25 Dec 10, 08:08PM
I was wondering if there is a way to run more then 1 server in a mac.
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Running multiple servers on a mac?
25 Dec 10, 08:08PM
I was wondering if there is a way to run more then 1 server in a mac.
25 Dec 10, 08:54PM
As long as your connection supports it. You must set new ports (-f) and forward them accordingly.
25 Dec 10, 09:27PM
25 Dec 10, 09:56PM
-fPORT Sets the server base port to PORT. An AC server always uses 2 UDP ports: PORT & PORT+1. The default ports are 28763 and 28764. You need to use different ports, if you want to run several servers on the same machine (with one IP address). For example, use -f28765 for a second server.
Remember to open the new ports in your router.
no, fox_ares actually has a point (for once): mac servers are launched via an application. mac only allows you to launch one application of a type at a time, so on mac, you can only allow run one server at a time WITH THE AC APPLICATION. if you can figure out how to launch it via terminal, then you can run as many servers as your connection can hold. i will post a tutorial in the wiki soon.
26 Dec 10, 03:05AM
Just double click the icon again... Works perfectly for me!
I will try that Reagon, and Merry Christmas to yall! =D
ya that didnt work...
You'll probably have to launch it from the terminal, and none of us know how wahnfred would know.
26 Dec 10, 11:23PM
I have been looking into how to do this, and cocoa has been going over my head.
26 Dec 10, 11:35PM
open /path/to/assaultcube_server.sh (or whatever mac's use for their sh/bat files)
to open AC in terminal:
[SELECT ALL] Code: open -a assaultcube.app
27 Dec 10, 12:54PM
I have gotten a little farther with my muddling
[SELECT ALL] Code: /1.1/AssaultCube.app/Contents/gamedata/assaultcube.app/Contents/MacOS/assaultcube -d error: [SELECT ALL] Code: could not read config file 'config/maprot.cfg' gn (25 Dec 10, 09:56PM)DES|OpenSource Wrote: -fPORT Sets the server base port to PORT. An AC server always uses 2 UDP ports: PORT & PORT+1. The default ports are 28763 and 28764. You need to use different ports, if you want to run several servers on the same machine (with one IP address). For example, use -f28765 for a second server.do we forward the same ports...? to get 2 launchers, you can launch the [SELECT ALL] Code: launcher
28 Dec 10, 04:56PM
If you dont use -f you need to forward 28763 UDP and 28764 UDP.
If you use -f28555 you need to forward 28555 UDP and 28556 UDP. Then you have one server using 28763 and 28764 and the other using 28555 and 28556.
29 Dec 10, 10:36PM
yes, you make 2 launchers, launch the first one, and in the second launcher somewhere in the advanced options u can put:
[SELECT ALL] Code: -f28555
04 Jan 11, 01:19AM
hehe. guess this was answered before i could edit the wiki xD gg all hahaha
04 Jan 11, 01:50AM
Reagon told me how to do it, by duplication ac and then keep opening windows. Thanks Reagon! =D
05 Jan 11, 03:24PM
thats what i said...
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