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Bind Hax Jump
Ive heard conflicting reports about this issue so I just want to clarify.

Is using the bind hax jump in pubs inters tournaments etc ok?

And if not why? The code is accessible to anyone willing to look for it so it is fair.
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I think the use of it is generally frowned upon but since there really arent any admins to enforce anything idk. Personally I think it should be ok.
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(02 Sep 16, 04:11AM)Homelessman123 Wrote: Is using the bind hax jump in pubs inters tournaments etc ok?

And if not why? The code is accessible to anyone willing to look for it so it is fair.

It's not ok, but some people uses it, imo it's obvious cheating.

Wallhack and other shit is also accessible for any1 who will search for it :] Hax bind is just a first step.
Thanks given by: 1Cap , |HP| , Mise"
hax jump change maps experience and modify the game, so its not allow

-"The code is accessible to anyone willing to look for it so it is fair."
-"Wallhack and other shit is also accessible for any1 who will search for it "
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(02 Sep 16, 07:17AM)1Cap Wrote: hax jump change maps experience and modify the game, so its not allow

Hax jump is allowed.

Not many people will notice if you use the bind or not anyway.

As for aiming, it's easier to use an aimbot than to learn how to aim for 3 years.

There are no rules that prevent from using it in pub/inters, but if there is a clear rule in a tournament and you get caught, you might be in trouble :)
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I wouldn't waste much time on training how to use hax jumps - with bind or without. It's been fixed in the dev version a year ago.
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maybe the new release then? until some guys still playing this game, later it would be useless
Thanks given by: Marti , |HP| , Mise"

I think theyre fixing the last bugs?
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(02 Sep 16, 08:32AM)Million Wrote: Not many people will notice if you use the bind or not anyway.

lol ok
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using the bind jump isnt cheating, its just a keybind. whether or not the people you play with dislike the bind jump and will tell you to stop using it is different thing but you arent breaking any "general" rules by using it

(02 Sep 16, 10:07AM)stef Wrote: I wouldn't waste much time on training how to use hax jumps - with bind or without. It's been fixed in the dev version a year ago.

actually we should use it as much as possible and enjoy whats good before its gone
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I think this case should be banned inters and tournaments for players like me who does not use this shit be harmed!
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@grazy @subjective @dncpussios
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(08 Oct 16, 01:18PM)-Bernatix. Wrote: I think this case should be banned inters and tournaments for players like me who does not use this shit be harmed!

or just use it and stop complaining. change yourself, not everyone else
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(08 Oct 16, 01:43PM)Mise Wrote: @grazy @subjective @dncpussios

Said the guy who showed me his recoil-hack lol
Thanks given by: BaDMonkey , +f0r3v3r+
This is not to complain, I just think unfair. And let it will become a real mess, nextyou'll Put "Aimbot" and will say it's normal!
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no, its not unfair. its a feature of the game that anyone can use. most can smoke cigarettes without it leading to crack cocaine. most can use the bindjump without it leading to aimbotting
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i disagree, its a poor mans cheat because it gives a great advantage .. if you hax jump w/o bind, fair enough

anyone could have used the sniper/pistol switch script too
Thanks given by: gy_be , +f0r3v3r+ , D3M0NW0LF
Does Viper even play ac?
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(08 Oct 16, 05:32PM)Robtics Wrote: i disagree, its a poor mans cheat because it gives a great advantage .. if you hax jump w/o bind, fair enough

anyone could have used the sniper/pistol switch script too

great advantage over who? anyone can use the bind. players using a mouse have a great advantage over players using trackpads. are they cheating? and how can you think hax jump without bind is "fair enough" then? its the same advantage

(08 Oct 16, 06:49PM)Marti Wrote: Does Viper even play ac?

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anyone can download aimbots too,  but it kills the fun
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Does the hax-jump bind even work anymore? I tried it once in an empty server when it was a new thing and it never worked.
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(08 Oct 16, 07:51PM)Robtics Wrote: anyone can download aimbots too,  but it kills the fun

This pretty much sums it up
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(08 Oct 16, 02:12PM)Graziano Wrote:
(08 Oct 16, 01:43PM)Mise Wrote: @grazy @subjective @dncpussios

Said the guy who showed me his recoil-hack lol

Are you that gullible of me holding my aim? Bahaha you're a bigger retard then I can imagine - next time I'll show you how to jump with just space bar and shift ;)
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Nice try viper, but no.

Why would we consider your opinion on the matter if you dont play? The ones that play the game should have a bigger voice than the ones not playing since they have to deal with this shit.

Genuine question but you cant even answer. I know enough
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what do you mean "no"? it doesnt matter if i play the game every day or never played it, my argument is still a valid argument. if a murderer says "murder is bad" hes correct, even if it might seem hypocritical. do you understand this? do you know enough about anything? why dont you use your big voice to say what you think about the subject instead of writing useless things? genuine questions
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Dude it has been a disadvantage for me that does not use this kind of thing, especially in "clanmatch" !
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then use it too and the disadvantage is gone
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(09 Oct 16, 11:08AM)Mise Wrote: ....

Whoah someone is salty :P
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i'm glad that its fixed in the next release :) and until then i'll try my best to own unskilled binders anyways
Thanks given by: D3M0NW0LF
(09 Oct 16, 02:58PM)Viper Wrote: then use it too and the disadvantage is gone

It's hard to do. I think that's the point of whoever said something about you not playing. You don't know how hard it is to do. Like literally, I can do it one time out of ten tries. So yes, the person binding it has a distinct advantage.
I say we make it part of the game tbh. But make the time between keys more so that it is actually possible to do it most of the time. It's no different in theory than rifle jump except it gives the advantage of aim and not having to wait for an other shot or reload.
It's fun when everyone can jump in and out of windows and such. Adds another dimension to the game for me.

I would say make it easier to do without the bind. Then the purists can do it however they want. Then make the server recognize and not allow the bind. Surely this is possible.

(02 Sep 16, 10:07AM)stef Wrote: I wouldn't waste much time on training how to use hax jumps - with bind or without. It's been fixed in the dev version a year ago.
Or leave the bind. Either way, make the time between the keys more. I don't agree with taking it out of AC altogether. And I don't recall there being a vote or anything. Can the community not be taken into consideration with this decision? I realize it was a bug to begin with, but I think it's a neat new element of the game. I don't use it because of the controversy, but I would like to.

Side-thought: I've also been wanting to ask if it's possible to add the three jump slide from Urban Terror. Would be fun :D
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