02 May 11, 07:01PM
Who here has dial-up and what do people think of it. I mean I think dial-up is crap. What are your thoughts?
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02 May 11, 07:01PM
Who here has dial-up and what do people think of it. I mean I think dial-up is crap. What are your thoughts?
03 May 11, 02:43AM
Too many posts about it.
There aren't any other four words that describe it enough other than, "it just simply sucks". Although I'm starting to get a feeling I am using dial-up myself.
03 May 11, 03:21AM
03 May 11, 03:54AM
Who here thinks Xenon is making too many threads? :P
03 May 11, 04:56AM
03 May 11, 06:19AM
What can I say. I am AC-friendly.
03 May 11, 06:20AM
Yet AC doesn't seem friendly to you.
03 May 11, 08:46AM
Nyawww, it's ok.
I'll post something ontopic in an offtopic thread. I have 512kb down ADSL and you know what it does? BUGGER-ALL! BLOODY ARGHGHGHGHGHGGRRRRRRRANGRY MIGHT AS WELL BE DIAL-UP! STUPID RIDICULOUS INTERNET BEING RIDICULOUS! D:< [/rant]
03 May 11, 08:58AM
Last time I use a dial-up age of empires I was brand new soo yeah I remember the sound of the connection so good, it was innocent times, and the world was different no Facebook no twitter no nothing hahahahaha
03 May 11, 09:54PM
aw man, I remember age of empires. good times, staying home sick from school and playing AOE all day.
04 May 11, 10:46PM
05 May 11, 12:43AM
AC isn't just a bunch of computer code.
05 May 11, 01:26AM
It's a living, breathing, being...... o.O
05 May 11, 02:06AM
that has hate for all things Dial-up :O
05 May 11, 05:58AM
I can't try Dial-Up, my mac doesn't have the port xD
08 May 11, 07:39PM
Dial up-$55/Mo. T00k a year for parents to switch!
09 May 11, 02:35PM
512/128(maybe) ADSL - $40AU
... I haven't seen it going above about half of what it's meant to for at least a couple of days now...
09 May 11, 03:05PM
10 May 11, 05:47AM
because some people dont understand this is a COMMUNITY game and how ur attitude towards others will greatly effect how you are viewed upon by other people....my 2 cents
10 May 11, 07:39AM
AC isn't as dial-up friendly as it used to be.. they don't make upgrade packages for minor ac release. For (or whatever is next) can we have upgrade packages? :D
10 May 11, 08:13AM
10 May 11, 02:33PM
10 May 11, 02:45PM
Now I'm trying too figure out weather I was correct or not... Your making me think hear!
10 May 11, 03:48PM
Dial-up is a crime against humanity
10 May 11, 05:25PM
Dial up?
"I open up the internet, with ma 56Kaaaaaaaaaay modem speed n'nah!" lol. But yes, i think its shocking that people still pay to have it in this day and age. should be iradicated from teh internets.
11 May 11, 07:40AM
i wish but for some reason...in some certain areas in the U.S. probably not more larger than 1/2 a mile..there is no Hi-speed available...and i happen to reside in one of those areas...FML
11 May 11, 08:35AM
I feel your pain.
"Cable to the left of me, ADSL2+ to my right, here I am, stuck in the middle without 2 :(" That was truly terrible.
11 May 11, 02:17PM
@Myke: I was doing my best to resist posting that for a third time.
11 May 11, 06:21PM
y u no stop discussing this?!
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