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[split] ImaCripple blacklisting
(01 Apr 11, 07:17AM)Impaktd Wrote: Also, since when are you so ****ing lenient, V-Man?

Ever since I learned to think for myself and break away from the community elite.
Apparently you mean lenient toward the accused here.

1) Undead is whining that he isn't getting the special treatment he used to get -- he got away with a lot of crap in the past. Now that the rules are actually being applied, he's a frickin' weeping martyr. If he could have some decent level of respect for others, he wouldn't have this problem. I was ready to accept him back into the community, but he just can't seem to go very long without trolling, flaming, or misbehaving. It's like he's two people -- casual gaming and making some cool maps one day, throwing a childish temper tantrum or trying to irritate people the next. We don't need the latter half, so he's going to need to figure out how to cure himself of it.

2) It was never okay to sneak into someone else's property and steal information about their private life, let alone make inferences from it. You're operating under the logical fallacy that, if ImaCripple actually cheats, then Undead has done something good by exposing it. No. Two wrongs don't make a right. I don't care what the spyware does, spyware is completely and unequivocally disgusting, unethical, illegal, and deplorable. I hope that crap is taken off the net as quickly as possible. I'd rather he behave than go to jail.

3) When real evidence (not Undead pretending to be Neo) proves something, I'll shout just as loudly as the next Cuber to ban a cheater. In this sense, I am not lenient. I only want justice.
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Talk to him, not to me, buddy.

Also, I didn't say I agreed with Undead's methods. I'm simply relaying a message. Please don't confuse us.

It's your opinion that the ends don't justify the means. I'm staying neutral and keeping to myself on this issue. I'm too busy to care too much about this and spend my time on AC's forums responding to these tropes.
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Offtopic: Neo? The Matrix?
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(01 Apr 11, 07:58AM)eftertanke Wrote: Offtopic: Neo? The Matrix?


I just thought that I'd mention that Crip admitted to having cheats on his PC.
He said that he hadn't downloaded it, but he admitted to having it on his PC.

Also, whatever Undead did, it doesn't make Crip automatically innocent when he admitted to having it on his PC.
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I'm sorry, does it look like I'm defending ImaCripple?
Only inasmuch as real proof of cheating (cheating, as opposed to having a file sitting on your computer) isn't around.

(01 Apr 11, 07:57AM)Impaktd Wrote: Talk to him, not to me, buddy.
I would, but his repetitious invective is not really something I look forward to seeing again soon.

Quote:I'm simply relaying a message. Please don't confuse us.
Wait, so he's the one who said "since when are you so ****ing lenient, V-Man?"

Quote:It's your opinion that the ends don't justify the means. I'm staying neutral and keeping to myself on this issue. I'm too busy to care too much about this and spend my time on AC's forums responding to these tropes.
Real quick though, I must say, I appreciate your level-headed tone. We need more of that.

As for ends justifying means and suchlike, I also believe there are times when the results themselves legitimize the process for getting there. But let's not ignore side effects. If the ends justify the means, then we have to consider all the end results, not just the ones we want.
Nuff said.
Let's play some AC.
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(01 Apr 11, 08:27AM)V-Man Wrote: Let's play some AC.

I will once I can have ACHIEVEMENTS! Lol.
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Oi V-Man, time to give yourself some warning points? :P

THE F***ING RULES Wrote:5. Be civil and show respect to other users on the forums. Keep personal attacks and other types of flaming off of this forum.

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This can go nowhere good.

That said, it's really funny how absolutely nothing about the people in charge here has changed since the TyD forum thing.
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(01 Apr 11, 07:13AM)V-Man Wrote: Can we please go back to the part where people decided that an icon titled ac_client and two Word documents talking about cheat commands is sooooooo solid proof?
Get me a demo where he's cheating, and this crap-stirring dramafest will be over.

F1 !!!
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According to DES|OpenSource you're allowed to solicit, download, even have hacks on your computer. Just as long as you don't use them.

So please, someone give me an aimbot. Because I want to study it... or something. I swear it's not because I suck at TOSOK. I have the screens to prove it.
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(01 Apr 11, 11:58AM)DeadToMe Wrote: According to DES|OpenSource you're allowed to solicit, download, even have hacks on your computer. Just as long as you don't use them.
What i have on my computer is my business.
Maybe the cops business - not AC community.
I use my computer to what ever i want without having to answer to AC community in that way.
Except if use, distribute or promote AC hacks/cheats.

AC has the right to act if i use it, distribute or promote it (of course talking about hacks/cheats here).

Edit: and yes, English is not my language so this is maybe not the right way of saying it but if you use your brain you know what i mean.
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So looks like Undead is trying to be some kind of AC police. Even if ImaCripple had downloaded hacks, I don't think it's still approvable to hack somebody elses computer and see what is he doing with his PC. For me that's pretty illegal.
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I would rather discuss things on my own time (nights, weekends, I'm on EST) on IRC or Steam, rather than the forum if we're to discuss ethics and its applications in AC.

Steam ID: Impakted

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its look like ImaCripple fell into the classic scam of “download this file and you can hax all e-mails you want” and the next thing you know is that you have been hacked lol

ImaCripple lol or like he say lol his little brother o.o

I hope you learn a lesson from this………….

and Undead mang you are crazy but a fun dude o.o how much AC players have fallen into your scam? lols

EDIT: BTW I don`t want to alarm anyone but today when I loggin here in the forum throw me a message that the server was offline and one time when I try to make a reply tries to redirect me to a website hax (black screen with a skull and red bandage if anyone knows) just saying look http://i1184.photobucket.com/albums/z330...rverAC.jpg
the other one (hax site) I don't will put it here
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Ok, let's sum up.

Undead ILLEGALLY gets onto cripple's PC through spyware. Making him disobey laws for which I wish he went to jail.

He gets onto Cripple's computer and finds that Cripple has hacks but doesn't use them. gg. I can have uTorrent without using it.

ImaCripple is 13 or sumthing like that. Kids like him aren't cautious enough.

To sum it up: Undead to jail, Cripple innocent
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(02 Apr 11, 09:30PM)SiL3nT Wrote: To sum it up: Undead to jail, Cripple innocent

Phew, I guess that settles the issue. Well done everyone, very mature discussion as always.
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