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[Now improved] Could somebody rate my mapmodel?
Hey Guys,
I posted a mapmodel on akimbo.in, but I got no feedback.
I'm not very happy with my animation, so could somebody give me a feedback? (Yes, I'm talking to you, slow-old-man :D)
So here is the link: http://www.akimbo.in/files/index.php?act=view&id=882
Thanks in advance: Dementium4ever

EDIT: It's finished(Yeahh)
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Alright, you asked for it ;)

First of: Nice idea :)

- the animation (when the drop gets back up) appears to be a tad to slow, because if you concentrate, you can see it fly back up, so if possible make the step from under the floor up to the shower just one frame or maybe just half a frame (best would be less than that)
- The drop is to clear blue. Water isnt realy blue as you will know ;)
Try to make it a but greenish and maybe halftransparent (idk if thats possible at ac, but if not, just make a brush where every 2. or 3. pixel is selceted and use it to make it look half-transparent-alike)
- The Shower: There are some messed up spaces, you'll see at the picture.
Try to make a seam along the red line, to avoid such seams :)

Also maybe make the neck more round. Maybe 1 to 3 subdivdes more :)

[Image: blablape.jpg]

I hope this is what you wanted ;)

PS. next time you can send me a PM ^^
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Oh yeah, thanks dude :)
Ok, then I'll try to improve it now. I want to name you in the credits, but if you don't wanna see your name in this newbie mod, please tell it me.

Thanks again: Dementium4ever

Edit: No, you can't make them transparent :(. With the "mdlscullface" command, you can just make the black/white faces disappear.
I thought you, as AC-MOD-GOD (:D) know this.
Hmh, are you also making mods for other games?
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(31 May 11, 04:53PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: No, you can't make them transparent :(. With the "mdlscullface" command, you can just make the black/white faces disappear.
I tried another thing as you see here, but the uv, you gave the drop is way to small for it :/
Maybe if you give it a bigger UV like... idk 128x128 (for the drop alone) it would work xD
[Image: blablaz.jpg]
(31 May 11, 04:53PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: I want to name you in the credits
I dont see a reason why you should xD
It's your mod :)

(31 May 11, 04:53PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: Hmh, are you also making mods for other games?
Well... not realy mods.. but... models xD
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Ok, thanks a lot :D
I'll try everything you said :D Hmh, I want to name you because you always help me....

PS: Are you modding for Cube 2?

Edit: If this "transparent" thing works, what about sunrays? :D
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(31 May 11, 05:32PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: Edit: If this "transparent" thing works, what about sunrays? :D
You mean as a mapmodel?
Interesting... maybe if it works :)

(31 May 11, 05:32PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: Hmh, I want to name you because you always help me....
It's still your work ;)

but feel free to do so :)

(31 May 11, 05:32PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: PS: Are you modding for Cube 2?
You mean Sauerbraten?
Nope, I've played it once, but I didnt like it, so I sticked to ac ^^
But I'll give it another try :)
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Mhm, you gotta help me :(
My "mdlcullface" command doesn't work.

Here is the md3.cfg:

md3load tet.md3
md3skin drop tet.png

Could you help me? :D
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Cullface is something completely different, you don't need that.
Just make the drop semi-transparent in the (PNG, you already seem to have that) texture. Now, set mdlalphatest to something like 0.1.
md3load tet.md3
md3skin drop tet.png
mdlalphatest 0.1
AC's documentation leaves out on it, but Sauer has it documented: http://sauerbraten.org/docs/models.html#mdlalphatest
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Yeah, man it works :D :D Thank you!
At the moment, the whole drop is disappearing, but I understood how it works :).
And I made some progress on the mapmodel... For the shower head, I'm using planar instead of sphere-unwrapping now. And raised the poly-count now. It's using 450 Polys a.t.m. I know, it's kinda high for a mapmodel, but it really looks nicer :)

[Image: ucsggryg6tg.jpg]

Argh, the shower head looks like a piece soap :D. I'm working on this....
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Yeah, made some progressive. I'm almost done & I'll post it tommorow :)

But anyway, I just wanted to say that thís "transparent" thing doesn't works... The engine just renders the drop, if you are close enough :(
This means, if you're 2-3 meters away from the drop, you can't see it anymore...
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(02 Jun 11, 11:33PM)Dementium4ever Wrote: This means, if you're 2-3 meters away from the drop, you can't see it anymore...

Maybe at that distance, it's already smaller than a pixel on your screen?
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Yeah, that could be....But I hadn't this problem befor.
If you wanna test it, I can send you the data :)
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Poor weapon model pff like a legacy.
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1. It isn't a weapon model
2. It should look old
3. I'm still a newbie ;)
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I'm speaking about your weaponmodel , not the mapmodel you made.
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Then stay on topic, please.

Dementium: you can upload it somewhere if you want, and I can take a look at it.
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well, vern, I must say that you certainly aren't making yourself look better than you say he is treating you.
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(03 Jun 11, 09:34PM)Lantry Wrote: well, vern, I must say that you certainly aren't making yourself look better than you say he is treating you.

That's right...
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That's vern?
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His post was deleted (not by me) :S
But yes, I'd say it was quite insulting.
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Actually I was talking about .ExodusS*. Whatever.
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Lol, I don't get it. Anyway...
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Nice model
As soon as I find a use for it....;D

@tempest: .ExodusS* made that comment about his weapon model, Lantry says something to vern as if vern had said something offensive but vern's post had been deleted and it looked as if vern was talking through .ExodusS*

How can a rating thread be solved? D:
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Uh, well, I just wanted to know how I could improve this model. I'm finished with it but this damn animation doesn't works >.<
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Yeah, I finished it :D. The animation just works perfectly, and the model looks a lot better :D

(You can download it at the top of this page)
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Internet is working tonight so I decided to download it.
Nice! :D
I could see that being used in the background of some military base map.
Keep it up :)
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Thanks you very much :D
I'm already working on another model ;)
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