Lanscape 16
If you want to blame someone that I post here and not somebody else for me => flame Shorty, his fault

I just wanted to contact all Belgian or Netherlands players. Also other AC players are welcome although it's harder for them.

Me and my CS:S team are joining Lanscape 16. We are gonna play a CS:S compo there. Though, I thought it was a cool idea to organise an unofficial fun compo that weekend for AssaultCube. I just got my permission to organise it.

So, if you are interested to play and promote AssaultCube in a LAN enviroment with the appearance of the biggest Benelux Multi-Gaming Organisations such as LowLandLions, Enro Griffins, Dutch eSports and Antwerp Aces, register at

The lan will be organised at 13/14/15 August. It costs 30Euro for a whole weekend when you reservate. 40Euros at the doors for each day. The AC competition itself is completly free. There are sleep facilities there, i'll be there from friday till sunday

It's gonna be a 1on1 competition for sure.

For more information/explanation, you can't email me .. because a MODERATOR banned Davi and edited the post.

When you are on the lan, you can easily recognise me because i'll be wearing a LAN shirt with my CS:S nick

[Image: 17b12002bf962b2ab2f4e76cae24df15c4cd4eda_full.jpg]

Frag out

edit: I won't check this post again, because after comment #1 I see where this is going. If you are interested, email me. Laterz
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Davitomon, if other cheaters are banned here, why arn't you?
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I'm from Belgium, but to young to go lan-party's man. Anyways, you got Skype or so? I would like to contact you & ask you some questions. Thanx already!
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Stop being ****, can you not see that Davi knows he did something wrong and is just giving everyone the opportunity to catch up with him and maybe, even have some fun.
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Shoot I didn't even know Davi was a cheater as well. It seems all the good players turn out to be cheaters, no?
(04 Aug 10, 01:12PM)Harps Wrote:


Is this for real or a setup?
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9_9 it's a vapid and irrelevant attempt at trolling.
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omg is this video amazing
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(04 Aug 10, 01:51PM)Shorty Wrote: Stop being ****, can you not see that Davi knows he did something wrong and is just giving everyone the opportunity to catch up with him and maybe, even have some fun.

There is a diffrence between cheating once and regretting it and posing for years (almost) as a dedicated, veteran community member, member of a respected clan, organizing leagues and tournaments and acting "all for the good of ac", only to be caught cheating all the way once his cheat becomes technically detectable. Makes any future attempts at "promoting ac" leave a rather rancid taste in your mouth. How a guy like him can handle cheating while being an e-sports league admin (ESL) is far, far beyond me.

Major dissapointment, and a disgrace to e-sports in general. Bye.
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Cheating seems to be so widespread I'm starting to feel left out. Fortunately I haven't got a clue how to do it. Is every player out there with a more than 2.0 ratio a cheater?
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No. There actually are some real good players who suffer from being suspected all the time.

Ac 1.1 has some nice measures built in to keep the worst cheaters off the servers. Unfortunately, the cheat coders will eventually catch up again, but expect 1.1 to be relatively cheat free the first few weeks/months(hopefully).
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(04 Aug 10, 10:29PM)makkE Wrote: No. There actually are some real good players who suffer from being suspected all the time.

Ac 1.1 has some nice measures built in to keep the worst cheaters off the servers. Unfortunately, the cheat coders will eventually catch up again, but expect 1.1 to be relatively cheat free the first few weeks/months(hopefully).

Are these measure active at the moment or will i need to update my server bins at some point?
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If you run a 1.1. server (not alpha), this stuff is active - will automatically kick all cheats it detects. This doesn't mean ac is cheat free now, but it can detect many obvious cheats.
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(04 Aug 10, 10:33AM)DrauL Wrote: Davitomon, if other cheaters are banned here, why arn't you?

Not all
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I wish that someone would host one of these in Los Angeles so I can attend one without spending tons of money on plane tickets and bedding.
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still makes me lol
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