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ac_minecraft [WIP]
Hello everyone!
Now i've enough free time to map so i started a MineCraft map theme.
I know i'm certainly not the first who have the idea, but i see that anyone took the time to convert textures and start making it! :P
I'll need some mapmodels (1 for sure (torch on the wall)), if someone is free to do it please PM me, that would be cool! ;)
Here are the first screenshots:

[Image: 20111215.jpg]
[Image: 20111216.jpg]
[Image: 20111217.jpg]

This is the CLA base, the midmap will be in the nature, and the RVSF will be a mine. :)
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Oh my god. <3
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O.O very good job
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So much win, in one map :D
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gogo Cleaner. :P
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minecraft/ac, the ultimate thing :P
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(12 Dec 11, 11:06PM)Orynge Wrote: gogo Cleaner. :P

Haha XD

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I don't know Minecraft enough to judge it, but looks soooo nice ^-^
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Lol I had this idea before! I made a simple map that was just completely random risen cubes everywhere. It would be cool if we could have a gamemode (something similar to X-Ray Dogs zombie mod). It would work in Co-Op mode with the Edit button disabled at different times and zombies or creepers like in minecraft come when edit button is disabled and the skymap changes to grave. Also it only allows a select few textures and has different weapon models - Pickaxe, Axe, Sword and block. Although I'm not able to do that but I can try :)
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Oooh ooh tall grass/cactus since AC can be desert themed :D
Great job. Needs the iron sword for knife :o
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(13 Dec 11, 05:29AM)Felix-The-Ghost Wrote: ...
Ah, here's two mods from ASOM that look suspiciously Minecraft-themed. They're not, though.
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Minecraft themed? You're losing your mind, Orynge.

.ExodusS*: fhdsjkhdjahjfdkhfkdfjsfjkhkjkfdjsfkCOOL.
I've been waiting for this since you posted that screenshot on ASOM's blockish sword thread.
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(13 Dec 11, 06:37AM)Frogulis Wrote: I've been waiting for this since you posted that screenshot on ASOM's blockish sword thread.

Same. :o
Can't wait for this to be finished :p

And perhaps have a dungeon somewhere in the map? :o
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Erm, just a question... Copyright Mojang AB. Do not distribute!

Dunno, I only got the game a couple of days ago but this seems pretty much straight forward to me doesn't it?
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holy. crap. I freakin <3 you :D

@cleaner ... shhh nobody knows if you dont tell ':D
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Old try with bad textures:


I sent 10k ask for copyright everywhere i could do...no answer.
I don't make it for money and nobody (even Mojang) can earn money for that.
If a real problem happen, i will try to get rights from a custom texture pack (painterly first!). :)
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You can get Dementium4ever HiRes Minecraft textures...

Don't have the link under my elbow sorry...

EDIT: Here you go Dementium4ever HiRes Minecraft textures
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me wants to help preeety please :D should make it massive but under 10k area.. should be easy ..?
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(13 Dec 11, 02:32PM)Titan Wrote: me wants to help preeety please :D should make it massive but under 10k area.. should be easy ..?

Do you play MineCraft? :D
I'm ok if you want to coop for this map.
I've just already planed the gameplay/rooms.

-CLA base=bedroom
-CLA right door is a "kitchen"
-CLA left door is a cave


-RVSF base=dongeon
-RVSF right way=lava falls/lake
-RVSF left way=mining ore with TNTs (and a little redstone circuit)
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minecraft on sp ftw :D Sounds good hehe
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Exo, pleeaseee let me help bro, I'm in love with Minecraft.

I do play minecraft, if that wasn't already deducted from the above statement.
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Then join my MineCraft Server :D
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For anyone whos interested in my HD pack:

It's not uploaded yet. It'll release on the 24th decembre, but befor, I'll have to do some bugfixing. For a link to the beta version, you can write me a PM.

@Exo: It's 256x256 per texture, so I guess it's perfectly for AC ;) Also, it keeps the original Minecraft flaire...
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(14 Dec 11, 09:45PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: @Exo: It's 256x256 per texture, so I guess it's perfectly for AC ;) Also, it keeps the original Minecraft flaire...

1.I'm using 64x64 pixels textures (cause 2 AR's cubes = 1 MC's cube)
2.If i must take a custom texture pack (cause of no copyrights) i'll use the one who looks like the most with Minecraft official ones.

But i'll try cause everything is possible. :)

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It's personal, noncommercial use. Personally I doubt Notch cares about anything ;)
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He should rather be grateful for the free advertisement :P
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He should checks his mails. :/
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I love ur Idea;)
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