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Me can't see :(
I can adjust the slider/give command /gamma....but my gamma doesn't change in game. I have purged udev/xorg of any default power management bs, no dice (don't worry I reinstalled ;) ). Installed newest X and Intel drivers from repos...still no. I compiled the newest drivers from Intel source, X ppa, and newest kernel to support, still no. I have temporarily added a parallel bash script to change xgamma on startup, but this can be buggy and sometimes when I quit the game I have to restart X....sometimes (rarely) I have to reboot altogether.
I thought this may be a driver-specific problem, i.e because I am running an (almost) bleeding edge craptop with integrated graphics right now (Intel 915GM ). But I have run other distros that I played AC in and had no trouble with gamma control on this comp..(slax, WindozeXp, FreeDOS via VM, Gentoo) But Suse, Ubuntu, Fedora, Mint, Deb 5.0 ..(all Debian based except Suse...hmm), have all given me this trouble lately. I run everything pretty much bare minimum, 800x600, texreduce-1...etc..etc....( I get 60/65 fps with a little tweak here and there ;) ) I am kind of an amateur Linux geek, but this befuddles me :( . Any suggestions?
Besides the obvious "play on a different computer" lol.

(X11 1:7.5+5; Udev; Linux i686; rv: Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) netbook ed. with gnome env., xserver-xorg-video-i740
kernel- 2.6.32-25-generic

$ xrandr
Screen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1280 x 800, maximum 4096 x 4096
VGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
LVDS1 connected 1280x800+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 289mm x 21mm
1280x800 60.1*+
1024x768 60.0
800x600 60.3 56.2
640x480 59.9
TV1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)

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I have had some issues with gamma settings since I installed 1.1 03. It defaults to minimun level every time I start the game. Using the slider doesn't work and if I type anything below /gamma 300 nothing changes.

I work around this by doing the following:

However if I type 300 or above it works and then after that I can then set it to something more reasonable like 150-200 range.
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(17 Oct 10, 12:12AM)jiba Wrote: I work around this by doing the following:

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I had no intention of explaining why it behaves like that (I don't lose any sleep no knowing why), I wouldn't have a clue. Just thought there might be a chance it might work for someone else.

Another odd randum observation is when I turn the volume up, the Guns menu appears and when I turn it down it switches the edit mode on??????
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//All round gamma fix script
startgamma = [gamma 300]
wantgamma = [gamma xXx] //change xXx to the gamma of your choice.
fixgamma = [startgamma; wantgamma]
oldgam = [echo $gamma]
resgam = [
gamma 30
gamma $conline
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noble effort surely....but does nothing for me at all..
I am assuming that the new Intel drivers don't support it..Idk why.....
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Damn, sorry Boom.
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Thanks for that little script. I had written the gamma setting into the autoexec.cfg which fixed my issue and has made it stable. In the past (all versions of ac) whenever I have minimised ac and then restored it, the gamma setting is always reset. But with your script I can go to my desktop and quite happily return to ac with my gamma setting intact.
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(17 Oct 10, 07:29PM)jiba Wrote: Thanks for that little script. I had written the gamma setting into the autoexec.cfg which fixed my issue and has made it stable. In the past (all versions of ac) whenever I have minimised ac and then restored it, the gamma setting is always reset. But with your script I can go to my desktop and quite happily return to ac with my gamma setting intact.

You could use /fullscreenscript also. By the way, does any of you know how to disable the so called windows key on windows? It keeps minimising ac, therefore, resetting gamma :\

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SKB: KeyTweak. Use "Full Teach Mode", press the Windows key, then press what you want to remap it to, unfortunately this applies for the whole system. For start menu press Ctrl+Esc (won't work with start menu shortcuts such as Windows+R)
Edit: Forget about that, use winkill.
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:( .. I guess I am stuck with my trusty ole #!/bin/bash script....Oh well, gonna be back on MY machine soon...(I just have to get used to using a mouse again :p )
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Special keys that act as shortcuts to different functions of the OS don't have the same extended meaning to AssaultCube; AC senses them as "B" or "E" pressed at the same time as some other button.
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