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I apologize to you all
Hi, AC community. Maybe you don't remember who I am. I'm XLK, the leader of the dead team |USU|.
I come here to apologize to you all, I know I've been immature.
I apologize for hacking, for being a total idiot, and to have bothered, annoyed you all.
It has been a long time since I stopped to hack, I mean, just after being blacklisted. I also stopped AC for a while, but now I'm back as BarricadeX75, and I'm learning CubeScript =D.
I don't come here to be de-banned. I just want to apologize to all of those whom I disturbed. I'm really sorry.
I apologize specially to jamz and jiba.
I've turned the page now. XLK is "dead".
Once again, I'm really sorry.
I hope you will understand.
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I'm sorry, but forgiveness is not in TyD's dictionary, read their forums for proof.
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Man... I don't care if anyone forgives me, I just wanted to apologize. I feel better like that, ok ?
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(13 Mar 11, 09:44AM)Prime Wrote: I'm sorry, but forgiveness is not in TyD's dictionary, read their forums for proof.

Did he say TyD?

(13 Mar 11, 09:46AM)BarricadeX75 Wrote: Man... I don't care if anyone forgives me, I just wanted to apologize. I feel better like that, ok ?

I appreciate the apparent sense of honor you show now compared with the lack of honor you showed in the past. :)
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I'm glad you understood, Ronald_Reagan. Thank you.
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Would be more inclined to term people like this "reformed cheaters" over the others people are so quick to apply the term to.

Thanks for showing some honor by being a man about it BarricadeX75.

Edit: No thanks necessary, only pointing out the obvious. :p
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Thanks for your understanding, Bukz.
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Reformed cheaters Woooo! :D

So what about Davitomon TYD.
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(13 Mar 11, 11:40AM)DrauL Wrote: Reformed cheaters Woooo! :D

So what about Davitomon TYD.


That was a good thing to do Barricade... props to you

Most of teh hackers don't do that... it's a shame...

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I think that post shows move from c competition to scripts competition. So hacking continue with smile and apology that he didn't know how it is working here. ;) I think you missed the purpose of his post. :)

It is complex problem, more times raised up here how to solve various settings of AC clients. The factor of the deeper knowledge about the game has too big influence on final score.

Only idiotic hacker would apology, it doesn't make a sense.
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The reasons that led you to hack (CHEAT) may well lead you back to it.
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From every mistake, comes experience. Good thing you learned from your mistakes, mate and I wish you a merry good life :)
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At least you apologized
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Actions speak louder than words. The thing that matters even more than your new promise, is whether or not you keep it.

I hope you will.
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(13 Mar 11, 05:04PM)titiPT Wrote: The reasons that led you to hack (CHEAT) may well lead you back to it.
I don't think you're in my head.

(13 Mar 11, 06:28PM)|BC|Wolf Wrote: From every mistake, comes experience. Good thing you learned from your mistakes, mate and I wish you a merry good life :)
Thank You =)

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Good luck to you in your new, hack free, gameplay :)

Even though I know people don't normally trust "reformed" hackers, but you'll become welcome in time. Trust me, I used to hack, not three months ago I gave it up, I realized that hacking was wrong, and what I was doing to games and other players who were just in for fun was just messed up. So I gave it up and started trying to contribute something positive to a game. And ever since I've been trying to improve AC for the play of the public.
I hope you realized the same :D
(Hope this doesn't change the public opinion of me. . .)
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Hopefully you've never hacked on AC, Mikey :P
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Yeah. They ban people for that when you admit it.
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Or if you've ever been "caught".
And then when a new version comes out, they ban you again because they remembered that you once cheated.
And then when they see you in a different game, they ban you again because they remembered that you once cheated at AssaultCube.
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Oooh V-Man be getting close to that line ;)
Question: Can a mod give warnings to another mod? xD
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@DrauL: Yes
GivenToBukz Wrote:double post (+1)
By Gibstick.
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(14 Mar 11, 08:54AM)DrauL Wrote: Question: Can a mod give warnings to another mod? xD

Only reason I don't have warning points is because I can't warn myself.
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Barricade, how long had you hacked before you gave it up?

I've never hacked AC, one of the reasons I came to AC was to get a fresh start :)

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thanks for saying sorry
but i dont feel any pitty for immature hackers..
tbr smashes hackers for lawls ;)
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Ah okay then Mike, good to know
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i think everyone deserves a second chance lol :D, so have fun and dont hack anymore
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Lets all make the world better!
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I don’t know you BarricadeX75 and don’t know the reason why you cheat but in general I think a ex-cheater also deserves a second chance after a while but only that don’t expect a friendly atmosphere for you, and if you waste that chance then you are done man
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(14 Mar 11, 11:56PM)Ronald_Reagan Wrote: Lets all make the world better!

mods really oughta start being more tough on this. thats the only way it's ever going to get changed.
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