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Same Issue 4 Years Ago
H'Okay, so I had this problem with and with Ubuntu 11.04. I run server_wizard.sh through Terminal and I get the following error:
ryard@MechInteg-GS1000:~$ sudo /home/ryard/AssaultCube_v1.2.0.2/server_wizard.sh[sudo] password for ryard:
/home/ryard/AssaultCube_v1.2.0.2/server_wizard.sh: 1: /home/ryard/AssaultCube_v1.2.0.2/server_wizard.sh: !/bin/sh: not found
/home/ryard/AssaultCube_v1.2.0.2/server_wizard.sh: 2: /home/ryard/AssaultCube_v1.2.0.2/server_wizard.sh: ./server.sh: not found
chmod: cannot access ‘server_autogenerated.sh’: No such file or directory

So yeah. I found some old posts from ages ago on UbuntuForums which had no replies, and I can't seem to find anything here or on Google. I have no clue what to do, and all of the "tutorials" and "help" files do not tell you how to make a file, they just tell you what you can put in it. Any help is appreciated. I don't want people to post "Same issue" or "Yeh I have the same problem" kind of stuff. Another thing is if someone could post their server_autoconfigured.sh and I could mod it . Help.
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Do not use the server wizard. It's crap.
Also, you can't use the server from the deb package: you have to use the tar version.

Read the documentation, configure your own servercommandline.txt and start the server with server.sh.
Also, you need to change the working directory to the directory, where server.sh is.

Your posted commandline suggests, that you try to run the server as root. Why would you want to do that? There is absolutely no reason to do that!
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Yeah - root WILL NOT help you, if anything it could open the door for vulnerabilities.

And you will need to make sure the script has permission to execute, but never should it need to be run as a privileged user...

Also - instead of trying to use the script generated with the wizard, do like stef said and have a look at servercmdline.txt (in the AssaultCube_v1.2.0.2/config/ directory) - It has all of the options there, ready to edit or append.

As for the Documentation - every one of the options in servercmdline.txt is detailed here:

Look at the section titled "Arguments for the AssaultCube server"

Also note that you are starting the shell scripts improperly anyway...
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Thanks, but I'm still kinda stupid and can't figure anything out >.< Can you provide me with a basic server sh? Just one that loads the server.cfg (Which I think I figured out) and the maprot (Which I have down)? Also, I found out part of the problem (I think). The server I want it in my home dir but the installation is in /usr/share/games, however I still get this:
ryard@MechInteg-GS1000:~$ sudo bash /usr/share/games/assaultcube/server_wizard.sh
/usr/share/games/assaultcube/server_wizard.sh: line 2: ./server.sh: No such file or directory
chmod: cannot access ‘server_autogenerated.sh’: No such file or directory
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Pls play on the existing servers. Thx.
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What is that even supposed to mean?
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(01 Mar 15, 10:06PM)ZS/Horse Wrote: I'm still kinda stupid and can't figure anything out
You apparently didn't read the first two responses, so there's no reason to believe, you'll read the third batch of hints that anyone gives you.

Thing is: "running a server" isn't just getting the binary to run. You'd have to actively administer and maintain it. You need to read the logs, keep white- and blacklists up-to-date and respond to players who spotted cheaters on your server. Among many other things.

If you already fail to read the few lines of documentation to get it running, there is absolutely no chance, that you'll be able to run the server properly afterwards.

Just as a reminder - to get a basic server running, you just need to unpack and start it. You failed to manage even that, so, do yourself (and all of us) a favour and play on the existing servers. We have quite a few of them...
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Okay, so first of all, I got all of the files sorted out in the last 15 minutes, I actually read the documentation. I have all of the necessary files. What do you mean, "unpack" What is there to unpack? I have the linux_server, server.sh, server_autoconfigured.sh, serverpswd.cfg, servercmdline.txt, and maprot.cfg. The only thing that is preventing me from running this stupid f*cking server (I'm sorry, I'm pissed that 1. it's not working and 2. The slander response you gave me) is the fact that it keeps telling me I need to install some stupid libraries to compile the source or some sh*t. SO think before you make a post like that and read the entire thread.
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(01 Mar 15, 11:48PM)ZS/Horse Wrote: I need to install some stupid libraries to compile the source or some sh*t.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential
wget zlib.tar.gz http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
tar -zxvf zlib.tar.gz (then configure it)

wham bam thankyou mam
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I apologise for my irritance however I've been trying to figure this out for ages and I haven't. What I usually do is I wait before I'm completely out of ideas before making an account or posting. I have searched these forums and Google and UbuntuForums for this answer.
Oh, and by the way, 
 yard@MechInteg-GS1000:~$ wget zlib.tar.gz http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
--2015-03-01 18:14:15-- http://zlib.tar.gz/
Resolving zlib.tar.gz (zlib.tar.gz)... failed: Name or service not known.
wget: unable to resolve host address ‘zlib.tar.gz’
--2015-03-01 18:14:15-- http://zlib.net/zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz
Resolving zlib.net (zlib.net)...
Connecting to zlib.net (zlib.net)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 571091 (558K) [application/x-gzip]
Saving to: ‘zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz.2’
100%[======================================>] 571,091 859KB/s in 0.6s
2015-03-01 18:14:16 (859 KB/s) - ‘zlib-1.2.8.tar.gz.2’ saved [571091/571091]
FINISHED --2015-03-01 18:14:16--
Total wall clock time: 1.0s
Downloaded: 1 files, 558K in 0.6s (859 KB/s)
ryard@MechInteg-GS1000:~$ tar -zxvf zlib.tar.gz
tar (child): zlib.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
tar (child): Error is not recoverable: exiting now
tar: Child returned status 2
tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
Wait I think I got it

You forgot the -1.2.8 in the tarball
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(01 Mar 15, 11:48PM)ZS/Horse Wrote: it keeps telling me I need to install some stupid libraries to compile the source or some sh*t.
That is just because you didn't read the first response in this thread. I won't write it again.
(01 Mar 15, 11:48PM)ZS/Horse Wrote: SO think before you make a post like that and read the entire thread.
Go on :D
See where it get's you...

Edit: stop fullquoting the post right before yours. Everyone here knows, how a forum works.
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And I tried Vanquish's commands and I still get 
ryard@MechInteg-GS1000:~$ cd /usr/share/games/assaultcube/source/src

ryard@MechInteg-GS1000:/usr/share/games/assaultcube/source/src$ sudo make server_install
[sudo] password for ryard: 
make -C ../enet all
make[1]: Entering directory '/usr/share/games/assaultcube/source/enet'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory '/usr/share/games/assaultcube/source/enet'
clang++ -O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -fsigned-char -DSTANDALONE -I. -Ibot -I../enet/include -c -o crypto-standalone.o crypto.cpp
make: clang++: Command not found
Makefile:136: recipe for target 'crypto-standalone.o' failed
make: *** [crypto-standalone.o] Error 127
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(02 Mar 15, 12:13AM)ZS/Horse Wrote: You forgot the -1.2.8 in the tarball

yep, sorry, I'm insanely tired atm and posting from my phone, was kinda obvious what I meant to write though. Did you test compile and is it working ok now?

EDIT: ok, I'm not really familiar with older versions of ubuntu but I believe that on pre-14.04 versions, the package you need is just called "clang", although if that doesn't work try "clang-3.x", replacing x with the sub-version you want. Also you didn't test compile with zlib...

cd into your zlib directory, then type:

./configure; make test
sudo make install

and if everything ran okay then you're good to go. sorry this post is messy, as previously mentioned I'm on a phone.
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(02 Mar 15, 12:21AM)Vanquish Wrote:
(02 Mar 15, 12:13AM)ZS/Horse Wrote: You forgot the -1.2.8 in the tarball
yep, sorry, I'm insanely tired atm and posting from my phone, was kinda obvious what I meant to write though. Did you test compile and is it working ok now?It reads fine but I think my config is messed up.
It runs, but I have to do my config files over. I needed a reboot, too.
Thanks! :)
And you're tired? Try not sleeping for 4 days because of real insomnia.
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(02 Mar 15, 12:27AM)ZS/Horse Wrote: It runs, but I have to do my config files over. I needed a reboot, too.
Thanks! :)

Yeah sorry, I should've mentioned that a reboot is required. Glad you got it working anyhow!

EDIT: Bruh I've had insomnia in the past. If you ever run into a player named yopa, ask him about the time I stayed up on teamspeak playing minecraft for 44 hours straight because I couldn't sleep. it's a real pain. :(
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1) get the tar package from our download page (as i told you)
2) unpack it somewhere in your home directory (as i told you)
3) "cd" to the directory, you unpacked it to (as i told you)
4) customise it in servercommandline.txt (as i told you)
5) run server.sh (as i told you)
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Yes, sometimes I cannot sleep for four days or more. As of posting I have been up for 72 hours. My current all-time record (It's not something to be proud of) is 11 days and 9 hours and 42 minutes. Are you on Minecraftforums?
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So... did you persist with server or finally get some sleep?
Or you could try this ancient gaming
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(02 Mar 15, 04:46AM)+f0r3v3r+ Wrote: So... did you persist with server or finally get some sleep?
Or you could try this ancient gaming secret
No, I got it working and then took some pills and managed to catch a Z or two. I think it looked like this:
zzzzzzzZ Aaaaaand now I'm awake two hours later. 
So, Now I'm back, get the server working, and master server not replying, go to work, come back, fiddle around with server, Nope. I'm on xfinitywifi, but all ports should already be forwarded. And when I enter the broadcast address, I get an "address unreachable" from Chrome.
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