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Assault cube for nintendo 64?
Hi dudes at assault cube, I was wondering if you could make your game for the nintendo 64, i love playing my nintendo 64 cause it's better than any other nintendo every made, this would be so awesome to play with my friends with a remote and the system!

That would be just great. Thanks!!!
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Well.... They say it will run on toasters...
Give it a shot greenman64!

Link us to the rom when you get done!
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I think he's asking somoene else to do it...
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I think forever knows that ;)
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If you can't do it yourself then just play some goldeneye man no-one is going to go to that much effort, that said if someone developed(re-released http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/64DD) hardware that enabled 64's to have online capabilities I reckon that guy would make a lot of money if you marketed it right, there are a lot of people who reckon the 64 was the pinnacle of mankind

"Ura Zelda (裏ゼルダ, literally "Another Zelda") was a Nintendo 64 Disk Drive expansion disk designed for The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. However, due to the failure of the 64DD peripheral, the game was never released." :'(
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(21 Jan 15, 06:33AM)Robtics Wrote: I think forever knows that ;)

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Step 1: Buy the Intel Nuc and needed stuff (such as SSD, ram, power cord, etc)
Step 2: Put the Intel Nuc board in the N64
Step 3: Install Windows/Linux
Step 4: Install an N64 emu and AC
Step 5: PROFIT!!! (You can play AC and N64 games using an Intel Nuc modded into an N64 case to make it look like it's an actual N64
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Step 1: Slap someone
Step 2 : PROFIT
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I'm confused, you say this is an N64, but don't mention the cartridge reader (which I suspect is based on the old ISA bus architecture and would be therefore uncommon to find).

Additionally, N64 never had SSD/HDD storage.

P.S: Why ruin a loved classic?
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Smash your computer in a N64 case and cut and paste the keyboard keys onto a N64 joypad, and there you go!

Let us know!
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N64 is old school. Why are we suggesting Old School when it's not a feasible recommendation? Grow AC first, then bank it good style to a past gaming system. Why is this conversation even happening? Does the dumbfuck who made this thread even understand N64? Let's discuss that topic before we begin to consider a topic like AssaultCube. You fking redic. I get you. I really do. Super Smash. Mario Kart. BADASS GAMES, but AssaultCube really? Like time-out... I honestly need to add another fking RLLY to that one. N64 and AC are old school but n64 isn't relevant today. It's all about "I wank this 'station and I wank that 'station. Welcome to reality. Get N64 to come back on a golden re-release and BOOM!!. There you go. Until then? Quit being a fking duestch and play the fking game.
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I see SOMEONE is drinking again..
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The Pimp-Hand of Justice disagrees with your tone.
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idk why you would want to port AC to the N64 when there's a perfectly good goldeneye
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(04 Feb 15, 11:07AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: idk why you would want to port AC to the N64 when there's a perfectly good goldeneye

True.. I wish they would release that on Steam.
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(04 Feb 15, 08:39PM)MykeGregory Wrote:
(04 Feb 15, 11:07AM)RandumKiwi Wrote: idk why you would want to port AC to the N64 when there's a perfectly good goldeneye

True.. I wish they would release that on Steam.

Me too (now that steam runs on Linux)
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I'm assuming this is some sort of an insinuation to the one thread about AC on android ..
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I wish AssaultCube is on Steam :(
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I'm actually interested to give the porting a go (with a huge cut off the actual features) I LOVE to mess with embedded systems/hardware but I might need $upport to buy a flashcart to try it on the actual hardware (I already own a N64). I'll see if I can use an emulator in the meantime (which I doubt since most emulators don't emulate the Reality Coprocessor altought I might be wrong on this).
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Well I tried it and actually can get something to be drawn on the emulator screen (as I don't have the flashcart yet to play on the n64 hardware) nonetheless although a small step its quite a significant one, but hey I'm not done yet :D
Here is an screenshot:
and the rom which can be played with the mess emulator (or in the n64 if you have the flashcart):
Edit: Yes, it's AC 0.90
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(05 Mar 15, 12:37AM)Bugboy1028 Wrote: I wish AssaultCube is on Steam :(
Me too! :-(
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If it ever happened how much money would it dissolve???
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If you are referring to my post:
Initially $200 usd for the flashcart (electricity bill and more importantly man workforce and time runs on my account)
Next step in my .plan is to load an ac map and display it (which in itself is comprised of plenty of other things and requires several other steps and problems to solve in order to accomplish said step :D).
This is the flashcart: http://64drive.retroactive.be/

Otherwise if you mean for Steam then I don't know, I suppose if AC goes Steam it would be free and remain open source I guess.
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$200? That's kind of expensive.
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That is some awesome research into the 64; I was talking about steam though. Steam may attract a few more players, but I found this game a few years ago looking for f2p games. Still worth a shot though(for free :) )
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I'd give anything to see a AC cartridge lol
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I haven't abandoned this project at all and in fact I've made a significant progress as I now able to render a full colored triangle in software mode (rendering by hardware is complicated at the time as there are not enough documentation). However this research into the Nintendo 64 has led me to another things, that is, making my own software renderer.
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