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Unbreakable's Tourney 2015 - CLA vs RVSF
lol yeah, are you interested?
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Are you serious? Why dont you host it sooner, I mean you created the sub forum and everything :*
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that is the date for mousikos, but for the rest is the item number 8 http://unbreakable-ac.cf/tournament.html
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Well, since I'm not welcome I will not be participating.

* Mousikos shrugs.
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You could just be up front and tell him he is not allowed to participate... no need to add to the confusion.
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I think it was kinda obvious, since he started to bitching around.
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Anybody want a partner? I cook and wash gibby laundry
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(25 Feb 15, 01:20PM)Boomhauer Wrote: Anybody want a partner? I cook and wash gibby laundry

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Anyone looking for a team?
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Hh, me, you, team, now.
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(25 Feb 15, 01:03PM)MPx Wrote: I think it was kinda obvious, since he started to bitching around.

Bitching around? I asked about ping. I must have missed the sign up date so I asked about it
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Can you stop going off topic, thanks!
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Ok grazy xD. Sorry im kinda noob though.
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(25 Feb 15, 01:59PM)Andrej Wrote:
(25 Feb 15, 01:20PM)Boomhauer Wrote: Anybody want a partner? I cook and wash gibby laundry


done. when do we get specifics like dates. I want to make sure I won't be working
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I'm available to team with someone.
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(27 Feb 15, 02:20AM)Flint Wrote: I'm available to team with someone.

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(27 Feb 15, 03:25AM)PhaNtom Wrote:
(27 Feb 15, 02:20AM)Flint Wrote: I'm available to team with someone.
I'd carry third if you Gents are down?
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(26 Feb 15, 12:34PM)Boomhauer Wrote: when do we get specifics like dates. I want to make sure I won't be working

Yeah, do you set a specific date, or do you have like a week in which the game is supposed to be played? I'd like to know if i'm available or not :D
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The tournament won't start until eight teams sign up for it, so it could theoretically happen in a day or a year and we won't know when it's starting until it's about to. unless I'm understanding incorrectly.
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Phantom, Forever, Flint. Sounds like a fun team to me :D
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Has there been a change in the map selection for the finals?
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Thanks for the info, MPx. My team will be signing up soon!
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(28 Feb 15, 07:35PM)Mise Wrote: Has there been a change in the map selection for the finals?
I think It will be ac_hangar18 by EndGame. :)

here: http://ac-akimbo.net/showthread.php?tid=1408
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What do you think about the mixed clan teams? or you want a 'clan war' tournament?
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Accept both clans and mixed teams
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I think mixed teams is an interesting idea.
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Minion made a good point about that on our TS.

Quote:<20:43:15> "[Enamorado de Pizza] Minion": Se supone que en éste tipo de torneos se les da la oportunidad de mezclar a "pro's" con jugadores de nivel medio para ser más parejo. De nada sirver hacer clan war porque hay clanes muy buenos y se haría predesible quién ganaría y quienes no, en cambio, si es mezclado, podríamos llevarnos una sorpresa :D

Quote:<20:43:15> "[Love with Pizza] Minion": It is assumed that this type of tournaments are given the opportunity to mix a "pro's" and mid-level players to be more even. It is useless to make a clan war because there are very good clans and would predesible who would win and who will not, however, if mixed, could bring a surprise :D

IMO, a clan war would be boring.
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I like the idea. I am still waiting for a tournament for noobs like me xD
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If someone need a last player I can play
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