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|-sK-| Silent Killers
Hello AC players,
My name is Kaonic and I inform you I left |DTF| because of some immature acts caused by some people in the clan. I got tired of looking for clans and realized that the most important thing was not:
Skills = The best clan
Members = The best clan
Website = The best clan

Those things separated do not mean anything, therefore I am here to present you Silent Killers founded my Me (Kaonic) and Brionius, where we try and balance all the characteristics possible to reach close to perfection. We are completing tonight 3 days of existence and already have some skilled members in the clan. If you are currently looking for a clan, I suggest you talk to a |-sK-| member to see what we really are.

I will not post more information as we are still getting some things sorted out, we already have 5 servers with an 85~95% average uptime per week. Our members are usually in our 3 public servers, so you can meet them in game and ask for further information.
Well this is just an introduction, I must say a lot of things are coming up ;)
Thanks for your attention,
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what about a site, IRC, Members, and stuff?, anyways GL and HF

* jAcKRoCk* ask if |SK| wasn't allready a clan??
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Sniping Killers. Run my Monas before.. I think by other people now.
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|SK| = Sniping Killing, it is organized by another person.
This is |-sK-| organized by me (Kaonic) and Brionius.

About IRC, website I will be posting more information about that in here soon...
Thanks guys ;)
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Good Luck.
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(16 Feb 11, 06:08AM)DrauL Wrote: Sniping Killers. Run my Monas before.. I think by other people now.


founded by Monas run by Monas+others...
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Yeah, I'm not sure if you can claim a tag like that if there is another clan almost exactly the same?
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They can...
Its just frowned upon. Its up there with LyD and that other similar tag clan...
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was up Kaonic

good for you that finally decided make your own clan cause you really like to play often AC, I expect to see more great maps from your new clan (you have to teach me some day lol)

well cya in the game you |-sK| guys for give a couple of matchs in custom maps

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Hey guys,
Im back here to tell you about our IRC: "ac-silentkillers", which is going to start being frequented by all of our members, in case you have anything to ask.
Our website is nearly done, http://ac-silentkillers.webs.com

Hope you enjoy it,
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If you were too lazy to go to the site and were wondering, it's #ac-silentkillers on quakenet.
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Thats why I am your fan Gibstick =D.
Thanks I forgot to post IRC.
See you in-game guys ;)
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(17 Feb 11, 01:23AM)Faron8 Wrote:
(16 Feb 11, 06:08AM)DrauL Wrote: Sniping Killers. Run my Monas before.. I think by other people now.


founded by Monas run by Monas+others...

I always thought slayer360 founded it :S
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(06 Mar 11, 02:49AM)Hellspell Wrote:
(17 Feb 11, 01:23AM)Faron8 Wrote:
(16 Feb 11, 06:08AM)DrauL Wrote: Sniping Killers. Run my Monas before.. I think by other people now.


founded by Monas run by Monas+others...

I always thought slayer360 founded it :S

him too but he quit a long time ago
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I think he got banned for hacking, which was a shame cause he was a nice guy
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Thanks for the info Ronald_Reagan. i will put everything in this post so that i will not "double post" in the other topic.

like i said before (regarding to |FOX| clan crisis), as long as they don't use |SK| tag, using Sniping Killers as their clan name or copying our forum, we are totally cool with that.

Good luck with |-sK-| gkaonicx72
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