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Wiki Clan List
Wiki Clan List Rules: (Must Read)
- Your clan must submit all of the required data below.
- Your clan must have existed for more than three months and you must be able to prove this.
- You must be in the clan you are adding.
- If your clan becomes inactive it will be either deleted or moved to the "Retired Clans List" at our disgression.

Provide the required data:
  • Full name of clan:
  • Clan Tag:
  • Date your clan was made (in month/d/y format):
  • Proof of 3 month existence:
  • Website:
  • IRC and network: (Optional)
  • Contact:
  • Screenshot of a 3x3 (or more) clan match:
  • Basic clan info:
  • Founders of your clan (without clantags):
  • Current leaders of your clan (without clantags):
  • Current number of members:

After having been on the list for 3 months - or if you provide enough (whatever that means) edit-material for (non clan related) wiki-pages - you will become elligible to become a wiki-Editor yourself. To get these permissions a clan-leader needs to post the required information (see post-#1 there) into the Wiki Editor application-thread.
Thanks given by:
Full name of clan: Sniping Killers
Clan Tag: |SK|
Date your clan was made: March, 2009
Website: http://skforum.forumotion.com
IRC: (Optional) http://skforum.forumotion.com/irc-h10.htm
Contact: (at the end of index page of SK) or contact admin at: sk-clan@live.com.mx
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:
[Image: rlyiaf.jpg]
[Image: 2nstk0h.jpg]
Basic clan info: the clan was founded by Monas|SK| last year. and now we extended our clan to CombatArms as well.
Thanks given by:
DONE: Sniping Killers
Thanks given by:
thanks BULL3T
Thanks given by:
BULL3T, the demos should be providen too as well.
Thanks given by:
(16 Dec 10, 06:42PM)BunnySoul Wrote: BULL3T, the demos should be providen too as well.

Flowtron and I have spoke about the requirements Bunny and we decided not to provide demos.
We don't post them 2 matches on their wiki anyway. Demo is only needed for proof.
It will be very time consuming to watch everyone's demos.
Thanks given by:
Please delete .cO' from the clan list, we are already death for some months :(
Thanks given by:
.cO' removed from active list, added to retired clan list. You have wiki privileges, don't you? You can edit the clan page http://wiki.cubers.net/action/view/Cube_Ownage, or pm me the stuff you want changed.
Thanks given by:
Full name of clan : Assassinate Millions of Players
Clan Tag : |AMP|
Clan DOB : 9/23/2010
Website : http://ampclanac.webs.com/
Contact : Don't have one yet
3x3 SS : http://img217.imageshack.us/img217/8596/3v3.png
Basic info : Leader/Council (|AMP|Neon |AMP|Xenon (me 3 different names Delfinoe|Amp Tigris|Amp & 3!Ven|Amp), |AMP|Pasta, |AMP|Hades, |AMP|RAMpage, & |AMP|Confuzed) Map making clan

and when the time comes can i be AMPs editor??
Thanks given by:
We aren't just a map making clan were also a fighting clan but we make great maps to, I'm the leader/founder you can contact me at croftmattb@aol.com
Thanks given by:
(19 Dec 10, 07:54AM)TigrisWarrior Wrote: and when the time comes can i be AMPs editor??
Yes after 3 months of your clan being added to the "Wiki Clan List" you can go to Wiki Editor Application thread and request access.

DONE: Assassinate Millions of Players

Thanks given by:
(19 Dec 10, 03:15AM)Gibstick Wrote: .cO' removed from active list, added to retired clan list. You have wiki privileges, don't you? You can edit the clan page http://wiki.cubers.net/action/view/Cube_Ownage, or pm me the stuff you want changed.

Yes i have privileges, and i will use them soon to edit this page.
Thanks given by:
•Full name of clan: World United Team
•Clan Tag: \WuT/
•Date your clan was made: 10th of February 2009 - 10.30 am
•Website: http://wut-team.1fr1.net
•IRC: (Optional): http://wut-team.1fr1.net/Chat-WuT-h3.htm
•Contact: wut.ac.team@gmail.com
•Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: [Image: preuve12.jpg]
•Basic clan info: Internationnal clan - 30 members - High level of mapping and moding
Thanks given by:
DONE: World United Team

Luc@s asked me to do IAF's wiki page as he already had the wiki page but had no information in it.
DONE: International Assault Force
Thanks given by:
• Full name of clan: Emissaries of Destruction "Emisarios de la Destrucción"
• Clan Tag: [ED]
• Date your clan was made: In early 2002
• Website: http://clan-ed.com/
• IRC: none
• Contact: dade@stalkerhispano.com
• Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: http://i601.photobucket.com/albums/tt91/...1289772222
• Basic clan info: An old Spanish and Latin Clan of 8 years, Founded by Dade Commanded in AC by Me, we play 6 games more besides AC, more tan 250 Members and almost 30 playing AC for 2 months, 3 Servers and a Clan List here in the Ladders: http://ladder.tearyoudown.com/clanwar/cl...h=a&year=a
• Our Old Logo: http://www.imagechile.net/img/Logo_ED_ac958613.JPG
more info for the wiki page like history and more, I will send you later by mp
Thanks given by:
DONE: Emissaries of Destruction
Thanks given by:
# Full name of clan: Bad Meets Evil
# Clan Tag: |BME|
# Date your clan was made: 4th of July 2010
# Website: www.BadMeetsEvil.tk
# IRC: (Optional) #BadMeetsEvil @ Gamesurge
# Contact: Website or IRC
# Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=105&u=15461182
# Basic clan info: The clan has reborn on 4th July 2010 by Infern0 ..
Thanks given by:
DONE: Bad Meets Evil
Thanks given by:
* Full name of clan: Fuerza Elite Latina
* Clan Tag: ~FEL~
* Date your clan was made: 28 - Jun - 2010
* Website: www.fel-clan.tk
* IRC: (Optional): #fel-clan @freenode.net
* Contact: jackerocker (at) hotmail (dot) com
* Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: This works????

* Basic clan info:
We are a latin clan, formed from ex members of T$R and some new recruits, we decided to be a clan that only accepts great players, and needs a little bit of skills and time to get in, we are not the best that has been on this earth but we are trying hard to get there


Azimov, Leoi, Chachan, OutOfAmmo, Ceotz, jAcKRoCk*


Mod edit: Image replaced with link, because it was taking so long to load each time.
Thanks given by:
DONE: Fuerza Elite Latina
Thanks given by:
# Full name of clan: dVotion. Multi Gaming
# Clan Tag: dV.
# Date your clan was made: December 2010
# Website: http://www.dVotion.tk/
# IRC: (Optional) QuakeNet #dvotion (Application build-in website)
# Contact: IRC, Mumble, Forum
# Contact: Website or IRC
# Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:
# Basic clan info:
Please go to http://www.dvotion.tk/ and you will see the about section over there!

EDIT: Excuse me, i posted a wrong screenshot first. Now its the correct one!
Thanks given by:
clan name: The Blood Rising
tag: {TBR}
date of creation: February 2010
website: tbr-clan.tk
irc: Gamesurge #TheBloodRising
contact: website, irc
screenshot: http://thebloodrising.niceboards.net/t413-tbr-vs-urs
Thanks given by:
DONE: DVotion. Multi Gaming
DONE: The Blood Rising
Thanks given by:
*Full name of clan: [FREAK] Team de Barrés
*Clan Tag: [FREAK]
*Date your clan was made: 29/08/2010
*Website: http://freak.forum-pro.fr
*Contact: Forum or Skype ( haed17 )
*Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: http://nsa20.casimages.com/img/2010/12/2...693554.jpg
*Basic clan info: This clan has been made by three cousins ( Kles, Eclipse & Sonic3D ) and is a clan for guys who like having FUN with friends...
Thanks given by:
Full name of clan: Down To F*ck
Clan Tag: |DTF|
Date your clan was made: September 2010
Website: downtofuck.webs.com
IRC: (Optional)
Contact: website ^
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:
Basic clan info: Created by TeD, with dedicated members from around the world.
Thanks given by:
DONE - Down To F*ck
DONE - Team de Barrés
Thanks given by:
# Full name of clan: Fox
# Clan Tag: |FOX|
# Date your clan was made: October 2010
# Website: acfox.webs.com
# IRC: N/A
# Contact: acxraydog@gmail.com
# Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: http://i53.tinypic.com/abpkys.jpg
# Basic clan info: Currently owned by |FOX|X-Ray_Dog, we continue to show surprises with maps and sneak attacks.
Thanks given by:
Full name of clan: Over Clan
Clan Tag:{Over}
Date your clan was made: 30/07/2010
Website: www.overclan.webs.com
IRC: (Optional)
Contact: overclan2010@live.com
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match:[Image: photo?photoid=106530776]
( http://overclan.webs.com/apps/photos/pho...=106530776 )
Basic clan info:
Original-Português: Criado por Black,o clan Over é um dos clans mais organizados do AC.
Trabalha sob um sistema de Hierarquias como um exército.
O Clan Over investe em seus membros,treinando-os e ajudando em qualquer situação.
O Clan tem servers próprios e mapas criados também.
A Over Clan preza pelo bom convivio com os demais clans e possuí vários amigos no jogo.
A Over joga com a Tag {Over} e tem em vista vários projetos como uma acadêmia para novos jogadores de AC.
Over está a crescendo mais a cada dia e se tornando um forte clan.

Translate to English:
Created by Black Over the clan is one of the most organized clans of the AC.
It works under a system of hierarchies like an army.
The Clan Over invests in its members, training them and helping in any situation.
The Clan has its own servers and maps created too.
Over The Clan values the good relationship with other clans and have owned several friends in the game.
Over play with the Tag {Over} and seeks to various projects as an academy for new players of AC.
Over is growing more every day and become a strong clan.

Logo of Clan Over:[Image: photo?photoid=110321173]
( http://overclan.webs.com/apps/photos/pho...=110321173 )

I have the name of a clan that is retired in AC. If they can put it in the list of clans retired I would be grateful.

Full name of clan: Xurupita Cube
Clan Tag: {X, C}
Date your guild was made: 2008
Website: www.xurupitacube.webs.com
IRC: (Optional)
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: I do not have images of this clan against others, but I will send some that I found on the site.: [Image: photo?photoid=64225773]
( http://xurupitacube.webs.com/apps/photos...d=64225773 )
[Image: photo?photoid=63368443]
Basic clan info:
Xurupita Cube was created in 2008 with the intention of being a clan for the amusement of its members.
Although it was a clan of friends took a stronger power.
After being known any better and its members, the clan has gone through drastic changes, and their leader had to be away leaving the group in the hands of their sub-leaders.
After a while the clan eventually disappearing.
Although not widely known today XC clan was a group that welcomed its members and created strong bonds of friendships.
--Retired Clan

Original Portugês: Olá.
Tenho o nome de um clan que já se aposentou no AC. Se puderem colocar ele na lista de clans aposentados eu ficaria agradecido.
Full name of clan: Xurupita Cube
Clan Tag: {X,C}
Date your clan was made: 2008
Website: www.xurupitacube.webs.com
IRC: (Optional)
Screenshot of a 3x3 clan match: Não possuo imagens desse clan contra outros,mas vou enviar algumas que achei no site.
Basic clan info:
Xurupita Cube foi criado em 2008 com a intenção de ser um clan para a diversão de seus membros.
Embora fosse um clan de amigos conseguiu um forte poder.
Após ser conhecido e seus membros ficarem melhores,o clan passou por drásticas mudanças,e seu lider precisou se ausentar deixando o grupo nas mãos dos seus sub-lideres.
Após algum tempo o clan acabou desaparecendo.
Embora não muito conhecido atualmente o clan X.C foi um grupo que acolhia seus membros e criava laços de amizades fortes.

--Clan Aposentado

-Obrigado por adiciona-lo na lista de aposentados.
-Thanks for adding it to the list of clans retired.
Thanks given by:
Hey all, I am just here to let you all know that I will not be as active as I was as I am starting new courses and won't be home as much. If there is anyone that can take over this role that knows what there doing and has Wiki Editor Privileges that would fine.

Sorry guys, I will see you ingame sometimes.
Thanks given by:
I will try to take over some.

Partially DONE - {Over}
I requested more information.
Thanks given by:
