--> -->
MAP CHECK FAIL: Items too Close???
I get the above error, with the items that are too close.
here's one example: PISTOL 1.30 (31,83)
How the heck to i FIND this object and then REMOVE IT?????

this is my first attempt at a decent map.

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You could go to the options menu to select only that type of entity, then move in edit mode underneath the map and observe the colored "sparkle" thing representing an instance of that entity (not necessarily the conflicting one)
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To me it sounds like A) pistol ammo pickups are to close to each other, or B) akimbo pickups are to close to each other.
Taken from Ops example.

But how to find them that some mappers need to answer.
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I don't think there's any restriction on how close pistol clips are to each other.

Append: Some quotes from another thread:
I Wrote:Armour, ammobox, grenades, and akimbo need to be at least 16 cubes apart (2 of the the blue intersections in the grid)

Regarding flags:
I Wrote:They need to be 30 cubes apart -> roughly 4 blue intersections apart.

I think that warning calls Akimbo pickups "pistol".

Correction of
I, being silly, Wrote:You could go to the options menu to select only that type of entity
Edit->Map Operations->Select only these entities->Akimbo
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(20 Jan 12, 11:58PM)m!$f!+ Wrote: here's one example: PISTOL 1.30 (31,83)
How the heck to i FIND this object and then REMOVE IT?????

Thank you for asking a good question, albiet with four more "?"s than needed.

You want to use the command "go_to" in edit mode.
/go_to 31 83
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ok everybody, thanks! I'll try that now, however... for the life of me.. i can't figure out how to DELETE the damn things! ???????
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The delete button will work.
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i swear it doesn't delete for me... "delete key" changes the floor style. Maybe i'm not "choosing" the pistol clip? i'm clicking on the square under the clip, and all that happens is the floor changes style. Ugh!
1) highlight the square's under an item
2) EDIT --> Map Ops --> Select the Next Closest Entity
3) BACKSPACE (not the Delete key)

Simple once you know it!
Thanks, all!
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Backspace on Windows = Delete key on Mac
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Quote:[01:30am] B}Ronald_Reagan: I always thought having two different keys for deleting was stupid
[01:30am] B}Ronald_Reagan: and thus always said delete
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How do you delete "forward" on a Mac?
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According to my exclusive sources if your keyboard is one with the Fn key, Fn + Del.
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