug?
    volatile float y = worldpos.y;
    volatile float z = worldpos.z;

    cx = (int)x;
    cy = (int)y;

    if(OUTBORD(cx, cy)) return;
    //sqr *s = S(cx,cy);
    sqr *s = S(0,0);

    if(fabs(sheight(s,s,z)-z)>1)                        // selected wall
        x += x>camera1->o.x ? 0.5f : -0.5f;             // find right wall cube
        y += y>camera1->o.y ? 0.5f : -0.5f;

        cx = (int)x;
        cy = (int)y;

        if(OUTBORD(cx, cy)) return;

    if(dragging) makesel();

    const int GRIDSIZE = 5;
    const float GRIDW = 0.5f;
    const float GRID8 = 2.0f;
    const float GRIDS = 2.0f;
    const int GRIDM = 0x7;

    // render editing grid
    if (drawgrid==1)
        for(int ix = cx-GRIDSIZE; ix<=cx+GRIDSIZE; ix++) for(int iy = cy-GRIDSIZE; iy<=cy+GRIDSIZE; iy++)

            if(OUTBORD(ix, iy)) continue;
            sqr *s = S(ix,iy);
            if(SOLID(s)) continue;
            float h1 = sheight(s, s, z);
            float h2 = sheight(s, SWS(s,1,0,sfactor), z);
            float h3 = sheight(s, SWS(s,1,1,sfactor), z);
            float h4 = sheight(s, SWS(s,0,1,sfactor), z);
            if(s->tag) linestyle(GRIDW, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x40);
            else if(s->type==FHF || s->type==CHF) linestyle(GRIDW, 0x80, 0xFF, 0x80);
            else linestyle(GRIDW, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80);
            block b = { ix, iy, 1, 1 };
            box(b, h1, h2, h3, h4);
            linestyle(GRID8, 0x40, 0x40, 0xFF);
            if(!(ix&GRIDM))   line(ix,   iy,   h1, ix,   iy+1, h4);
            if(!((ix+1)&GRIDM)) line(ix+1, iy,   h2, ix+1, iy+1, h3);
            if(!(iy&GRIDM))   line(ix,   iy,   h1, ix+1, iy,   h2);
            if(!((iy+1)&GRIDM)) line(ix,   iy+1, h4, ix+1, iy+1, h3);
            linestyle(GRIDS, 0xFF, 0x40, 0x40);
            box(sel, (float)selh, (float)selh, (float)selh, (float)selh);

            float ih = sheight(s, s, z);
            linestyle(GRIDS, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF);
            block b = { cx, cy, 1, 1 };
            box(b, ih, sheight(s, SWS(s,1,0,sfactor), z), sheight(s, SWS(s,1,1,sfactor), z), sheight(s, SWS(s,0,1,sfactor), z));
            linestyle(GRIDS, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00);
            dot(cx, cy, ih);
            ch = (int)ih;



You probably want to change it to:
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editing.cpp: In function 'void cursorupdate()':
editing.cpp:126: error: too few arguments to function 'void makesel(bool)'
editing.cpp:184: error: at this point in file
editing.cpp:218: warning: the address of 'bool selset()' will always evaluate as
editing.cpp:221: error: 'sel' was not declared in this scope
editing.cpp:221: error: 'selh' was not declared in this scope
editing.cpp: At global scope:
editing.cpp:53: warning: '__dummy_edittoggle' defined but not used
editing.cpp:141: warning: '__dummy___dummy_selx' defined but not used
editing.cpp:142: warning: '__dummy___dummy_sely' defined but not used
editing.cpp:143: warning: '__dummy___dummy_selxs' defined but not used
editing.cpp:144: warning: '__dummy___dummy_selys' defined but not used
editing.cpp:392: warning: '__dummy_editheight' defined but not used
editing.cpp:488: warning: '__dummy_heightfield' defined but not used
editing.cpp:489: warning: '__dummy_solid' defined but not used
editing.cpp:490: warning: '__dummy_corner' defined but not used
editing.cpp:519: warning: '__dummy_equalize' defined but not used
editing.cpp:717: warning: '__dummy___dummy_select' defined but not used
editing.cpp:718: warning: '__dummy___dummy_addselection' defined but not used
editing.cpp:719: warning: '__dummy_resetselections' defined but not used
editing.cpp:720: warning: '__dummy_edittag' defined but not used
editing.cpp:721: warning: '__dummy_replace' defined but not used
editing.cpp:722: warning: '__dummy_archvertex' defined but not used
editing.cpp:723: warning: '__dummy_arch' defined but not used
editing.cpp:724: warning: '__dummy_slope' defined but not used
editing.cpp:725: warning: '__dummy_setvdelta' defined but not used
editing.cpp:726: warning: '__dummy_editundo' defined but not used
editing.cpp:727: warning: '__dummy_copy' defined but not used
editing.cpp:728: warning: '__dummy_paste' defined but not used
editing.cpp:729: warning: '__dummy_edittex' defined but not used
editing.cpp:730: warning: '__dummy_newent' defined but not used
editing.cpp:731: warning: '__dummy_perlin' defined but not used
editing.cpp:732: warning: '__dummy_movemap' defined but not used
editing.cpp:733: warning: '__dummy_selectionrotate' defined but not used
editing.cpp:734: warning: '__dummy_selectionflip' defined but not used
editing.cpp:735: warning: '__dummy_countwalls' defined but not used
editing.cpp:736: warning: '__dummy_settex' defined but not used
mingw32-make: *** [editing.o] Error 1

Press any key to post a complaint to Ronny . . .

How did you get this to work? :P

I'm going through the errors one by one and these are novice mistakes :P

append: really rooted from just three aparent mistakes (one with a function I haven't looked at -- maybe you meant to to this)

error 1:
if(dragging) makesel();
makesel requires a Boolean argument. dragging is one such variable, so...
is what you'd do.

error 2:
This is a check if the function selset itself is defined or not (exists). This will always be true.
is what you want.

error 3 is the one I'm not sure if my editing it ruined the intentions of your code:
box(sel, (float)selh, (float)selh, (float)selh, (float)selh);
I replaced this line complatly with the line already in the latest SVN cause I figured it's what you meant:

loopv(sels) box(sels[i], (float)sels[i].h, (float)sels[i].h, (float)sels[i].h, (float)sels[i].h);

Though I bet you actually have those variables you had defined somewhere? (hopefully you're not using cubescript? :P)
The remaining errors are those variables on that line being used without ever being defined.

Oh, and when I got it to compile, pushing [E] for edit mode quits the game :P

A note: when I get it to compile without errors the command line doesn't show me the warnings for some reason. This being true I can assume the following warnings are still present:
editing.cpp: At global scope:
editing.cpp:53: warning: '__dummy_edittoggle' defined but not used
editing.cpp:141: warning: '__dummy___dummy_selx' defined but not used
editing.cpp:142: warning: '__dummy___dummy_sely' defined but not used
editing.cpp:143: warning: '__dummy___dummy_selxs' defined but not used
editing.cpp:144: warning: '__dummy___dummy_selys' defined but not used
editing.cpp:392: warning: '__dummy_editheight' defined but not used
editing.cpp:488: warning: '__dummy_heightfield' defined but not used
editing.cpp:489: warning: '__dummy_solid' defined but not used
editing.cpp:490: warning: '__dummy_corner' defined but not used
editing.cpp:519: warning: '__dummy_equalize' defined but not used
editing.cpp:717: warning: '__dummy___dummy_select' defined but not used
editing.cpp:718: warning: '__dummy___dummy_addselection' defined but not used
editing.cpp:719: warning: '__dummy_resetselections' defined but not used
editing.cpp:720: warning: '__dummy_edittag' defined but not used
editing.cpp:721: warning: '__dummy_replace' defined but not used
editing.cpp:722: warning: '__dummy_archvertex' defined but not used
editing.cpp:723: warning: '__dummy_arch' defined but not used
editing.cpp:724: warning: '__dummy_slope' defined but not used
editing.cpp:725: warning: '__dummy_setvdelta' defined but not used
editing.cpp:726: warning: '__dummy_editundo' defined but not used
editing.cpp:727: warning: '__dummy_copy' defined but not used
editing.cpp:728: warning: '__dummy_paste' defined but not used
editing.cpp:729: warning: '__dummy_edittex' defined but not used
editing.cpp:730: warning: '__dummy_newent' defined but not used
editing.cpp:731: warning: '__dummy_perlin' defined but not used
editing.cpp:732: warning: '__dummy_movemap' defined but not used
editing.cpp:733: warning: '__dummy_selectionrotate' defined but not used
editing.cpp:734: warning: '__dummy_selectionflip' defined but not used
editing.cpp:735: warning: '__dummy_countwalls' defined but not used
editing.cpp:736: warning: '__dummy_settex' defined but not used
And hey, the first one is edittoggle. Hmm. Wait what am I talking about the warnings say those are never used :V

Anyways, I found out that it was trying to access the list of selections (which was empty) but I was able to type /select x x x x and went to edit mode and it worked (I guess you can use /select in any mode).

I don't even know what this code's intentions are. All I observe is a hilarious bug where you can define the first select anchor and the second one closing the selection is automatically updated where the cursor is pointing. Scrolling the mouse wheel while doing this is insane.

After doing all this I think I finally understand your intentions are to update the second selection by where the cursor is pointing (assumingly to select inside solids) but I can't seem to toggle this behavior for the unwanted uses of it (most of the time).

I guess I could've inferred this initially as it was in the update_cursor function :/
You were kinda like "do this code!" And I was like "well I don't know what it does, but okay!"

Pretty cool though.

edit: posting replies at 1:43am = bad post :/

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Try in 1104.
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(11 Mar 12, 12:03PM)Waffles Wrote: after spending some time with RR on ac platformers. I thought it might be a good idea to implement a 180 function. Basically, with a key press you could rotate the yaw by 180 degrees and maybe add something so it wasn't instantaneous but quicker and more efficient than a full wrist rotations. I know that this is not other fps, but this function exists in other games and can be a vital asset.

Personally, I doubt I would ever use the 180* thing... would mess up my entire flow of movement. I have used this in other game's, though I can't recall which one's, but I remember hating it. Recovering from an auto-180 to aim would take longer than simply turning around to aim IMO. Maybe someone else would find it useful, but I wouldn't even use it.
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I don't have the code (I don't think)

I'm having fun with the SVN code ^^
Really. Hadn't yet oriented myself with AC's code.

It's been fun and wow I can see how there is some time between releases oO

I found this handy thing:
This needs to be documented.

Would you mind enlightening me on VAR and VARP?
I (think I) understand what they are but I'd like to understand exactly what the parameters are?

I created a new VARP showselborders with the code for showgrid and wrapped the code for drawing the selection borders in the VARP condition.

This is exactly what I wanted! Why didn't I screw with AC's code before?

Purple grid for solids, more readable code + documentation (incomplete):

cursorupdate() from editing.cpp

Still need to calculate a better ch/ih and select solids by cursor-pointing instead of the x/y of the player himself. Then it will be glorious. Still, it's 3:27am. Bedtime.
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P stands for persistant. Meaning it will save in the saved.cfg.

But, a conversation for a different thread ;)
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I recently just thought of an idea for AC, but idk if anyone has posted here about it..

My idea is to have a killcam. A 5 sec replay of how and who killed you while you wait to respawn. Examples are from Combat Arms: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=end...x50FxYszHg Skip to 0:10
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I think it should be hard to code, and while those 5 seconds, i use this precious time to see what's going on and say it to my teamates.
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(17 Mar 12, 08:53AM)Boomhauer Wrote: Personally, I doubt I would ever use the 180* thing... would mess up my entire flow of movement. I have used this in other game's, though I can't recall which one's...
RE 4... XD
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I want this in the next release. :D
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(19 Mar 12, 01:34AM)Brahma Wrote: http://9gag.com/gag/3418043
I want this in the next release. :D

keep it under 10 guns please? :3
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(19 Mar 12, 02:17AM)Cemer Wrote:
(19 Mar 12, 01:34AM)Brahma Wrote: http://9gag.com/gag/3418043
I want this in the next release. :D

keep it under 10 guns please? :3

Noo cemer, Ac needs a variation weapons.
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We need 40 weapons or I rq next version. kthnxbai
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lmg and molotov for next version : )

seriously now, i was thinking on other ideas concerning gameplay and editing.

- more official mapmodels and textures: although i am not very creative regarding choosing wall textures and so i would like to have more indoor textures, like hotel walls and few others, i know you can raise a cube in front of the wall and do an extra detail but still. even have more uses as shelves textures.

Also the mapmodels, i have few ideas of some for an extension of the mapmodel 57 (is that the squared platform right?), and put some others than can connect each other but not necessarily using the same mapmodel (example http://forum.cubers.net/thread-4294.html).

some new mapmodels to be used as bridge, even planks or fallen trees, or some used as support in direction of a wall (i.e: the wheel mapmodel).

even the weapon themselves just thrown around the map, just for the look (but if you can pick them up why not).

I know this may have been asked before but i haven't heard opinions about them, glass or broken glass, just to help with making windows or so.

for gameplay just one

-Respawns: there's something wrong with death match and survivor modes, sometimes there's not even a chance to defend yourself as your opponent spawns behind you or too close, is it possible to make something that forces the spawn point away by the point the opponent is going at? that way we shouldn't have this issues.

now this may be more a personal thing for me but i find weird on death match your opponent being able to see your screen while dead, maybe is just me but i don't see why you should be able to.
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(19 Mar 12, 05:57AM)Stranz Wrote: -Respawns: there's something wrong with death match and survivor modes, sometimes there's not even a chance to defend yourself as your opponent spawns behind you or too close, is it possible to make something that forces the spawn point away by the point the opponent is going at? that way we shouldn't have this issues.

now this may be more a personal thing for me but i find weird on death match your opponent being able to see your screen while dead, maybe is just me but i don't see why you should be able to.
Then the opponent can just stand next to your flag while you spawn on the other side of the base? Also, mastermode 2 disables spectating of your opponent.

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i was referring exclusively to death match modes not team based.

about the command, i don't see any description of how it works when written in, neither in the docs.
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