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Why I´m MAD?
Edit: No on sense
So, after recent evaluation of my wrongdoings, I´ve found that I´m making a big fool out of myself and Im laughable to say the least, so I wont be doing any more threads. Some nice dude posted the "best Ps2, Xbox, Dreamcast & Nintendo 64 games" thread I wanted, (thanks!) and the other one titled "Im a complete UbberN00b and I dont know it" has been canceled. I dont want confrontation in this forum or in any other place on earth. Let it be elsewhere and far away from me.
So, to all of you that know how to politely dissent and know the difference between possitive rants against terrible ones; the people I LUV and all other forum users all over the world A BIG I LOVE YOU. I wont be able to call ALL OF YOU by name in THIS SITE (<--- LINK) where you can come share the LULZ, because maybe you think Im not Spanish or that I dont love my dog. Feel free to hug me when you see me in game.
Note that I wont be making threads becuase Im an UbberN00b.
Signing off, A COMPLETE *******, (<--- LINK) or THE DRAMA QUEEN (<--- LINK)
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After re-reading, maybe Im wrong and Im acting tremendously, cause only very few told me to stop posting, (even with titiPT I signed peace!) but I am a man of word and this is truly my last thread. If anyone wants to open a "Best Ps2, Xbox, Dreamcast & Nintendo 64 games" itll be my pleasure to fill it with content, XD.
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(31 Oct 11, 12:41AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: I wont be doing any more threads.

Thank God!

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I've been waiting for an opportunity to use that link.
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[Image: screenshot20111031at124.jpg]
Quite a threat you got there.
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If no forum admins or mods are telling you to stop, there's a good chance you're not doing anything wrong.
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Si si si mañana estas haciendo otro post !!! xD!!
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That's true, you opened like 10 threads in 2 weeks (counting the OT section only), but I'm for Orynge, I couldn't care less.
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Say what you wana say as long as its not abusive, jeeze why so upset, dont make a drama out of it just post about it...

btw i was one of the first to recognise Muad'Dib for who he was, Fremen will always know you.
Atreides will rise again as has been fortold, the Paul i know would never be influenced by non believers.

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@Anderson Im not on my medication, beg forgive. You showed me the right path (again)
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Whats that thread about?:D (serious question)
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About n00bs and keyboards... XD
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(31 Oct 11, 07:32PM)DES|Anderson Wrote: WTF?

Say what you wana say as long as its not abusive, jeeze why so upset, dont make a drama out of it just post about it...
What's abusive in my post? I said what's true. But again, I'm neither upset nor annoyed, I just don't care.

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I didnt mean your post Andrez, I meant Paul should say what he wants as long as it is not abusive, all is well Paul is back ;)

@Paul u gota take them meds my friend...
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What does the KA stand for though? Kwisatz Haderach?
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Well paul, making a thread stating how you will not make any more threads is sort of besides the point...
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@Cemer no, its Kicks Ass XD
@Viper, its a redundancy, to double mean it.
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(01 Nov 11, 11:27AM)paulmuaddibKA Wrote: @Viper, its a redundancy, to double mean it.

all the way man
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This guy makes no sense, I'm that confused that I've accidentally revoked his make-new-thread privileges.
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Great! Easiest way to cope with temptation = No privileges! Thanks!
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(02 Nov 11, 11:45AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: This guy makes no sense, I'm that confused that I've accidentally revoked his make-new-thread privileges.


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Oh god, this would go on forever.

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