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Can anyone host me a server? i cant make my own... i want someone to make me one so i can make maps, and show maps without people coming in and ruining them and voting a different map ect.
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If you want to have your own server to make maps, you can make maps offline or on one of the with Co-Op in their name.

If you want it so that no one can change your map, you can't really stop them (but they aren't supposed to without permission.)

If you want it so that people can ONLY play your map, no one can help you. That's not allowed.
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yeah but still... having my own server would also benefit my clan, |JC|, it would serve as a clan server and a personal server, i also make maps with other people. Im not going to make it so people "ONLY" play on my map, i just would like a server of my own.
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Have you tried reading the docs?

WHat OS are you?
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I wish you could understand why I cringe. at the words "i just would like a server of my own."
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i cant make a server because im not aloud... why do you cringe at the words "Iw would just like a server of my own"
cant a guy want a server for himself and his CLAN??
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Then make your own. No one said you aren't allowed.
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My parents say im not aloud
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Use the public coop servers.
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Then you can't sorry.
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A very famous DES| once had his message that's under his name say "If your parents won't let you make your own server, ... Get new parents" ..... It went something like that.
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lol can we stick to just posting if you can make me a server please?
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No one will, the way you act here is an obvious indication of your admin abilities. Go chill out before hassling people. Also the amount of work that goes into making and maintaining one is huge, and can't be done for someone.
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there are some coop servers ............
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(28 Mar 11, 12:57PM)SovietAk47 Wrote: there are some coop servers ............

He knows. He just wants his own... just because.
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just because.... He's is a big fat fish
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Now hey now!
He's a killer fish.
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