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Is there any interest in ACWC this year?
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Don't ask, just do it and people will come.
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(01 Jun 15, 07:10PM)Million Wrote: just do it and people will come.

This. If you're worried about a low turnout you could run it as a 2v2 tournament instead of 3v3, that'd probably see some more teams register.
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2v2 ACWC!
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[Image: WHqVvXF.jpg]
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A-C-W-C!!!!! #NLfor2015winner
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Yea, like somehow those random North African dudes never fail to show up for it
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hmm. I have a hell lag and I'm not a skillful player.. hmm naa. I pass. :D
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that is your 'prediction' or the result. haha

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What is blatter?

MPx, if you don't play, then those are the only two argentina players I know left. Unless.... is LeaN~ argentinian?
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Blatter is the corrupt FIFA boss
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yeah, Lean is Argentinian but as Hernan he don't seem very active, idk.
the other one is gabybaires.

How about per zones? The americas: north,south. Europe and so on.?
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(01 Jun 15, 10:06PM)MPx Wrote: hmm. I have a hell lag and I'm not a skillful player.. hmm naa. I pass. :D
Nope, you're perfect for the job.

Can we host it on these forums again this year?
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ACWC will be nice :)
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(01 Jun 15, 10:20PM)MPx Wrote: How about per zones? The americas: north,south. Europe and so on.?

lol, so only 2-3 out of the 30-40 active european players get to participate? that'll certainly help activity... :/
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2vs2 would work

and who deleted my post? it had an element of truth to it.
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let's do it.
What do we need?
Who wants and can work in it?

I can help.
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I can help / play.
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I need referees,
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I can ref
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(02 Jun 15, 06:10PM)Mousikos Wrote: I need referees,

Are you going to organize it? I can help you setting up the rules and everything. Of course, I can ref too.

anybody else would like to organize it? vanquish maybe?
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Not sure I will have the time, and others have expressed interest in organising it, so I'll let them go ahead with it.

I recently got a fiber internet connection though so I'd be available to stream games and provide VODs if anyone would be interested. I did a stream test run with Larry today covering a few 1v1 games, connection seemed to hold up pretty well. Nothing is by any means "finished" in terms of my stream though, this is my first time ever using OBS so everything I did was something I learnt.


Undead vs Lozi - http://www.twitch.tv/vanqu1sh_/c/6781099
Undead vs RayDen - http://www.twitch.tv/vanqu1sh_/c/6781116
Sveark vs Undead - http://www.twitch.tv/vanqu1sh_/c/6781116

Suggestions/feedback already fixed for next time:

- volume inequality between casters
- gamma not high enough on gothic
- texreduce preferred for streams

If you have any more, please let me know since I'll be available to cover all games this year.
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I'll help with the casting
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Alright. I'll get a forum up later.
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Just use this one everyone is too lazy to sign up somewhere else
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I'm not able to do that right now. >.>
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Some kind mod will do it if you ask :P
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I can help ref
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(02 Jun 15, 08:43PM)Million Wrote: Some kind mod will do it if you ask :P

We'll see.
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