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Who here has dial-up and what do people think of it. I mean I think dial-up is crap. What are your thoughts?
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Too many posts about it.
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There aren't any other four words that describe it enough other than, "it just simply sucks". Although I'm starting to get a feeling I am using dial-up myself.
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(03 May 11, 03:14AM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: Although I'm starting to get a feeling I am using dial-up myself.
Monopolies'll do that to you. Sounds like you need some Sherman Act-style trust-bustin.
(sorry, I have AP US History tests this week :\ )

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Who here thinks Xenon is making too many threads? :P
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I agree completely with all of your posts.

(03 May 11, 03:54AM)ShadowFlameZ Wrote: Who here thinks Xenon is making too many threads? :P

Especially this one^
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What can I say. I am AC-friendly.
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Yet AC doesn't seem friendly to you.
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Nyawww, it's ok.
I'll post something ontopic in an offtopic thread.
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Last time I use a dial-up age of empires I was brand new soo yeah I remember the sound of the connection so good, it was innocent times, and the world was different no Facebook no twitter no nothing hahahahaha
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aw man, I remember age of empires. good times, staying home sick from school and playing AOE all day.
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(03 May 11, 06:20AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Yet AC doesn't seem friendly to you.

I don't know about that, he's still better than the majority of players. If it really hated him, I'm sure he'd suck.
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AC isn't just a bunch of computer code.
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It's a living, breathing, being...... o.O
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that has hate for all things Dial-up :O
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I can't try Dial-Up, my mac doesn't have the port xD
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Dial up-$55/Mo.
T00k a year for parents to switch!
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512/128(maybe) ADSL - $40AU
I haven't seen it going above about half of what it's meant to for at least a couple of days now...
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(04 May 11, 10:46PM)Jason Wrote:
(03 May 11, 06:20AM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Yet AC doesn't seem friendly to you.

I don't know about that, he's still better than the majority of players. If it really hated him, I'm sure he'd suck.

AC isn't only about playing skill

why can't people understand this
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because some people dont understand this is a COMMUNITY game and how ur attitude towards others will greatly effect how you are viewed upon by other people....my 2 cents
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AC isn't as dial-up friendly as it used to be.. they don't make upgrade packages for minor ac release. For (or whatever is next) can we have upgrade packages? :D
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(10 May 11, 05:47AM)lucky Wrote: others will greatly effect
Sorry :D
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Now I'm trying too figure out weather I was correct or not...
Your making me think hear!
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Dial-up is a crime against humanity
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Dial up?
"I open up the internet, with ma 56Kaaaaaaaaaay modem speed n'nah!"

But yes, i think its shocking that people still pay to have it in this day and age. should be iradicated from teh internets.
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i wish but for some reason...in some certain areas in the U.S. probably not more larger than 1/2 a mile..there is no Hi-speed available...and i happen to reside in one of those areas...FML
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I feel your pain.
"Cable to the left of me, ADSL2+ to my right, here I am, stuck in the middle without 2 :("
That was truly terrible.
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@Myke: I was doing my best to resist posting that for a third time.
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y u no stop discussing this?!
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