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Poll: Should Douze Be a Clan Match Map
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Yes :)
17 36.17%
30 63.83%
Total 47 vote(s) 100%
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Hmmmm, I went to play a clanmatch with lucky today (not naming the clan) and we decided to choose ac_douze. They refused to play and said choose a dif map because apparently it is not allowed for clan matches????

Like honestly, one (the other dude was ok) kept bitching and moaning saying that he did not want to play that. What I am trying to say is basiclly what he did was want a clan match, then when we picked a match said no to refuse that map.

3 of us got pissed off abviously and he just literally said no to playing douze. True it might be a cube map but the way I read it it ***AC****_douze???

So my question, even though douze is not the best CTF/DM map is it legal to be used in clan matches?????
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The map is just a square. I know many people who refuse to play it, with the addition of the carbine its a funny map to play ctf on

Yes its an official map.
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as a first rule: there is no organized competition in AC, all clan wars played outside of competition have no rules to how they are played out besides the servers which they are playing in.

however, me and my best friend bullet tried to play lucky and xenon today in a clan match. they immediately voted ac_douze ctf. they received a swift no and whinged at us for about 5 minutes. when trying to explain to them that we do not wish to play on a map which isn't really fun in ctf (its fucking small and shaped like a square, and meant for the original cube) they just brick-walled and responded with "its official lolOOlolOl0olo0 play or i go". instead of picking something else they just ragequit it.

if there was an organized ctf competition however, i highly doubt that ac_douze would be in the allowed maps for play.

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(18 Nov 10, 09:26AM)Undead Wrote: as a first rule: there is no organized competition in AC, all clan wars played outside of competition have no rules to how they are played out besides the servers which they are playing in.

however, me and my best friend bullet tried to play lucky and xenon today in a clan match. they immediately voted ac_douze ctf. they received a swift no and whinged at us for about 5 minutes. when trying to explain to them that we do not wish to play on a map which isn't really fun in ctf (its fucking small and shaped like a square, and meant for the original cube) they just brick-walled and responded with "its official lolOOlolOl0olo0 play or i go". instead of picking something else they just ragequit it.

if there was an organized ctf competition however, i highly doubt that ac_douze would be in the allowed maps for play.

I assumed this involved Undead
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I think it's a terrible map for AC.
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douze is not a good map for anything but 1v1's, not even.
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Ok true it is not the best map but someone can not just refuse to play a map we have chosen. It is like me going awwww I don't feel like this map and mode so play another. Youse were the ones complaining because youse refused to play a map/mode we voted for.
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(18 Nov 10, 01:00PM)usesnipez Wrote: ...someone can not just refuse to play a map we have chosen.
Hmm. Not true.
They are human beings with free will. They can play as they wish, just as you can. In your opinion they are noobs for refusing; in their opinion, you are noobs for picking it.
As Undead pointed out, there are no rules for 'friendly' (out of competition) clan matches. If you can't agree with each other, don't play. If other clans choose not to play with Undead and BULL3T because of this, so be it. If other clans choose not to play with you because of this, so be it. IMO the poll is useless. Even if 99% vote for one option, there's still nothing to say the 1% is wrong; without rules, it's entirely subjective.

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omfg i never knew that carl was undead

if i had known that i never would have even played with that person since i dont like him
btw i never rage quit i specifaclly told you that it was midnight and i had to go to sleep cuz i had to get up at 4 am and you were the one whining at me to stay and when the problems started i left cuz there wasnt going to be a match

Thank you Have a Nice Day
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Quote:I assumed this involved Undead

Haha, true that.

The thing is, because there are no rules, people may choose what they like. If you don't want to play it, simply forfeit that map and go on the the tie breaker.
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RK and KU$H have tried to play TOSOK ac_douze with me and I refuse every time. Frankly, I think it's a ridiculous pick; it's a wide-open map with little opportunity for strategy. I refuse it for the same reason I refuse to play TwinTowers and Ezjemville. All of these maps have limited cover and excess open space. The only mode I might play on ac_douze for a clan match is TDM.

I was made to play TOSOK ac_keller once. I won't play such a mismatched, boring combo again.

Lastly this is mostly a matter between the clans that played and the rules of clan matches are made up as they go to make sure the games are fun for all.
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(18 Nov 10, 03:30PM)lucky Wrote: omfg i never knew that carl was undead

if i had known that i never would have even played with that person since i dont like him
btw i never rage quit i specifaclly told you that it was midnight and i had to go to sleep cuz i had to get up at 4 am and you were the one whining at me to stay and when the problems started i left cuz there wasnt going to be a match

Thank you Have a Nice Day
you have used capitals on words thank, have, nice and day
now why is that?

* yata lol's and writes luckys reason for ragequiting down in 'ragequiting for dummies'
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lucky, I seriously doubt you were playing ac when the carglass thing went down. If you were, you would know it wasn't undead. Also, if you don't play clan matches with someone that someone else has issues with then I guess you couldn't have clan matches with anyone. We all make enemies, one way or another. However not liking someone out of principle because is a depressing way to live life. Perhaps when you get a little more experience you will see that and perhaps that douze isn't a respectable map.
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I don't do clan matches these days but when I did I'm pretty sure I went along with what ever the other clan wanted out of respect, and that they would also put up with playing what ever map/mode my clan picked.
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Forum Rules
5. Be civil and show respect to other users on the forums. Keep personal attacks and other types of flaming off of this forum.

Please read and follow the rules.
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First step - 1 team chooses, both teams play.
Second step - Repeat step 1, but the other team chooses now,
Third step - Tie breaker, if needed.

Follow the rules, don't whine.
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(18 Nov 10, 10:37PM)titiPT Wrote: First step - 1 team chooses, both teams play.
Second step - Repeat step 1, but the other team chooses now,
Third step - Tie breaker, if needed.

Follow the rules, don't whine.

There are no rules this is just common practice. We don't play any map/mode that is picked.
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(18 Nov 10, 10:37PM)titiPT Wrote: First step - 1 team chooses, both teams play.
Second step - Repeat step 1, but the other team chooses now,
Third step - Tie breaker, if needed.

Follow the rules, don't whine.

There aren't really any OFFICIAL rules. However that is the point yes, and if one team doesn't want to play the map, give the default win to them, and proceed to the last map. The issue is deciding a tiebreaking map ;P

I always say CTF Depot/Outpost.

Very nice fair maps :)

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IMO the CTF and other teamspawns should be removed, like it was in 1.0. It's a fun (but very luckbased) map for FFA and 1:1 games of all sorts, even KTF, but for anything teambased it's just ridiculous and unplayable.
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(18 Nov 10, 10:37PM)titiPT Wrote: First step - 1 team chooses, both teams play.
Second step - Repeat step 1, but the other team chooses now,
Third step - Tie breaker, if needed.

Follow the rules, don't whine.
They're not really rules, they're just guidelines. Kinda like picking officials only, playing 2 games and a third for a tiebreaker if necessary, or letting the clan that was asked for a match to pick first... they're not actual rules as such, just guidelines.
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There is unwritten rule: you can choose whatever mode and whatever ac_ official map and your opponent should take it. Such bullshits as "i don't think this map is good for a match" in the middle of match seems me unfair and i would never play with you next time.

Of course you can persuade opponents that their choice isn't good but they can change it or not, it is their free choice.

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So your saying any match that has "ac_" is official?
I don't think so as someone can make a map and save its name as "ac_whatever" and vote it.
You can only vote those maps on the official list that Douze is on although I really think it should be removed, maybe not removed but removed from the CTF part as there is a really silly tactic to or have more of an advantage to win that game.

Anyone I am not pointing this post at anyone as I prefer not to argue or make enemys, I'm just putting my opinion out there. I just think the map is to open & small to play CTF.
Maybe I am not used to anyone voting douze CTF because on 1.0 you couldnt.
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@Bullet ofc only official list, no ac_yourmap :P it happens me only once that 2 guys wanted to play the match on ezjemvill after they terrible lost in ac_mines :P

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(18 Nov 10, 10:05PM)Thorite Wrote: I don't do clan matches these days but when I did I'm pretty sure I went along with what ever the other clan wanted out of respect, and that they would also put up with playing what ever map/mode my clan picked.

Exactly. I always assumed that was the unspoken rule. I think the team that doesn't like the pick simply doesn't play and avoids playing with that team again, as it's not really fair to demand they pick another.
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The quality of ac_douze is not the point. Thorite gladly accepted a laggy match on ac_douze. You play what they want or you don't play, because it isn't a tournament or anything highly organized.
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thorite: because now, instead of noob clans picking ezjemvill tosok for clan matches they choose ac_douze ctf.
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I also always thought it was a unspoken rule. If one team is "noob" enough to pick a certain map, then you could probably win it. If you dont, its your turn to pick next time. I find its just basic CM-etiquette.
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i only play clan matches on any map on the official maps list which i see douze their so clase closed and thk you undead for calling us a noob clan........
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(19 Nov 10, 09:05AM)lucky Wrote: i only play clan matches on any map on the official maps list which i see douze their so clase closed and thk you undead for calling us a noob clan........
If you refuse to play a game just because the map is not in the officials list, you're (IN MY OPINION) doing more or less the same as they just did to you.
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u herd him thk jmm

clase closed
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