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Hi! My name is Onus!
Hey! I'd just like to introduce myself...

My name is Onus, which is pronounced (own-us; get it?)
I hail from the sunny state of Florida. Where in Florida you ask? Northern Florida, I shall not reveal my exact location, but in the Jacksonville area and such. I'm currently at the age of 16, and my birthday is coming up; June 2nd.
I'm currently a Junior in High School, I'm trying to pull in some scholarships to make sure I have somewhere to go once I graduate.

...and my actual name is Robert C. No last names for now.

I'm a bit of a grammar whore (you gotta love us.) Although, I might spell one or two things wrong sometimes, if I do, politely correct me.

I've been playing this marvelous game for quite some time, still getting the hang of things and such. I've also been secretly peeping in and out of this forum to check on things, I've finally decided to make an account.

I'm new to this online/computer gaming stuff, but I was always a biggie on PlayStation and Xbox. I currently own both Ps3 and Xbox 360.

I'll see if I can make it into some clans later, for now, I need to work on my reflexes.

Currently, my favorite gun would probably the AR, and SMG (I'll do some sniping sometimes) and my favorite maps would include ac_desert and ac_complex.

I'm a bit familiar with the IRC chat. So if you want to talk face to face, I'm usually idling on Assault Cube's official IRC (starting now)

Remember, I'm still new, so if you can, give me some tips on who to stay away of, and who to approach.

Well, that's all for now, if anything, message or e-mail me!

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I'll gladly welcome you here :) I'm from Lisbon, Portugal, by the way.
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Don't play AssaultCube if you are trying to keep up your grades.

Nah who cares, welcome!
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(26 Apr 11, 09:51PM)Onus Wrote: Currently, my favorite gun would probably the AR, and SMG (I'll do some sniping sometimes) and my favorite maps would include ac_desert and ac_complex

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Welcome to the forums, Onus!

GL, HF, eQ.| is a pretty cool clan and doesn't afraid of anything, all that jazz.

Hope to see you in-game sometime :D
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(26 Apr 11, 10:05PM)titiPT Wrote: I'll gladly welcome you here :) I'm from Lisbon, Portugal, by the way.

Appreciate it man. I was in portugal back in 2007, beautiful place from what I remember.

(26 Apr 11, 10:08PM)Gibstick Wrote: Don't play AssaultCube if you are trying to keep up your grades. Nah who cares, welcome!
Haha, thanks! My grades are fine, I've always been a gamer at heart!

(26 Apr 11, 10:14PM)Duckett Wrote:
(26 Apr 11, 09:51PM)Onus Wrote: Currently, my favorite gun would probably the AR, and SMG (I'll do some sniping sometimes) and my favorite maps would include ac_desert and ac_complex

GG to you?
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Phew, I thought for the moment, your nick said " *nus "
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Hi Onus! Welcome to the AssaultCube Nuthouse! :D

* Andrez is not a nut by the way. u_u
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Haha, why would I think you're a nut Andrez?
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Welcome Onus! Enjoy your stay!
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Welcome to the community! Enjoy your time.
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Going by your avatar...Opera user?
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Welcome, Onus. Pwn us. Hehe, I get it.
Now that you've declared yourself a grammar whore, watch yourself. ;-)
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Nope! I just enjoyed the red "O"
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Aww :( But its Operaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
So yeah anyways, good luck with your Assault Cube future. :D Have fun.
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Heyo Onus.

My name is Ronald_Reagan (at least my screen name), and I run a clan called the Presidential Bodyguards. I live on the west coast, and can see all from my high mountain in Oregon. My name does not rhyme with anus (as someone artfully pointed out), but I like it anyways. Your name reminds me of opus.

I hope you have a good time, and dont fall into the bad group of kids. These kids end up banned.
Here are some examples of these trouble makers:
Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Example 7

Not to scare you, but these users are just spambots :D
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Hey Onus, I hope you enjoy your time here!

Stay away from Feng.
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like 'Anus' but with an 'O'
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lol Boomy.

When you said that you were a grammar freak, I was proofreading your post. Somebody should get their head checked.
Just wondering, do you use a Mac?
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yay, grammer freak?
me to!
Hi 5!
Welcome, do stay :)
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Is there something wrong with my post? Grammar wise...


I did say I was still getting used to everything.
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No, but there was something wrong with my second post. AHUASHUHAUSHUHAUHASUHAS
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Don't mind gibstick Onus. You'll eventually get used to his nonsense! :D
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Grammar whore, eh?
Seems I have competition.
and BTW, RR, nice examples. ;D

Mod edit: Edited for grammar
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(26 Apr 11, 09:51PM)Onus Wrote: I'm a bit familiar with the IRC chat. So if you want to talk face to face, I'm usually idling on Assault Cube's official IRC (starting now)

Didn't anyone else find this a bit funny? HINT: irony
Anyway, welcome to the game! have fun!
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Hola! And welcome to the AC community, please enjoy your stay and please stay away of modded clients, cheaters, spamzors and yes MorganKell when he's drunk.

Happy birthday :)
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Heya Onus :)

(27 Apr 11, 08:51AM)Frogulis Wrote: yay, grammer freak?
me to!

Obviously not a spelling one ;)
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(28 Apr 11, 05:16AM)Lantry Wrote:
(26 Apr 11, 09:51PM)Onus Wrote: ...

Didn't anyone else find this a bit funny? HINT: irony

Yes, I'm sure he is very familiar with internet relay chat chat ahuashuahsuahsuas.
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/join #assaultcubechat?
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