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Jg99's AC Forbidden.Cfg (huge forbidden.cfg list)
download it here


and im ur server motd, put "This server uses Jg99's AC Forbidden.cfg" ( only if u use it)
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Here are some things that I think you should do to improve this list.

- Penis is a medical term, nothing wrong about it.
- I can't really see how "your mom" is something so bad that it should be forbidden.
- Sheis isn't a German word. Scheiß/Scheiss is.

There are also some bits where you add some phrases, where all you could do was simply use one word.
your gay
u gay
you're gay
gay man
gay person
gay woman
gay men
gay women
I'm sure we can all agree this can be reduced to a single line: "gay".

Same applies to this:
fu queer
niger queer
you're queer
you are queer
your queer
you queer
u queer
queer man
queer woman
queer person
Queer black
Queer White
Just use a single line: "queer".

Kill president
Assasian president
Umm, lol?

And the list goes on.
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pastebin this, would make it tons easier to see what you've done and whether or not to use it.
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Wolf: remember, if you ban "gay" or "queer", it will block anything containing that sequence of letters (the famous Gaylord). Besides, if penis is a medical term, can gay and queer be "bad words"?
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In the old days admins used to ban people for inappropiate names, but i suppose now they dont because of the instant shouts of admin abuse!

PS I still do ;)
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What Anderson said
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(15 Aug 11, 08:40PM)DES|Anderson Wrote: In the old days admins used to ban people for inappropiate names, but i suppose now they dont because of the instant shouts of admin abuse!

PS I still do ;)

Bringing a form of modding for names might not be a bad idea. I've seen some awful, offensive names in the week or so that I've been playing this game. :x
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how about a disclaimer.
"Online interactions not rated by the esrb"
think ive seen that somewhere
"Game may contain inappropriate content. (Violence/mature content.) Parental Guidance recommended for children under the age of 13"...

no need to go further than the largest software companies in the vg industry do...

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Perhaps the word 'hacker' should be considered for forbibden-ness.

it is overused and usually when uttered, a flame war happens.
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(15 Aug 11, 07:08AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Just use a single line: "queer".

// Queer just plain is not blacklisted like "what a queer sound" is not blacklisted
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Hm, "gay" is no offensive word :/
Cause then you should ban "hetero" aswell xD
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"aswell" is an offensive word.
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(15 Aug 11, 08:40PM)DES|Anderson Wrote: In the old days admins used to ban people for inappropiate names, but i suppose now they dont because of the instant shouts of admin abuse!

PS I still do ;)

if you get offended over an inappropriate nickname on a free online fps you should probably just kill yourself
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(16 Aug 11, 08:40PM)MusicMan10 Wrote:
(15 Aug 11, 08:40PM)DES|Anderson Wrote: In the old days admins used to ban people for inappropiate names, but i suppose now they dont because of the instant shouts of admin abuse!

PS I still do ;)

if you get offended over an inappropriate nickname on a free online fps you should probably just kill yourself

Because making jokes about the holocaust is ok.
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(16 Aug 11, 09:38PM)Zarj Wrote: Because making jokes about the holocaust is ok.

give me three good reasons why it isn't ok
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(15 Aug 11, 07:08AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Here are some things that I think you should do to improve this list.

- Penis is a medical term, nothing wrong about it.
- I can't really see how "your mom" is something so bad that it should be forbidden.
- Sheis isn't a German word. Scheiß/Scheiss is.

There are also some bits where you add some phrases, where all you could do was simply use one word.
your gay
u gay
you're gay
gay man
gay person
gay woman
gay men
gay women
I'm sure we can all agree this can be reduced to a single line: "gay".

Same applies to this:
fu queer
niger queer
you're queer
you are queer
your queer
you queer
u queer
queer man
queer woman
queer person
Queer black
Queer White
Just use a single line: "queer".

Kill president
Assasian president
Umm, lol?

And the list goes on.

well, gay and queer have good ways to say it though

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I don't know why you'd need three reasons. One should suffice.

On the other hand it depends how you go about making the joke. I could make a joke, in reference to photos of holocaust survivors, about them resembling a crackwhore I saw in some major city. That would probably be an unreasonable joke to make. Alternatively, I could make a joke about Rudolf Höss working at McDonald's and showing potential for promotion because he has "managerial" experience.
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(16 Aug 11, 08:40PM)MusicMan10 Wrote: if you get offended over an inappropriate nickname on a free online fps you should probably just kill yourself
If you feel the need to advise people to kill themselves because you cannot understand their values, you should probably rethink your attitude toward life.
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if someone is acting extremely inappropriate, and the forbidden system isnt catching at, theres always /whois + ban.
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It's all in context though. If my brother was killed by falling off a cliff then I might find a user playing under the perfectly harmless name of "Cliff" traumatizing, but that doesn't mean they should be stopped from using it...

I do think respect needs to be given, but I also think you have to just not give a toss, there are many spastics online.

Also there are players with names suck as "f**kjesus" which is horridly offensive to some, while others don't even give a toss. I saw a muslim player pleading with another player to change their name from allah to something else, while not offensive to some, it is shocking to others.

It is all relative to the experiences you've had in life, so I think it's unfair to judge somebody on the name they use online.

*hopes he made sense*

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imo we all know there is a vast amount of children playing AC (DES|Kijax daughter is only 6 for example), mature adults who are in charge of the smooth running of the game should prevent them to get to see any of these moronic nicknames.

After all the choice of including words of sexual/religious/race influence is obviously a sort of primal aggrovation and it should not be tolerated, some of us might find this funny but believe me or not it can also cause distress to youngsters. I will also add to this that some parents may simply not allow their kids to play AC after seeing such rudeness on screen.

I am certainly far from being prude or whatever but unless you rate this game +18 (for some country it's less but it's just to make sure) this Forbidden list is a very good thing and these rule should be clearly stated whenever you need to enter your nickname.

We are here to have fun not to start controversies about any of those mentioned above.
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(19 Aug 11, 11:34AM)DES|Cleaner Wrote: we all know there is a vast amount of children playing AC ... should prevent them to get to see any of these moronic nicknames.

After all the choice of including words of sexual/religious/race influence ... should not be tolerated.. believe me or not it can also cause distress to youngsters.

unless you rate this game +18... should be clearly stated whenever you need to enter your nickname.

We are here to have fun not to start controversies

i agree with having consideration for the most innocent among AC players. Even if they shoot people for fun :D

random idea
Import a swear filter ingame that you can switch on and off at your choosing. (Default: on)
Those who don't care about swearing can see it and the delicate flowers can get them filtered, problem solved. ;)
(*** or synonyms or zzz for nicks)

Also consider creating a way for a server to be listed as "Adults Only" with a confirmation of Acceptance of possible offensive user-created content required to enter.

my one real request is to avoid banning religious terms. For me, it's out of respect for those (many, many) who have suffered greatly as a result of religious-freedom-of-speech being handled poorly.... If sexual, racist, violent, etc. names are effectively forbidden, then it would be pretty difficult to make a nick like "jesusisafag" right?

having too much censorship can 'start controversies' just as much as having none.
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I think sonic's idea is the best way to handle this: have the filter managed by the client, so each person can decide for themselves. Perhaps have it enabled by default and ask if they want to disable it in setup?
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Pastebin Link: http://pastebin.com/MQr377yf
Now we can build it bigger!!!!!!!
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I just find all those "profanity filter" so ridiculous. They never know the difference between "oh, f***" and "f*** you". Actually I don't know why, but it makes me so mad to read that stupid, pseudo-authoritarian "watch your language". Oooh, I'm so sorry, I won't do it again.
Edit: 'oh, f...' not 'of, f...' :D

Besides, I still don't get why people fear that kids might be disturbed by reading the occasional f-word on screen, but see no problem with said kids playing ego shooters with blood and gibs flying around.

And something else: trust me, aforementioned kids most likely know exactly what f*** stands for. It's reminds me of age-gates - they do an excellent job at attracting exactly the age groups who shouldn't see whatever is behind it.

Back on topic: if someone insults others or curses all the time, just kick them, or better yet, /ignore <cn>. There, problem solved.

Oh, and something completely unrelated: why the heck is "nazis ftl" (as well as "nazis ftw") explicitly mentioned to be blocked? Although, if you consider freedom of opinion, it makes sense to block none - or, as here, both.
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The personal filter, as I mentioned before, and Sonic mentioned here, is probably the best option. A personal forbidden.cfg file should prevent the words from showing up on the user's screen in the first place. That way each client can choose just how much to block, and the person doing the talking does not get that motherly "watch your language!"
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I agree with tempest & V-man.
In some servers "salut" is filtered. hsauhsauhsuahsa
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I can imagine.
salut //UGH soo many ways to spell slut
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Or the horrible english student.
salut //UGH, so many people complaining about laggers!

BTW, never block "Lag". Castiel did that on his servers, and I got warned.
Quote:Flag Right --->>>
Watch your language!
Flag Right --->>>
Watch your language!
Flag Right --->>>
Watch your language!
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