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I need a home =/
I moved out of my house and i need a home. JKJKJK
Im only 15

But on topic i haven't had a clan in a while and i want a clan so anyone intrested? Recruiting.
websites are welcome.
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You should take a look at this thread here
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actually, iC is still listed on that thread. XD I oughta fix that.
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Lantry, get on IRC, we need to talk about your testing
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Neon I suggest you try a clan fit for your skill level a.k.a {TBR}, =SA=, or maybe even back to |W$N|. But feel free to make your own choice.
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|FOX| is currently Open to experienced players. We keep an uptight on our rules to expect an active clan. We are very friendly. Chat with us on our home page at acfox.webs.com
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Visit us @ www.fel-clan.tk :D feel free to look around and say hi if you want to.
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You could always try legacy. I'm sure your copy topic skills will be welcome by tag-evader central. :D
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Take a look @ the list.
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Masters of Ceremony!!
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Ok! :)
Find one.
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(03 Mar 11, 06:27PM)MorganKell Wrote: You could always try legacy. I'm sure your copy topic skills will be welcome by tag-evader central. :D

ty bbz 4 reppin' us 2k11.
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Neon,keep ur force for live,not for pc dude ae!
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